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Army Thread MOnday 26th August

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    Army Thread MOnday 26th August

    Goooooooooooooood morning, Army

    WTF happened to the weekend? I blinked and it was Monday :upset:

    Reccie: your puppy is adorable. I think you're going to love the whole experience, despite the chewed shoes, puddles and poops to be taken care of.

    Good luck for the week, everyone. And remember: no embuggerances allowed!
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009

    Army Thread MOnday 26th August

    Good morning MrT and all who call in :hallo:

    Sorry MrT but I already have an embuggerance:upset: Discovered me gas boiler thingy is dripping rusty coloured water! Not an expert at all but one does think that aint normal!! Have to go to me work so have left instructions with the bro to try get a plumber or summat out to look at it. Feckin bank holiday here too so dunno if will be even able to get one- ah well!!

    Where's me coffee?!

    Reccie- thinking of ya :l

    Happy Monday all


      Army Thread MOnday 26th August

      Morning Mr T

      It's still weekend here - I believe it's a bank holiday.

      Heading out for a run in a minute and then I have to get online and order a few things the puppy will need.



        Army Thread MOnday 26th August

        Morning peapie

        That's shite about the boiler. You could have done without it being a bank holiday, I know, but at least it's not the middle of winter. Hope your brother can manage to get hold of a plumber.


          Army Thread MOnday 26th August

          Hey Reccie Hope you're feeling a little better today?:l The wee dog is soooo adorable- have ye thought of any names?

          Re the boiler- Tis typical that these things seem to happen on holidays! It don't seem to be affecting the hot water so at least I got me shower!

          Away for me second coffee :hallo:


            Army Thread MOnday 26th August

            Good morning Tips, Reccie and Sweetie

            Sorry about the boiler Do you have any plumber friends? Or insurance??

            No embuggerance here Tips, just the sound of a hoover pushed around by number 3 daughter.

            Reccie I hope you are OK?? I love your dog:h

            No running or exercise today just having a lazy day.


              Army Thread MOnday 26th August

              Ah...that's not so bad if you've still got hot water peapie. Hope it stays that way. Need to have a bath myself in a mo. I do have a few ideas for names, but I haven't thought hard enough about it yet. I'll have to put me thinking cap on and have one of JC's big thinks!


                Army Thread MOnday 26th August

                Morning whizzy

                I'm fine today, thanks.

                Very impressive mileage you've clocked up the last few days. Think you deserve a rest.


                  Army Thread MOnday 26th August

                  Glad you've got hot water Sweetpea, my boiler stopped working few weeks ago and would be the day I really, really needed to wash my hair.

                  Hope everyone has a good day.
                  I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                  Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                  AF date 22/07/13


                    Army Thread MOnday 26th August

                    Recluse;1548312 wrote: Ah...that's not so bad if you've still got hot water peapie. Hope it stays that way. Need to have a bath myself in a mo. I do have a few ideas for names, but I haven't thought hard enough about it yet. I'll have to put me thinking cap on and have one of JC's big thinks!
                    Morning to all!

                    Reccie, there were some names suggested in yesterday's thread, plus lots of love thrown your way, in yesterday's thread.

                    No bank holiday here, unfortunately. Next Monday is Labor Day but I'm traveling for work, so no day off for me. I'll try to take it the following week.
                    Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                      Army Thread MOnday 26th August

                      morning all, just spent a wonderful night in my own bed in my own room - which is now at the wifes! suddenly got round to moving my furniture yesterday afternoon so now I have a proper, permanent room - great to wake up to. last week at work this week, getting prepared for the move and working on summer project so very busy, but very happy. 8 days AF today, finally starting to get into the rhythm of things/not think about al all the time.

                      hope everybody is well, sorry to hear about your boiler sweetpea - sounds like a right pain the bum. n enjoy your run Reccy, hope you're well and getting excited about the pup enjoy your relaxing day mrs.A and morning to siren, tips and youkaybee - have a great day off those who have it!

                      I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                      To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                        Army Thread MOnday 26th August

                        Good morning Tipperooo, Sweetypea, Reccybear, Our Whizzy, YouKBee, Crikey Siren, Incheroo and where the feck is Molls.

                        Had to bring the pup photo over from yesterday. She's adorable. To help with the name because collies are so quick and intelligent they need a quick short name.

                        Recluse;1548026 wrote:
                        Puddles, I know a plumber who doesn't charge a call out fee. Wonder if he'd pop over to yours.

                        And do you know Reccy, for some reason I can completely understand why you drank yesterday (although I wish you hadn't). Prolly something to do with the adrenalin rush.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Army Thread MOnday 26th August

                          Siren136;1548349 wrote: Morning to all!

                          Reccie, there were some names suggested in yesterday's thread, plus lots of love thrown your way, in yesterday's thread.
                          Morning siren - I did read back on yesterday's thread - sorry, I should have commented. Thanks folks for the many name suggestions - the serious ones and the not-so-serious ones! One of satzy's suggestions (molly) is on my shortlist which I'm working on at the mo. Speaking of molly, where is she? And thanks too for all the love that was thrown my way :l - not that I deserved it under the circumstances.

                          InChains;1548351 wrote:
                          morning all, just spent a wonderful night in my own bed in my own room - which is now at the wifes! suddenly got round to moving my furniture yesterday afternoon so now I have a proper, permanent room - great to wake up to. last week at work this week, getting prepared for the move and working on summer project so very busy, but very happy. 8 days AF today, finally starting to get into the rhythm of things/not think about al all the time.

                          hope everybody is well, sorry to hear about your boiler sweetpea - sounds like a right pain the bum. n enjoy your run Reccy, hope you're well and getting excited about the pup enjoy your relaxing day mrs.A and morning to siren, tips and youkaybee - have a great day off those who have it!

                          It's brilliant that you've got a room of your own inchy - I hope you enjoy it. Must've been tough without one. Busy is good - you'll have less time to think about AL - the devil makes work for idle hands and all that, well he does in my case anyway.

                          Morning UKbee


                            Army Thread MOnday 26th August

                            JackieClaire;1548357 wrote: Good morning Tipperooo, Sweetypea, Reccybear, Our Whizzy, YouKBee, Crikey Siren, Incheroo and where the feck is Molls.

                            Had to bring the pup photo over from yesterday. She's adorable. To help with the name because collies are so quick and intelligent they need a quick short name.

                            Puddles, I know a plumber who doesn't charge a call out fee. Wonder if he'd pop over to yours.

                            And do you know Reccy, for some reason I can completely understand why you drank yesterday (although I wish you hadn't). Prolly something to do with the adrenalin rush.
                            Morning Jackie

                            Yep, I agree with you about the name - no more than 2 syllables, I think, and it needs to roll off the tongue easily.

                            Re the drinking - there was too much going on in my head and so many emotions and it was a horrible journey (I'm not looking forward one little bit to having to do it again on Thursday) - the whole thing was a bit too much for me with the inevitable result.

                            How did the BBQ go yesterday? Have you managed to clear up yet or is it an ongoing process?

                            Getting a bit worried about molls actually - hope nothing's wrong.


                              Army Thread MOnday 26th August

                              She'll prolly poke her head in later, we're having a bit of a text fest at the mo.

                              Mr JC does all the clearing up. Part of the deal.

                              BBQ news coming up in a mo.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009

