Kradle - your new avatar threw me off! Sometimes I don't even look at people's names I just assume I know who I'm talking to. LOL How did you do last night? Did you make it through without drinking? I know how you feel dear friend. But what would drinking accomplish, I mean in the long run? A buzz, an escape...but then it all comes crashing back...sometimes worse. I'm rambling, but I just wanted to send you good thoughts and a :l
Mama - how was your session? I think I need therapy (I know what you guys are thinking..."THINK" you need it? LOL) I seriously STILL dream about my ex-boyfriend every single night. WHY? It's been 8 years and we don't have any contact with each other so it's not like I'm constantly reminded of him. Wish I could erase him from my brain!!!
Happy Wednesday everyone...I'll check in later