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Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

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    Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

    Thanks miss, lovely lady.
    I accept all hugs with gratitude!
    I,too, did think it was rude, obviously the FIL has put his oar in.
    I am getting in contact with a solicitor before i go to the show, and will hopefully make an appt to see him or her when i get back from Sydney,as i will obviously be in Perth then. It just feels so filthy, and final. I can't go back to him, but i was wistfully hoping it would all be amicable. I suppose the worst is yet to come, sorting out finances.


      Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

      Evening, me lovelies.

      You know what? ... I throb youse all and I'm glad to live in the drawer.


        Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

        Me too...


          Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

          Glassy, re the pointed boots: I've always found just coming here was enough. I'd stuck myself with enough pointed objects along the way to do damage. Just check in and do it regularly. Much throbbage with ploughing that furrow.

          Corri hope you're having an absolute best time E.V.E.R. and I think Missy has some good points. Might be worthwhile following up?

          Just back in and scoffing some leftover soup...bewdiful weekend....and taught my best class so far. Very happy.


            Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

            myhappyplace;1559494 wrote: Me too...
            Me three!
            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
            Rejoined life 20/5/19


              Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

              Have had a frightful afternoon Undies.
              Car broke down, had to get a lift to the cinema. Saw 'Blue Jasmine' which was bloody excellent IMO. Then had to get a taxi home which I haven't (had to) do in I don't know how long. Unfortunately encountered a rather odd driver who wanted to have a 20-30 min conversation about diabetes and his Lebanese mother which I found quite irregular....aren't they supposed to be jetting off to their next job?
              The boy was in a God awful mood because his dinner wasn't constructed on time.
              Anyway, I think I'll just bugger off to bed at this conjuncture....
              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

                me 4

                Thanks for all your support my wundies. You're right, I punish myself too much to need anyone else to do it Still a bit disappointed that I joined here in April 2009 and I'm now on day four though.

                sorry about your arvo Bridge, pretty much all taxi drivers are weird these days. I hope the car isn't too serious.

                Glad your class went well Happs - you're rocking the teaching thing.

                :h to Tawny, Missy, cori and G
                There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                I didn't come this far to only come this far.


                  Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

                  Must be something in the air Bridge .... I went to a movie and had a ride home with an odd taxi driver too . Was such a crap weekend that I'm looking forward to Monday :H:H

                  Undies please keep your fingers crossed over night that we get the first preference on the apartments that I've applied for - should know tomorrow
                  Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                  Harriet Beecher Stowe


                    Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

                    BTW me six!!
                    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                    Harriet Beecher Stowe


                      Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

                      Miss Behaving;1559517 wrote: Must be something in the air Bridge .... I went to a movie and had a ride home with an odd taxi driver too . Was such a crap weekend that I'm looking forward to Monday :H:H

                      Undies please keep your fingers crossed over night that we get the first preference on the apartments that I've applied for - should know tomorrow
                      I will cross everything that I've got left!
                      Don't worry Missy. You'll feel so much better when Mr B arrives and you can start your new life together. Must be only 14 sleeps???or so???
                      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                      Rejoined life 20/5/19


                        Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

                        Glass Half Empty;1559516 wrote: me 4

                        Thanks for all your support my wundies. You're right, I punish myself too much to need anyone else to do it Still a bit disappointed that I joined here in April 2009 and I'm now on day four though.

                        Walk to the beat of your own
                        drum, friend....
                        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                        Rejoined life 20/5/19


                          Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

                          Thanks Bridge

                          Missy - I will cross everything I have.
                          There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                          You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                          I didn't come this far to only come this far.


                            Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

                            My bits crossed too


                              Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

                              Thanks to you all:h:h

                              D day for mr b's arrival is the 6th - boy arrives for the week then as well. Boy is almost as excited as I am . I've got the week off so we will have a nice week - manly jazz festival, boats in the harbour, yum cha and long walks
                              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                              Harriet Beecher Stowe


                                Ring a ding ding. Get your Undies on for Spring....

                                That sounds lovely Missy. And the week off will do you good.

                                Righto, I'm knackered and heading off to bedski. Night peeps, see you tomorrow. Glad you're all around.

