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Army Thread Saturday 31st August

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    Army Thread Saturday 31st August

    Evening Sweetpea and Darcy. Good luck with the marathon tomorrow. Not much on tv tonight so watching the xfactor. Ate too much chocolate today i'll be sorry tomorrow with a dodgey tum. Another thing to cut down on but wudn't give up entirely need some treats now and then. I find when I am off the drink my sweet tooth increases does anyone else find this? Any way off to bed soon catch you tomorrow.


      Army Thread Saturday 31st August

      RunningCourage;1550514 wrote: Ello Ms Pantalloonies,

      Och today was fine. Me ex-boss was in too. I decided i would not go up to the office and stay down stairs in the arts centre (cos i don't work there, mind!) and so some work... and me ex-boss says, "oh can i come and join you and do some work"... i mean it was ok really, cos she's no longer me boss, but still, ehm, odd... funniest thing was when a dad came over (never spoke to him ever) and he thanks for all the work ive done with his boy and how much his lad's changed for the better and has got from the classes. SOOOO glad me ex-boss was there to hear that.

      How's liff with you there?
      Dunno bout you but methinks when folk make the effort to thank and praise us for the work we've put in, it really helps us feel more worthwhile and makes all the heartache n stress a wee bit more bearable? Yeah, glad yer ex-boss was there to hear it too!!
      I'd imagine it woulda been quite emotional for ya havin to say bye to the wee'uns today:l At least ye can take heart that ye have affected their lives for the better.

      Firefox;1550517 wrote: Evening Sweetpea and Darcy. Good luck with the marathon tomorrow. Not much on tv tonight so watching the xfactor. Ate too much chocolate today i'll be sorry tomorrow with a dodgey tum. Another thing to cut down on but wudn't give up entirely need some treats now and then. I find when I am off the drink my sweet tooth increases does anyone else find this? Any way off to bed soon catch you tomorrow.
      Hey Foxy :hiya: Have defo found a sweet-tooth that never existed prior to quitting, but guess was getting a lot of sugar in the vino-callapso! Have the l-glutamine here to try but always forget to take it! Rarely watch tv, like of x-factor et al. don't appeal to me unless there's someone from home as a contestant or summat.

      Went shopping today- got me a new dress for the wedding- was ?155 down to ?40 so couldn't resist! Course the ol accessories cost more than the dress but no-matter!


        Army Thread Saturday 31st August

        Hi again everybody, funny you should mention the sweet tooth Foxy, today I have eaten carrot cake, ice cream and chocolate (not all in one go) but I never used to eat sweet things, now there's no stopping me.

        Got yourself a good bargain there Sweetpea, enjoy. I'm considering bed since himself has won an auction on Ebay and requires a lift to Hull tomorrow, a mere 90 miles away, so much for the quiet Sumday I had planned.

        There's a distinct nip in the air tonight, must be getting on for September or something
        AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


          Army Thread Saturday 31st August

          Hiya Sylv

          Defo a nip in the air over here Soon be time for me to fish out the hottie bottle!

          Take it those treats ye had were the syn-free version? Feck it life's too short!

          Gonna call it a night now too, nighters and sweet dreams xx


            Army Thread Saturday 31st August

            I'm kinda hoping all the activity helping my son to move yesterday will negate the damage, well I can hope can't I :H

            Really should get myself to bed now because I've got the drive tomorrow which I loathe, particularly when I've no idea where I'm going, using my phone for directions wasn't particularly successful last time but I guess will have to happen again.
            AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:

