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One Step at a Time - September 2013

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    One Step at a Time - September 2013

    I am here
    so sorry Pauly....really sorry
    Pop is the hospital with oldest starts going over every day next week
    Clay is still sick and will probably miss his first home game tomorrow...all this drama about changing schools for football and now he is sick....argh....but he DID got to the doctor and we got a confirmation that is is a stomach virus....poor baby
    gonna skip therapy tonight.....long day for mama
    let us hear how the haircut turns out Niner
    Sorry I am not posting as much...just too darn busy at work
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


      One Step at a Time - September 2013

      and I agree about Hannah Montana......I never knew what twerking was.....
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        One Step at a Time - September 2013

        hi my friends
        I'm so sorry, I've been really exhausted lately and I just looked back and realised it's been 4 days since I posted. I keep forgetting that you can't see that I'm reading and caring if I don't say anything. :h

        Pauly I'm so sorry sweetheart. Sending you all prayers and hugs. :l :l :l

        K9 how did the haircut go?

        Mama - I hope Clay's tummy gets better soon.

        re: Miley and the twerking. I didn't know either and would have been quite happy to keep it that way!

        hugs to you all :h
        There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
        You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

        I didn't come this far to only come this far.


          One Step at a Time - September 2013

          Hey Glass...good to see you again. I am too tired to post half the time too.
          OK...venting here....I am sick to death of hubs bitching the entire ride home about Clay. I just sit there and let him go on and on, but enough already. Jeez.
          I just told Clay he WILL be at school tomorrow and WILL be at the football game sitting on the bench.
          Pop is in the hospital...did I already say that? If I had some wine I might be drinking heavily, but I don't and that is ok. Just feeling really frustrated and sick to death of my life right now...
          ok vent over....thanks for listening dear friends.
          Off to eat homemade shepherd's pie
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            One Step at a Time - September 2013

            Glass - great to see you. :l

            Mama - I'm so sorry about Pops. About Clay. About having to listen to the vent. I UNDERSTAND!!! :h

            JDG - Glad that you had a good couple of days off. You needed that!!!

            Lizann, Available, Lifechange and all our other new friends.......I am so sorry that I haven't been around much. But, I have been checking in on my phone so I could keep in touch.

            Please tell us about yourselves when you feel up to it.

            Kradle - hugs going out to you. :l

            Pauly - You have been on my mind all day. :l

            Juja - big hugs!!

            K9 - Anxious to see the final result of the hair do.

            Came home with an upset stomach today. So, I'm having hot soup in 90 degree weather.
            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
            AF - 7-27-15


              One Step at a Time - September 2013

              proud of you for TTFP Nora
              up early and out the door
              gonna be a long day
              I need to go see if Clay is up
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                One Step at a Time - September 2013

                hi everyone,how did the haircut turn out k9? im sure it looks great,nora hope your tummys better,ive been off work this whole week,so now its my real day off i dont know what to do with myself haha,im trying to get my girls to get together some stuff to have a small yard sale tomorrow,trying to raise money for funeral costs(shits expensive!) i have a freezer im gonna try and get a couple bux out of it,i hate to sell it but its kinda too big for what i use it for anyways,of course hubs never wants to sell his crap,hed rather have 2 of everything in th garage,i mean who really needs 2 ladders the exact same size?thank you for the well-wishes yesterday guys,it really made my day,take care my peeps
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  One Step at a Time - September 2013

                  Happy Friday everyone!

                  The hair cut turned out ADORABLE...boy was I a bundle of nerves though. I guess it's kinda what they call a "pixie"'s so flippin' makes her face look so pretty. Now I'm thinking I need a change, but the hairdresser laughed at me and said "That's what happened last time, you used her as a guinea pig" LOL I have to remember that I am 40 and Sierra is 16....we don't exactly have the same "look"....HA

                  Mama - I hope you get to relax this weekend! I have no plans really, probably just go to the thrift store My mom and dad are having their 4 (biological) grandkids over for dinner on Saturday night...(they have 7 total...mixed marriage). My mom is making all this fancy food, I told her "You are going to a lot of trouble for a bunch of bratty kids" LOL

                  Alright, I guess I'll get to work. My boss is gone next Tuesday-Friday, so no flip-flop annoyingness next week.

                  I'll check in ya peeps!
                  :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                  Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                    One Step at a Time - September 2013

                    I am wearing CUTE flip flops right now....muahahahahahahaha
                    YAY on the haircut!!!
                    just a quick fly by.....
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      One Step at a Time - September 2013

                      So sorry for your loss Pauly! I was on the boat yesterday, no wifi. Cravings were so bad yesterday but I enjoyed the boat. Can't get any al in the middle of the lake, thankfully. Very quiet day at work, counting the minutes till I go home. Sunday is my sons 20th birthday! We're taking him and some of our family out to lunch! No al as our families don't drink (just me, go figure). So proud of my baby boy, trying to be a better mommy! Happy Friday all! Concert at church tonite, no cravings for me today!


                        One Step at a Time - September 2013

                        I'm sure your flip flops are adorable Mama! It's not the flip flops that bug me so much, as the way she stomps around in them and makes the whole ground shake. I ducked and covered a few times thinking we were having an earthquake.
                        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                          One Step at a Time - September 2013

                          K9 - so happy that the hair cut worked out so great!!! Enjoy your time without your boss Glad you aren't going to have to duck & cover next week. :H

                          Lizann - You sound good today. Great that you were on the boat yesterday and couldn't get any al. :H Happy Birthday to your son. I still can't believe that mine is 26 years old.

                          Pauly - everything is so dang expensive for a funeral. Thinking of you.

                          Mama - relax this weekend please!!

                          My Aunt is in the hospital - (ICU). She fell a couple weeks ago and broke a couple ribs. Her sodium & blood sugars were really messed up she she was in the hospital for several days. She went home but got worse so is back in ICU. Her sodium is messed up & has to be regulated. Anyway - this is back East so I'm anxious to hear from my cousin after she talks to the Doctors.

                          Still so very hot here. It's miserable. Over 100? today. Still over 90? in the house. Yuck!

                          Hope that everyone has a wonderful evening. (Or morning wherever you are )

                          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                          AF - 7-27-15


                            One Step at a Time - September 2013

                            Hiya Peeps,

                            Lots going on here. Trying to catch up.

                            Mama hope you and clay have a good weekend.
                            Lizann would love to be on a boat
                            Pauly thinking of you my friend
                            K-9 whew! glad the haircut went well. Do like I do just set down in the chair and say cut or do it however you think it will look good. Dangerous I know.
                            glass good to hear from you
                            Nora -c sorry about your aunt. Sodium imbalance is scarey it messes with the neurological system.
                            Praying for a quick recovery.

                            Well we found out that my hubs gmother has bilateral lung cancer and it is in her abdomen. She is 78 and prob will not do anything about it. Please pray for us. We have lost his mom, dad, step dad, brother, aunt and uncle in the last 5 years so this is particularly difficult.

                            Have a great weekend,
                            Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


                              One Step at a Time - September 2013

                              hey everybody,jdg sorry about your hubbies gramma,that sounds terrible,poor thing,well today im depressed i turned the f-word,but ill deal haha,hope everyone has a great day luv ya guys
                              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                                One Step at a Time - September 2013

                                JDG - I"m so sorry about your husbands Grandmother. That is so hard. So many losses too. :l

                                Pauly - Hope you're feeling better

                                Mama - looks like you are in the midst of a birthday party for Clay! Have fun!!

                                Nothing going on here. Went to talk to my therapist this morning. Had a nap. Went to the gym. Went grocery shopping (twice....I hate when I forget something!!). And, now I'm fighting with my computer again. AAARRRGGGHHH Stupid, stupid spyware/malware. I refuse to let it win. :H

                                Have a great weekend everyone. :h
                                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                                AF - 7-27-15

