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Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

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    Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

    So the gorgeous little red boat lady is doing her best to help me save some $$ to see if I can make the trip. She is truly a sweetheart! So far, she's tried to find some cheaper flights for me, offered that i can sleep on the boat for the nights before and after to save accomm costs and also offerred to loan me some of the more exe clothes if I need them. And I know she's not doing that just to get my fare, because I'm probably now more trouble than I'm worth!

    You know how sometimes you just meet people and they're so sweet you can't believe how lucky you are to meet them? That's her!
    There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
    You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

    I didn't come this far to only come this far.


      Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

      Glass Half Empty;1553005 wrote:
      You know how sometimes you just meet people and they're so sweet you can't believe how lucky you are to meet them? That's her!
      Mwah. Mwah. Mwah.


        Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

        Hi all
        Worked my arse off at the game last night and sore all over, got in 12;30 and the kids sat up talking for an hey Undies, think I am gonna get me some soapnuts.. I saw, sounds good...ever heard of them???Glassy, maybe there is something else you could do besides the boat...a shorter journey somewhere?...hey all, left work early yest, went to the pres. to get my check, he says you cant cash it till late cuz no $ in the bank..says I, I gotta work th fb game and sitting on empty, so he writes me a check from his personal acct. and I give him my check back...gawd, that place...see you all later


          Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

          Wake up Undies and see your future

          See what travel to Byron does, I've gone all mystic!!

          Birdy people can surprise you with their loveliness...

          Gorgi day get up!!! Attached files [img]/converted_files/2176606=7635-attachment.jpg[/img]


            Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

            I knew I should have washed out those two tomato cans last night and saved them.

            Morning tackers.
            All slept in here....

            Poor little lone chooky is not coping well, so will have to make a plan. I don't think new chooks are on the agenda for me because of the rat problem they bought with them (previously mentioned). I have a lovely friend up the street who is a very kind vegetarian and I know she'd be safe there, so we'll see how we go.

            Good Lord Birdy! What sort of operation is that? Why don't they have sufficient funds to cover wages!!!!!?
            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
            Rejoined life 20/5/19


              Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

              mornin ants: and anties:

              The nice vego lady down the road sounds like a nice option if you can't get more chookies BB. It's strange how people think animals are so different from us when they clearly grieve and display so many similar emotions.

              I've never heard of soapnuts bird, not sure if you can get them here.

              Happs can I come and live in your separatist state?
              There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
              You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

              I didn't come this far to only come this far.


                Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

                Morning undies.

                Was it a joke that Clive Palmer actually won his seat? Gawd, that's ridiculous.
                Other than that, politics don't interest me.
                I might be sticking my head in the sand, but ignorance is bliss. Instead of election crap last night or fooze ball, i had a quiet AF night watching Adams Family movie. I did love Raul Julia in that role.
                Sorry you might give up you chooky bridge, you will miss them. They are glorious creatures.
                Speaking of glorious, there's nothing like a golden retriever hug on a Sunday morning.
                She is a princess, this dog. A true princess.

                Yesty went well with the rehearsal ride....big horse behaved admirably and young mare stepped up to the plate well.
                Due to go in to the show on Sept 26th, so will have much carnival reported from the showgrounds.

                The weather here has turned lovely for a spring Sunday.

                Breathing warm morning breath onto you all.


                  Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

                  Hi all
                  Bridge, that sounds good...I have decided when my current pets go, no more for a bit...too heart for my job...wellllllll..maybe they need a good bookeeper hahahaha...I am gonna get the soapnuts online Glassy...Tawny, I read the article, very weepy..Happs I'll take the cans anyday....I have a story..................was very tired this A.M. and took some cushions outside to lie down on ground by the cat in the can't lie on the bare ground here in summer cuz of fire ants...anyway, was wishing I had a movable hammock for such up and went to town to grocery shop. Went to walmart(cheapest) but decided I couldnt deal with the crowds so pulled out and went to my favorite Winn Dixie...was a little voice kept telling me to go there front was a hammock with a shade on sale from $99 to $ 25...I was flabbergasted and looked at the sign from all angles for a trick haaha...but it was true, and I hung the sale sign on my will follow when not so tired...


                    Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

                    Hi bird,
                    That hammock and shade thing sounds like a bargain.
                    I just couldn't live without my pets, they are there for me every single day, without compromise.
                    My old dog is 16 now, gawd knows how much longer she'll be with me. It'll be a sad day in corrie land when i have to put her down. Then it will be just me and the golden dog.
                    I'm thinking about getting another bird ,a weiro this time. Don't worry ....hel'll rarely see the inside of a cage! I like my birds as free range as possible, bugger the bird shit. They stress so badly in cages. Yes, i will get a weiro by Xmas. Decision made.


                      Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

                      Morning all,

                      You know ... I reckon Glassy and Birdy are cashing in their Frequent Good Karma Points. How wonderful of the Little Red Boat Lady and the Hammock story is fantastic.

                      Corrie - what events are you entering? Is it dressage? You're sounding very positive and that's nice.

                      Where oh where is MrG? Did your work sitch get resolved? How's the new website?

                      Bridge - so sad about the lonely chookie but rehousing might just be the right thing to do. I've not noticed any rat activity here and I hope it stays that way.

                      Happs - you shouldn't be reading this. Pay attention to the Lamp.

                      Blondie, Reggie, Raggsy, Techie, Missy ... and the minute you start naming names you feel bad because you're certain to leave somebody out ... oh and ... I wonder how Little Leon is. Has he started Uni yet?

                      A calm farm here - mammoth mowing will commence as soon as the mower is back from the docs.

                      Be happy, Chunderers.


                        Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

                        Tawny, i am part of the main entertainment .... a crew of the16 doing a performance just before the main fireworks for which i happily get paid. Bonus huh. And yes i am a bit more positive today, thanks (inserted smiley which didn't work)


                          Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

                          Ring a ding ding. Sorry I've been so neglectful. I've been deep into my own medical shit. SO, I'm taking a little trip with V. Well, I'm leaving Monday noon and flying to Maine. We'll spend four days there. Meeting Viola's friends, the Hinckleys, They own Hinckley Yachts. In the boat biz they're a BIG deal. Wood yachts I believe.. They also play crochet. YIKES. Reggie? Rags? We then travel down to Cape Cod. My best friend's son has a restaurant there in Truro, MA called Blackfish. I've been there several times and it ROCKS. Zagat has it rated one of the best on the Cape. From there we go to the New Jersey Shore to celebrate my moms 88 bday. After that, we head to a writers conference in Baltimore, MD. Total 18 days.

                          Sorry for any typos as my contact lens are out. I promised to be back to my old self very very soon.

                          FROG??? (see what I mean)
                          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                            Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

                            Bird, that's a lovely hammock story. I'm sure you'll have many lovely days relaxing in there. I think someone on MWO has a signature that says something like "what you're seeking will find you". Very apt!

                            Techie - so sorry about the medical stuff. The trip sound lovely. I hope you have a great time.
                            There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                            You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                            I didn't come this far to only come this far.


                              Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

                              Techie, I'll have the oysters on the half shell, the confit pork belly, the beet carpaccio and the tuna bolognese .
                              Thanks, i was getting hungry.


                                Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

                                Techie, I'll go the Steamed Littlenecks (because I don't know what they are) and a Roasted Endive and Pear Salad and the Grilled Organic Salmon. Thank you.

