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Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

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    Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

    I'm about to glage my way up to the sunny coast till tomorrow. (sadly work not play). Will check in when I get back.

    Be good!!!! :h
    There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
    You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

    I didn't come this far to only come this far.


      Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

      More interviews Glassy? Good luck with them if so.

      Corrie, I was thinking of your "problem" with too much time on your hands - and I dont make light of it at all because for someone who is used to being busy, it could open up a big hole that needs to be filled. Do you have any thoughts on how you want to fill your time?? Old hobbies to be picked up? Things that you've always (or recently) wanted to do? Things that relax you and help you to feel happy?

      And as for my weekend - tomorrow will be spent driving around looking at places to rent with Mr B. As long as all goes well, we will put in an application for the one I looked at a couple of weeks ago that I liked, and which is still on the market (the Universe has been looking out for me on this one :clapping2 We'll probably put in a couple of other applications as well, just to be safe - moving weekend will be Labour weekend, so we need somewhere to move to! After that it is :fingers: that someone likes us and wants us to pay thejm some rent. And hopefully they are also a cat friendly person that it kindly disposed to our bringing Betty and Wookie over as well.

      Driving around looking at houses will mean however that I have to get over my fear of driving in Sydney . So far I have managed to avoid it, apart from driving on really suburban outside of peak hours. Tomorrow I will face my fear head on :H:H..

      Speaking of cars, we've joined GoGet, which is a great little service and completely answers our problem about not wanting to buy a car but knowing that we'll ned one every now and then. And the local GoGEt car (which goes by the name of Miles!!) lives in our street and the City Council kindly provides a dedicated car park for him, so we dont even have any parking worries!!
      Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

      Harriet Beecher Stowe


        Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

        Arvo all ... declaring it POETS.

        Wow Missy - I've never heard of a service like GoGet. That's brilliant. I share your fear about driving in big cities. There's NO WAY I could now drive in Melbourne even, let alone Sidney. Even Reggie's shit grips wouldn't help. I so hope the Universe will provide on the home front. Again, you're due to cash in some Good Karma Reward Points.

        Glassy - can you have a little fun and pretend it isn't work?

        Corrie - I'm with Missy. Boredom is evil. And dangerous.

        Birdy - what a wonderful windfall. You all deserve it.

        Cinders and others who have addressed my health stuff - thank you very much. I'll now shut up about it until all tests are back and we know what we're dealing with.

        Soooooo ... it's nearly 2pm on a wet Friday arvo and I think I'll slip into my brand new, arrived today, yoga singlet and pants. I bought them not to begin the rigorous process of bending myself into pretzel-shaped asanas but because they were 70% off and they make me look hot. Hot, I tell yers. And isn't that what glaging is all about? Can't touch your toes? No worries. Look as though you can.


          Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

          Thanks missy, i know what you mean about boredom. Luckily, i have the arvo filled with an appt, and running an errand for a friend. So i should be ok until 5pm ish. Then it's pasta for early dinner, check in here, maybe watch a movie.

          GoGet sounds like an amazing, innovative little idea missy. How cool. How Sydney.

          Good luck with the interviews glassy, have safe travels.

          Glage away tawny !

          Anyone watching recipe to riches?
          Yesterday i bought last week's smoky sauce and it is very good!


            Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

            Hiya Corrie *** waving***

            There's just another thing I thunked ... I don't really understand why people give themselves a hard time if they haven't been able to achieve the 30/60/90/whatever days. Surely you should give yourself credit for every single day you're off the piss?

            So you get to day 84 (or whatever) and fusk up? So what? You've had 84 (or whatever) sober days and that, in my book, is a totally laudable achievement. So you do it again. And again. Until one day you can't be bothered fusking up your run.

            Must go and take selfies ... thinking about Mr.G's hair remedies for receeding tresses ...


              Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

              Morning Army :wavin:

              How you all doin.....erm....


              Sorry Undies.... thought you were the army there.

              Am lost :H:H


                Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

                Morning RC!

                Hope all's good with you mate.

                Check this out Bird.......Watch 32 discordant metronomes achieve synchrony in a matter of minutes

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

                  That's cute g man.
                  Hi rc, welcome to the OTHER nut house.

                  Thanks for that tawny .


                    Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

                    tawnyfrog;1555676 wrote: Hiya Corrie *** waving***

                    There's just another thing I thunked ... I don't really understand why people give themselves a hard time if they haven't been able to achieve the 30/60/90/whatever days. Surely you should give yourself credit for every single day you're off the piss?

                    So you get to day 84 (or whatever) and fusk up? So what? You've had 84 (or whatever) sober days and that, in my book, is a totally laudable achievement. So you do it again. And again. Until one day you can't be bothered fusking up your run.
                    Brilliant :h this...

                    Hi RC, Mr G and all funky geriatrics :H


                      Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

                      very cool mr G.
                      Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                      Harriet Beecher Stowe


                        Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

                        RunningCourage;1555719 wrote: Morning Army :wavin:

                        How you all doin.....erm....


                        Sorry Undies.... thought you were the army there.

                        Am lost :H:H
                        That's funny:H

                        I used to live near Chester....A MAZ ING place.
                        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                        Rejoined life 20/5/19


                          Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

                          tawnyfrog;1555676 wrote: Hiya Corrie *** waving***

                          There's just another thing I thunked ... I don't really understand why people give themselves a hard time if they haven't been able to achieve the 30/60/90/whatever days. Surely you should give yourself credit for every single day you're off the piss?

                          So you get to day 84 (or whatever) and fusk up? So what? You've had 84 (or whatever) sober days and that, in my book, is a totally laudable achievement. So you do it again. And again. Until one day you can't be bothered fusking up your run.

                          Must go and take selfies ... thinking about Mr.G's hair remedies for receeding tresses ...
                          Look I agree. Not saying give yourself an excuse or anything, but Jesus, better 84 days than F all, right?
                          And your body will damn sure know that you've had 84 days off it.
                          I really desperately wanted to be one of these who makes the decision and never looks back, but it just didn't evolve that way.
                          I know that everyone has a highly individual experience, but I definitely found that banging away at it like water on stone produced results. Each time I fell off the wagon I found that the memory of feeling good was strongly juxtaposed, so it felt ever more ludicrous to drink.

                          Clearly I really need my dinner.....:H
                          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                          Rejoined life 20/5/19


                            Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

                            Hi all
                            Mr. G, I saw that yest on fb...very cool, how about rubber cement for your hairpiece???...Tawny, hope it went well at the bloodsuckers....Glassy, I've never passed 6 months...but armed with antabuse this time...had to put the kids pc in the living room, as eldest spending too much time on it..hated to move it marched in parade yest anbd then I had a wonderful rehearsal with some new game tonight and another parade tomorrow morn..busy busy


                              Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

                              Evening all,

                              Just back from a cool little gig. Played noice. Another one sunday. Double noice. Always great to get out there and play.

                              Noice chat with my new friend, i'll call her Lolita just to reinforce a stereotype, earlier today. We haven't actually seen each other live as yet, (aside from pics) but this event is forthcoming forthwith. I hope it doesn't end in tears!.......She's a fab distraction at the moment anyway, that i can surely do with.

                              Rock on Bird! Rubber cement is a beaut adhesive, but can be difficult to remove, if one for example wants to have the streaked look for a party or something. Cause that means another toupee. P.S. Double sided Velcro is useless.

                              Noight y'all.

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                                Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

                                Good morning Team Roo,

                                Ah the weather the weather. 'Tis somewhat grizzly outside, but warm in my heart.

                                In work today. Have a corker everyone.

                                L8tr, Yo!

                                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

