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Army Thread Sunday 1st September

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    Army Thread Sunday 1st September

    Lglut was great with most of my cravings
    I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
    Audrey Hepburn


      Army Thread Sunday 1st September

      Cheeses twice! I've just been asked what's for lunch. They can go and feck themselves - I'm off duty today. I'll consider dinner.

      As much as I like cooking, it sometimes feels like a chore to be avoided.
      I'll do whatever it takes
      AF 21/08/2009


        Army Thread Sunday 1st September

        littlepinkcat;1550678 wrote: Morning guys, busy thread this morning
        :waving: Pinkdrawers!!


          Army Thread Sunday 1st September

          :hallo: Pinkles
          I'll do whatever it takes
          AF 21/08/2009


            Army Thread Sunday 1st September

            tiptronic_ct;1550683 wrote: Cheeses twice! I've just been asked what's for lunch. They can go and feck themselves - I'm off duty today. I'll consider dinner.

            As much as I like cooking, it sometimes feels like a chore to be avoided.
            Let them chew on an Ostrich bone Tipps !!:H


              Army Thread Sunday 1st September

              Mother is having trouble with her waterworks.
              She is up 10/ 11 times a night & worn out.
              New pills doctor gave her on Friday have her going every 10 minutes.... FFS
              Need to head there and see what the score is on those pills... :egad:
              Any ideas on this one ???


                Army Thread Sunday 1st September

                satz123;1550696 wrote: Mother is having trouble with her waterworks.
                She is up 10/ 11 times a night & worn out.
                New pills doctor gave her on Friday have her going every 10 minutes.... FFS
                Need to head there and see what the score is on those pills... :egad:
                Any ideas on this one ???
                Really absorbent nappies?
                I'll do whatever it takes
                AF 21/08/2009


                  Army Thread Sunday 1st September

                  mollyka;1550690 wrote: don't forget the peanut butter:H:H
                  I'll do whatever it takes
                  AF 21/08/2009


                    Army Thread Sunday 1st September

                    Good morning Army

                    Lots of ye about- great to see.

                    Happy Birthday EW- hope ye have a nice one

                    Questy- congrats on new job xx

                    Reccie- sounds like ye really have a handful there with Amy- but I cant help but smile- sorry!

                    Damo- good to see ye too- will be shouting on the Dubs today for sure. One of me neighbours is one- he's gotta a massive flag hanging out today!

                    Hiya Molls, MrT, Satz, Pinky, Tabbers, YouKay and any have missed :hiya:

                    satz123;1550696 wrote: Mother is having trouble with her waterworks.
                    She is up 10/ 11 times a night & worn out.
                    New pills doctor gave her on Friday have her going every 10 minutes.... FFS
                    Need to head there and see what the score is on those pills... :egad:
                    Any ideas on this one ???
                    What are the pills Satz? Sounds like they could be diuretics like frusemide or summat, which make ya lose fluid, but then why would doc give her those when she wants to stop running?


                      Army Thread Sunday 1st September

                      Have L-Glut here Satz but not consistent enough in the taking of it, to determine whether it's good or not!


                        Army Thread Sunday 1st September



                          Army Thread Sunday 1st September

                          sweetpea29;1550702 wrote: Have L-Glut here Satz but not consistent enough in the taking of it, to determine whether it's good or not!
                          Ihave developed a bad sweet tooth Sweetie.
                          Buying 'protein' bars as theyare less harmful - but scoffing the lot..... just feeding the sweet craving I think.

                          On the waterworks:
                          She stopped taking them Sweetie-I will let you know the name of them .
                          She's had this problem ongoing for 2 years I'd say. The doc says she needs a bladder procedure - not sure what it is?
                          scheduled for for this month soon ......


                            Army Thread Sunday 1st September

                            satz123;1550714 wrote: Ihave developed a bad sweet tooth Sweetie.
                            Buying 'protein' bars as theyare less harmful - but scoffing the lot..... just feeding the sweet craving I think.

                            On the waterworks:
                            She stopped taking them Sweetie-I will let you know the name of them .
                            She's had this problem ongoing for 2 years I'd say. The-doc says she needs a bladder procedure - not sure what it is?
                            scheduled for for this month soon ......
                            Yo Satz :wavin:

                            Me 'puter on the v go-slow this morn!

                            Don't think it would be diuretics he started her on so:no: Poor pet havin to get a procedure:l- hope it goes well xx

                            If I were doing the amount of gymming ye do Mrs Satz- wouldn't beat self up over a few protein bars- seriously now!
                            Is MrS for Croker today?


                              Army Thread Sunday 1st September

                              sweetpea29;1550717 wrote: Yo Satz :wavin:

                              Me 'puter on the v go-slow this morn!

                              Don't think it would be diuretics he started her on so:no: Poor pet havin to get a procedure:l- hope it goes well xx

                              If I were doing the amount of gymming ye do Mrs Satz- wouldn't beat self up over a few protein bars- seriously now!
                              Is MrS for Croker today?
                              Just gone there for the train Sweetie
                              Meath man jumps on Dublin Bandwagon shocker :egad:
                              while wife who is a true Jackeen - lolls around & wipes up pee :H


                                Army Thread Sunday 1st September

                                sweetpea29;1550717 wrote:

                                If I were doing the amount of gymming ye do Mrs Satz- wouldn't beat self up over a few protein bars- seriously now!
                                Nutrition is 80% v exercise 20% healthwise.
                                Sugar is so bad for us Sweetie - undoes all I do in the gym too - that's the point I'm afraid 'cos I is a lazy cow and want to see results when I do shift me arse....:H

