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Nutrition and Depression and Alcohol

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    Nutrition and Depression and Alcohol

    Morning all - please pay careful attention to the first type described by the doctor and see if it applies to you.

    In response to all of the issues with depression, I want to provide the excellent excerpt from this

    If you do find that you think you are a high histamine type, you should be using methionine and calcium in specific doses daily to reduce it, as well as reducing the amount of protein in your diet and focusing on fresh veggies and fruits which will also help keep your histamine low.

    Excellent additonal issue that brings in the role of metal overloads in our bodies as well...

    The Birth of Neurotransmitters
    The brain is a chemical factory that constantly produces serotonin, dopamine, and the other dozens of neurotransmitters, which are vital to our existence. The only raw materials for these processes are amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. In a sense, nutrients are the parents of our neurotransmitters. If someone's brain is presented with the wrong array of nutrients, then an abnormal array of neurotransmitters will result. I believe this to be the primary cause of depression and other mental health problems in the world.

    For example, vitamin B-6 is a major co-factor in the synthesis of serotonin. About 25% of the depressives in our database exhibit a striking deficiency of B-6 and report symptoms associated with low serotonin levels. Many of these patients had been helped by prozac, paxil, or zoloft, which are serotonin-enhancing medications. However, after treatment with B-6 and augmenting nutrients, many of these same patients report complete recovery from depression, along with the ability to eliminate the medication.

    Carl Pfeiffer, MD, PhD, once stated that "for every drug that yields a beneficial result, there is a nutrient, which can produce the same effect." We believe that nutrients can have a potent pharmaceutical effect, if used with rifle-shot precision. Nutrient therapy may well become the primary treatment for depression in the next century.

    Chemical Classification of Depression
    The Pfeiffer Treatment Center has amassed a large database of biochemical information for clinical depression, comprised of nearly 100 chemical analyses of blood, urine, and hair tissue for 2,000 depressed persons. We find that most depressed persons have striking nutrient imbalances, which are relatively uncommon in the general population. These imbalances result in significant depletions or overloads of specific nutrients.

    I have found that depression can be divided into five biochemical types: histadelia, histapenia, copper overload, pyroluria, and toxic overload. Each of these imbalances has a unique syndrome of distinctive symptoms together with abnormal chemical levels in blood, urine, and tissues.

    :y 1. Histadelia

    Histadelic depressives have a particular imbalanced amino-acid cycle, which results in low levels of serotonin and elevated histamine. Histadelics often exhibit obsessive-compulsive tendencies, perfectionism, seasonal allergies, easy tears, high libido, and headaches. They have addictive tendencies with a high incidence of alcoholism, drug abuse, anorexia, and bulimia. They often are diagnosed with seasonal affective disorder which is most serious during Fall and Winter. The decisive chemical test for this condition is whole blood histamine. We treat histadelia with a biochemical one-two punch in which (1) calcium is given to release excess histamine from tissues into the bloodstream, and (2) methionine is provided to add a methy group to blood histamine and hasten its exit from the body. With good compliance, improvement is usually noted in 4-8 weeks with about 3-6 months needed to correct this chemical imbalance.

    2. Histapenia

    Histapenic depressives have a low level of histamine in blood and neuronal tissues and are believed to be individuals with high levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine. Common symptoms include high anxiety, academic underachievement, social isolation, food allergies, chemical sensitivities, low libido, dry eyes, and upper-body or head pain. About one-third experience anxiety disorders, panic attacks, or paranoia. Histapenics usually exhibit blood histamine levels below 40 mcg/dL, and react badly to anti-histamines, which naturally reduce their histamine levels even further. Treatment revolves around folic acid, vitamin B-3 (niacin or niacinamide), Vitamin B-12, and a high-protein diet. Gradual improvement usually begins within 2-4 weeks, with several months needed to properly correct this chemical imbalance.

    3. Copper Overload

    Many depressives exhibit elevated copper in blood, hair, and neuronal tissues. This condition is associated with skin sensitivity, tinnitus, childhood hyperactivity, learning disabilities, and intolerance to vitamins containing copper. Females with this condition often have severe pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS), intolerance to estrogen, and a family history of post-partum depression. Key lab tests include serum copper and scalp hair copper. Biochemical treatment involves using zinc, manganese, and cysteine in order to stimulate metallothionein, which is a linear protein that has the job of regulating trace metals (zinc, copper, manganese, etc.) in the body. Vitamins C and E are also useful in hastening the exit of copper from the bloodstream. Care must be taken to avoid excessive copper release from tissues during the first few weeks of treatment, which could result in increased blood copper levels and a temporary worsening of depression. Most patients report little or no progress during the first 3-4 weeks of treatment, with improvement starting in earnest during the 2nd month. This imbalance often takes 3-6 months to satisfactorily resolve.

    4. Pyroluria

    Pyroluric depressives have an inborn error of hemoglobin metabolism that results in a striking double deficiency of B-6 and zinc. Pyrolurics usually exhibit frequent mood swings, inability to tolerate stress, and are often famous for their temper. Common symptoms include sensitivity to light, inability to eat breakfast, poor dream recall, white spots on fingernails, impulsivity, preference for spicy foods, and high anxiety. The decisive lab test is urine kryptopyrroles, with pyrolurics exhibiting 5 to 50 times the normal level. Treatment involves substantial dosages of B-6 and zinc along with augmenting nutrients. Most patients report a calming within 10 days with 1 to 3 months needed to fully correct pyroluric depression.

    5. Toxic Overload

    Excessive levels of lead, cadmium, mercury, and other toxins can result in serious depression. In this case, depression may occur quite suddenly without prior symptoms, and may be accompanied by nausea, abdominal discomfort, bad breath, and reduced concentration. Effective treatment requires (1) preventing additional exposure to the toxic material, and (2) promoting its exit from the body. Treatment varies with the particular toxic involved. Useful nutrients include calcium, zinc, cysteine, manganese, and vitamins B-6, C, and E. Serious toxic exposures require supervision by a physician since overly aggressive treatment could result in kidney damage. Most toxic metals are bone-seekers, which complicates the treatment process. It is relatively easy to clear toxic metals from blood and soft tissues (including the brain), but removing toxic metals from bone is a slow and gradual process at best. Often 6-12 months are needed before blood concentrations become stabilized at a safe level.

    Article from NOHA NEWS, Vol. XXII, No. 2, Spring 1997, pages 2-4.

    Nutrition and Depression and Alcohol

    Hi Cynthia,

    Thank you so much for all the research you are doing. It's helped me a lot and I'm sure it has helped many other people here too.

    I have a question. I know you're not a doctor, but I was wondering if you came across this yourself. I took Phenibut, P5P and L-Tyrosine this morning in addition to my regular supps and I am feeling dizzy and a bit spacey now. I'm kind of bummed out, because I was really hoping to be able to use the Tyrosine to help with my depression.

    Anyway, have you ever experienced the dizziness/spaced out feeling?




      Nutrition and Depression and Alcohol


      I never take the phenibut with can be too potent. Phenibut is a varied form of GABA which crossed the blood brain barrier easier than GABA does.

      I take tyrosine in the morning with the b-vitamins and use the phenibut with the p5p in the afternoon or early evening when I'm feeling stressed.

      Occasionally I'll take one 400 mg Phenibut with 50mg of p5p and a single GABA.

      Hope this helps.:d


        Nutrition and Depression and Alcohol

        Thanks, Cynthia. It's good to know. I won't take them together again -- this feeling is weird!


          Nutrition and Depression and Alcohol

          I'm sure it is. Probably 2 neurotransmitters fighting for dominance at the same time.


            Nutrition and Depression and Alcohol

            Nutrition and Depression and Alcohol

            Thanks Cynthia, that is quite interesting info.


              Nutrition and Depression and Alcohol


              Just wanted to let you know that I skipped the Phenibut this morning and I feel fine. Took the Tyrosine and P5P.




                Nutrition and Depression and Alcohol

                That's great

                Mary, that's great. Let me know how you feel in the evening on just the phenibut and p5p.


                  Nutrition and Depression and Alcohol

                  cv, thanks again for all your help

                  I just wanted to ask you again how much MSM I should try to take as my goal.....I can't get to my EZbox now and didn't print it or anything from my it 2 TBSP/day or 2 X a day.........thanks again!!!!

                  Mary Anne:l


                    Nutrition and Depression and Alcohol


                    Mary Anne, start the msm at 1/4 tsp 2x daily for the first day and then ramp up to 1 tsp 2x daily as long as you don't feel any negative detox effects. You can continue to increase daily up to 2 tbsp or more 2x daily, but you should feel a great relief from your joint pains and muscle pains at that level, maybe before. Just dissolve the crystals in a bit of water in the am and at night and drink it right down! It can have a bitter after taste so you may want to drink some juice afterwards:l

