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Army Thread MOnday 26th August

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    Army Thread MOnday 26th August

    Well I've spent 2 hours in a pub today. I had a coffee and it cost me ?1. It was a charity event, DJ playing some classic rock and I went along to support it. Was very quiet but it got me out, I did think if I had a drink it would make things more interesting, so interesting I'd not be able to get my car out the car park after my ticket expired and I'd have to spend the night in town which could cause other complications. I've not drank alcohol in that particular town for almost 9 months so thought I'd leave it at that.

    I am in a strop today, typical woman, typical wanting other half to mind read a bit, then turning it in onself but still AF so all ok.
    I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

    Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

    AF date 22/07/13


      Army Thread MOnday 26th August

      Ukblonde;1548497 wrote: Satz:wavin:
      Hi Ms Kaybee
      Whatya up to ?
      Where is everyone ??


        Army Thread MOnday 26th August

        Ukblonde;1548499 wrote: Well I've spent 2 hours in a pub today. I had a coffee and it cost me ?1. It was a charity event, DJ playing some classic rock and I went along to support it. Was very quiet but it got me out, I did think if I had a drink it would make things more interesting, so interesting I'd not be able to get my car out the car park after my ticket expired and I'd have to spend the night in town which could cause other complications. I've not drank alcohol in that particular town for almost 9 months so thought I'd leave it at that.

        I am in a strop today, typical woman, typical wanting other half to mind read a bit, then turning it in onself but still AF so all ok.
        Sorry missed that we'd move to a new page :blush:


          Army Thread MOnday 26th August

          i just turned up but i'm off to unpack more boxes i'm afraid satz, overly enjoying organising my room, my last Tuesday of work tomorrow to look forward to, be wonderful to leave i must say. hope everyone's well
          I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

          To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



            Army Thread MOnday 26th August

            Ukblonde;1548499 wrote:

            I am in a strop today, typical woman, typical wanting other half to mind read a bit, then turning it in onself but still AF so all ok.
            Unnerving to realise we are actually mental UKB - when we can't blame the grog any more for our weirdness :egad:


              Army Thread MOnday 26th August

              satz123;1548514 wrote: LOL:H
              Unnerving to realise we are actually mental UKB - when we can't blame the grog any more for our weirdness :egad:
              That's the problem, peel back the fuzzy stuff and it's all still there to be dealt with.
              I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

              Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

              AF date 22/07/13


                Army Thread MOnday 26th August

                Evening all. I had a nice afternoon with a friend in Bray and now just chilling in front of tv going to watch the 2nd episode of corrie then Ramsey's hotel hell. New series started last week. Starting aqua aerobics class tomorrow at 12 in the local pool. First time in a pool in a couple of years and also doing aqua fit. Thought i'd better get off me ass and do some kind of regular exercise. Nice to start sorting out your bedroom Inchy to put your own touch to it.


                  Army Thread MOnday 26th August

                  OMG! OMG! OMG! Reccy adopted a puppy!!! :yay: Feckin BRILLO!!! Sorry about the stress factor... get yourself ready for the drive Thursday so you don't get taken by surprise.

                  My suggestions for the name of said gorgeous little fluffball... Blue Peter pets - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Petra is nice... ) ) Me very happy for you! :l

                  Jackie... can't believe you had such a bad craving... pure madness. It must have just been the stress of the BBQ. Believe me... I was right there with ya Saturday. I had a sense of humour failure around 6 o clock when they were all fucking around and not coming to the table... GAH!!! And there's still residue shite in the back garden.

                  UKB... really nice to see you posting hon! X

                  And Inchy... ach what can I say... yer sounding great. )

                  Waving at the rest of the gang... apologies as I haven't read back properly.

                  I'm so feckin tired I don't know where to start. I think a long soak in the bath (SPARE bath... bastard shower!) is going to be next on my list. Just finished cleaning the house, only the dishwasher left to empty once it cools. My fridge is chock a block with leftovers and THAT is dinner tonight.

                  The tranny show yesterday was heaps of fun and yer wan indoor's brother had a great weekend. He left to drive home a couple of hours ago with a cooked breakfast in his tummy and a packed lunch in a cooler. )


                    Army Thread MOnday 26th August

                    Evening All!

                    Hope you've all had fun - I'm still catching up on events

                    Thanks for those who have read my various self publicised blogs - sorry I am a bit of a URL hobag

                    I've had a nice day with my daughter, so life is good - now to catch up on my reading.

                    If you can't have one drink, don't have any - My Nan


                      Army Thread MOnday 26th August

                      Evening all,
                      Yep pure fecking madness. Even madder madness is we didn't have any vodka in the house.
                      It's all good now.

                      Lewks like you're back to be the hostess with the mostest, Zennifer, without alcohol this time round. Great isn't it.

                      EW, it's just smashing to see you here. Talk about to Hell and back.

                      Where's our Runners, today. Run orff.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Army Thread MOnday 26th August

                        Thanks JC - great to be here!

                        BBQ went well then?

                        If you can't have one drink, don't have any - My Nan


                          Army Thread MOnday 26th August

                          It did indeed, once everyone had got settled.
                          Shame my daughter was at work, but the son & heir's friends were there in droves. Very, very fond of the lot of them.
                          Just some good food (polishes halo), weather was magic (fleeces not needed 'til 9pm) and some damned good craic.

                          Was zorsted today. Slept in, then had a lovely nanna nap this aftie.

                          Ooh and I'm off work tomorrow.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army Thread MOnday 26th August

                            Very good! Nice job

                            I'm off work tomorrow as well funnily enough

                            Heading to the dentist though as have a tooth that is causing me all sorts of jip - bloody thing.

                            If you can't have one drink, don't have any - My Nan


                              Army Thread MOnday 26th August

                              JackieClaire;1548536 wrote:
                              Lewks like you're back to be the hostess with the mostest, Zennifer, without alcohol this time round. Great isn't it.
                              You brought a tear to me eye there... :l You know me well, don't you?

                              It's been difficult for me to put all the different facets of my fucked-upness back together again and, yep, that is one of them. I hate the fact that I let my life collapse and I LIKED to be the life & soul of the party. It's different now though... I don't feel the need to be in charge or the ring leader... content to let every fucker fend for themselves quite frankly. Liberating... that's the word.

                              :wavin: Yoo Hoooooo EW! X

                              Yeah... where's Reccy? We need to get more puppy info! Beds, blankets, food, dishes..... there's a lot to be done here. ;o)


                                Army Thread MOnday 26th August

                                Hey Zen!

                                Yeah I want more puppy info toooooooooooooo

                                If you can't have one drink, don't have any - My Nan

