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One Step at a Time - September 2013

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    One Step at a Time - September 2013

    Hi lifechange :wavin:

    Nora I?m so glad you like my signature ? it?s an important reminder to me too! I?m so sorry about your husband?s health.

    Lizann I?m sorry to hear about yours too, and prayers are on the way. I hope you keep checking in!

    Pauly ? hang in there sweetie and stay close to us if you can.

    Hi Juja ? good to see you! :h

    Available I know exactly how you feel. I feel good not drinking so I don?t know why I always start again. My son?s also getting married in November, so exciting times ahead!

    Hi Kradle, Mama, JDG and K9. :l
    There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
    You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

    I didn't come this far to only come this far.


      One Step at a Time - September 2013

      yeah it really is stupid when i think back glass,i feel tons better not drinking,i dont understand why anybody would put themselves through this messed up condition AGAIN its too much to repeat over and over,i just wanna be done with this crap
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        One Step at a Time - September 2013

        Good evening, everyone! I'm quite new here again, just being on day 2-- so I'm afraid I don't have anythig wise to say. I wish you all the strength to get through the early days, if that's where you are.
        and Lizann, to you during this sad time. 95! is quite an accomplishment, isn' it?
        until tomorrow, life


          One Step at a Time - September 2013

          Hiya friends present!!
          just cleaning and putzing around.....deffo needed this time off
          September will be good for us all....Gosh...when did it become September??
          Sober Monday, sober weekend, and enjoying much needed time off!!
          Prayers for your aunt Lizann, and hugs to Scott....
          back to the grind tomorrow...ugh
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            One Step at a Time - September 2013

            foot gently removed from ass Nora.....but boot is still on my foot if know how much I love and worry about you
            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
            Live in the Solution....not the problem


              One Step at a Time - September 2013

              Thank you mama bear , My "aunts" granddaughter came home from college today to say her goodbyes. We had as much a normal day as possible. Everyone is heading back to school/work tomorrow and I am glad for the normalcy, hubby is feeling a little better and I am so grateful for an amazing summer. Hope everyone had a great weekend!


                One Step at a Time - September 2013

                Evening everyone and special hugs to dear Pauly... :huggy our old coping skills are tenacious to say the least.

                Mama so happy to see you got a relaxing day. September not shaping up for me...have a therapy appointment this Saturday. Should help:h

                Lizann your picnic sounded so nice and maybe helped with embracing your Aunts situation. No matter how long we have our special family, its just never long enough...:lGlad you are here.

                Glass, congrats on your sons impending nuptials. How exciting !
                We were at a friends wedding yesterday and it was She's someone who just glows in her life and in others and her new husband is simply wonderful. The girls sang The Rose and everyone was teary and touched. :h

                Wish I could say I'm beating this thing hands down but I'm not. I've never really suffered from depression before so my progress has really been interrupted. :no:
                I know some of you have experienced depression, Mama? Nora? ...this just therapists said the bi polar was more centered on the 'mania' part of my mind set. Not certain what he s talking about but will talk to him at length Saturday.
                Love you all, :l
                On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
       tool box
       newbie nest


                  One Step at a Time - September 2013

                  Hi Everyone!

                  Yay September! I'm sooooo ready for the summer to be over...mine was not that great, to say the least.

                  I had a good 3 day weekend...I bought a new vacuum on Friday...a Dyson...not sure if you guys are familiar with those, but WOW that thing is amazing. Sad that I'm so excited over using a vacuum cleaner. LOL I also went to the thrift store (twice!). Back on my juice only diet for 7 days. I gained 7 pounds which is not bad considering I've been laying on my butt for 12 weeks and eating nothing but chocolate and grease.

                  Hope you're all well today....will check in later!

                  Love y'all!!
                  :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                  Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                    One Step at a Time - September 2013

                    Yes Kradle, I have battled low grade depression for years...and booze does not help.
                    A vacuum cleaner??, thrilling news!! tee hee
                    Clay started with the tears again this's alwaays a Monday thing...and I am over it
                    not much else new to report
                    hugs to all...babies and weddings....sigh!!!
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      One Step at a Time - September 2013

                      Kradle - know that we are always here for you...mania would be a tough one...HUGS!!
                      oh, and I have another three hour therapy tonight.....
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        One Step at a Time - September 2013

                        I know Mama...the vacuum cleaner news is almost too much to handle. LOL

                        Poor's hard being a teenager...period. Then you grow up and it's hard being an adult!

                        Sierra is determined to get her hair cut SHORT. I just hope to high heaven that she likes it. I remember many times getting my hair cut and crying for days because I hated it....and she has such beautiful, thick hair too.... I'm gonna cry when it gets cut :upset:

                        Kradle - Hope you're doing ok today. My depression has lifted a little since my foot healed. I know you deal with a different level of it, but I want you to know that I do understand how it feels...and it sucks!

                        Where you at Nora? Check in and report that you TTFP! :h
                        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                          One Step at a Time - September 2013

                          A vacuum cleaner definitely exciting.
                          I too suffer from depression, some days are just harder than others. I did think al helped but no in the long run it did not. Just checking in. Quiet day at work. Hubby made an appt with his doctor for next week. Really? Just trying to keep it together. Will take a walk In a bit with my puppy ,the love of my life. It is her adoption day today, eight blissful years together. We had a little party with a special treat!


                            One Step at a Time - September 2013

                            mama bear;1551680 wrote: Kradle - know that we are always here for you...mania would be a tough one...HUGS!!
                            oh, and I have another three hour therapy tonight.....
                            Can I come with you? :h

                            I just want to drink tonight. I really really do...I am heading for a giant WTF moment.

                            I just don't DON'T want to do this anymore...:upset:
                            I will write on my thread when I settle down. I need some aspirin and ....a new life...

                            Trying to stay put...:l
                            On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                            *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
                   tool box
                   newbie nest


                              One Step at a Time - September 2013

                              K9Lover;1551607 wrote: Hi Everyone!

                              Yay September! I'm sooooo ready for the summer to be over...mine was not that great, to say the least.

                              I had a good 3 day weekend...I bought a new vacuum on Friday...a Dyson...not sure if you guys are familiar with those, but WOW that thing is amazing. Sad that I'm so excited over using a vacuum cleaner. LOL I also went to the thrift store (twice!). Back on my juice only diet for 7 days. I gained 7 pounds which is not bad considering I've been laying on my butt for 12 weeks and eating nothing but chocolate and grease.

                              Hope you're all well today....will check in later!

                              Love y'all!!
                              Chocolate and grease!!! what a combo! Trying to imagine sausage, grits and chocolate topping.
                              Liberated 5/11/2013


                                One Step at a Time - September 2013

                                Morning all,
                                off work for 2 days woo hoo! don't think I will even get out of pj's.

                                kradle depression is awful. I have battled it for years, on and off meds and self medicating. combo that with anxiety and you have a messed up person. Since kicking AL to the curb anxiety is a lot better depression still comes and goes. Meds help, please let us know if we can help!

                                hi to mama, pauly, juja, lizann, k-9 and anyone else I missed.
                                Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:

