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Army Thread Sunday 1st September

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    Army Thread Sunday 1st September

    satz123;1550714 wrote: Ihave developed a bad sweet tooth Sweetie.
    Buying 'protein' bars as theyare less harmful - but scoffing the lot..... just feeding the sweet craving I think.

    On the waterworks:
    She stopped taking them Sweetie-I will let you know the name of them .
    She's had this problem ongoing for 2 years I'd say. The doc says she needs a bladder procedure - not sure what it is?
    scheduled for for this month soon ......
    Afternoon everyone. Hope y'all ok.

    Yeah I had to give up protein bars, I'd eat them all. Did you know they contain sugar 'alcohols'?Not sure exactly of the biochemistry, they are usually so they can say they are lo carb, but I've a feeling they aint good for you and aint good for us. Alchies do suffer from problems with sugar. AA says feed it, I say avoid em.
    I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

    Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

    AF date 22/07/13


      Army Thread Sunday 1st September

      mollyka;1550835 wrote: ah you poor love ---- and I truly sympathise --- and something I didn't realise fully before --- stress affects us physically as well as mentally --- went into a decline on both counts this past week -- you really need to do what my auntie did --- bought a one bed. house

      Well done --- I know back in the day when I was still 'active' I'd have been in like Flynn with that suggestion -- I remember even in the 2 week period between 'quitting' drinking and going to rehab - I couldn't really understand how Joe didn't suggest a sort of 'farewell' night to the grog.... FFS -- THAT'S MAD!!!!
      No - I was just curious how you would react that's all --- and I DO see the rationale behind starting on a Monday (couldn't for the LIFE of me see why I was quitting on 27 Dec.... surely the new year sort of thing ---- fecking delighted now --- I can say I haven't had a drink since 2011)
      I can only admire and look up to you molls :h:h

      I don't think I'll ever achieve that sort of success but I'm not failing as long as I keep trying I suppose :new:
      Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


        Army Thread Sunday 1st September

        Ukblonde;1550837 wrote: Afternoon everyone. Hope y'all ok.

        Yeah I had to give up protein bars, I'd eat them all. Did you know they contain sugar 'alcohols'?Not sure exactly of the biochemistry, they are usually so they can say they are lo carb, but I've a feeling they aint good for you and aint good for us. Alchies do suffer from problems with sugar. AA says feed it, I say avoid em.
        Cor blimey I'm a proper sugar fiend when I'm off the grog !!!

        I've seen that there's a link - I don't know the science though - if it's not one thing it's another !!
        Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


          Army Thread Sunday 1st September

          mollyka;1550841 wrote: Oh sweetheart --- what a sweet thing to say but jaysus I'm only a new born babe at all this --- lady 45 yrs sober chatting at AA this morning!!!! and yep --- just keep trying:l
          45 years ? Flipping heck, how old was she ?

          (Ill probably be in me box in 45 years lol :H)
          Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


            Army Thread Sunday 1st September

            Quest for the key;1550832 wrote: Well, I must say I was in two minds - shall I or shan't I ?

            After a quick trip to home and bargain (shop) and picking up some .....popcorn and cookies - I decided not to bother

            So I'm sat here with a cuppa and me popcorn, watching crap on the Telly but happy that I haven't succumbed

            So, day 2 ( today) (weird but I never drink on a Saturday !!) is going good
            You know it makes sense.
            I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

            Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

            AF date 22/07/13


              Army Thread Sunday 1st September

              Quest for the key;1550842 wrote: Cor blimey I'm a proper sugar fiend when I'm off the grog !!!

              I've seen that there's a link - I don't know the science though - if it's not one thing it's another !!
              I heard that the body sees alcohol as sugar/reacts to it in a similar way. Apparently you can have sugar lows the day after a drinking a lot, and I think I remember something like that.
              I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

              Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

              AF date 22/07/13


                Army Thread Sunday 1st September

                mollyka;1550853 wrote: Well I DEFINITELY will be --- and very happy to be there -- FFS I'll be like 100+!!!!
                She's about 70 -- an extremely young attractive (think Helen Mirren-ish even tho I know she's not 70) 70 yr old - an ambassadors wife - lived the high life - ex-pat in India sort of life -- she just said she couldn't hack it anymore -- woke up with bruises all over her and dimly remembered being in a room with a 6'4" Scottish man -- she presumed he abused her while drunk in some way.... she caused havoc - and then discovered (there were witnesses) that in fact SHE had attacked him - the bruises were from hitting him - she 'decided' he was an ex-Black and Tan (anyone knows Irish history will understand the reference) and that he deserved a good battering.... apparently he just stood there with his palms facing up....... hasn't had a drink since!
                Bloody Hell Molly what a story! I think many of us have an epiphany moment but often ignore it:thanks:


                  Army Thread Sunday 1st September

                  mollyka;1550856 wrote: Oh you really hear some humdingers in AA meetings -- have to be careful sometimes NOT to go down the route of 'I'm not as bad as.....'
                  But ya know - sometimes it's just the emptying of our insides - the hollowing out - leaving nothing inside except anxiety and fear and loneliness - that is every bit as bad as the 'escapades' or 'horrors' that some people have.....
                  Yes dead right. I often think I was never that bad! However-----:upset:

                  Thanks for the insight Molly. I have replaced drinking with running but not sorted out my addiction problems.
                  Just so glad that I am too tired most of the time to think of drink:H


                    Army Thread Sunday 1st September

                    mollyka;1550856 wrote: Oh you really hear some humdingers in AA meetings -- have to be careful sometimes NOT to go down the route of 'I'm not as bad as.....'
                    But ya know - sometimes it's just the emptying of our insides - the hollowing out - leaving nothing inside except anxiety and fear and loneliness - that is every bit as bad as the 'escapades' or 'horrors' that some people have.....
                    It's sooo easy to think "I'm not as bad....."

                    I think that's where I am at the minute - cos I don't drink every day, I think I'm ok. But I know the first drink (cos I CAN'T have just one !!) and the evening will just be a hazy memory :upset:

                    Mrs A - wish I could get into exercise like that - have you always been a runner ??
                    Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                      Army Thread Sunday 1st September

                      Evening troops.
                      Banjaxed and me legs are on strike
                      And I got me marathon headache (just a bit dehydrated, always get it).
                      But good run, despite a head wind the last 6 miles that so nearly floored me I though about stopping, walking back to the last village and getting cosy in a pub :H
                      New PB, so pleased with that.

                      Good to see you questypops!

                      And a happy buffday EW! :woot:

                      And whizzy, sorry you're stressed, not good. :l who suggested a one bed hoose?!?! Hope you can find space for yersel.

                      Reccie, it's quite frenetic at recs abode! I mentioned it before but imvho I would look at dog/ pup training classes. It's all fine and well reading, but I believe what she needs is practicing and learning behaviour. Amy needs to know who is boss - YOU ARE - bit if that isn't clear to her, then her behaviour will always be a bit chaotic. Think of sheepdogs (she is border collie?) they know their place in the pecking order. They obey instructions from the farmer. And the love/affection each have is not diminished by the master being strict, but instead has the dog learn respect loyalty and what is right and wrong ( for the dog) ( classes wont teach the dog philosophy and ethics!). Basically I believe classes will benefit both Amy and you and life will be easier.

                      The family dog I grew up with wasn't ever trained through going to classes and as much as he and we all loved one another - he was a big affectionate thing - he could be wayward and for the whole of his life would go take himself for walkies (he could high jump a 6ft fence I kid you not) and we'd often be stressed put our nut looking for him.

                      More often than not, we'd get a call from the cops saying he was down the police station again!
                      Of course it might have been that he was dealing drugs or dogging (literarily) illegally in a lay by :egad: :H


                        Army Thread Sunday 1st September

                        anon;1550860 wrote: Yes dead right. I often think I was never that bad! However-----:upset:

                        Thanks for the insight Molly. I have replaced drinking with running but not sorted out my addiction problems.
                        Just so glad that I am too tired most of the time to think of drink:H
                        TOTALLY get this!


                          Army Thread Sunday 1st September

                          Quest for the key;1550865 wrote: It's sooo easy to think "I'm not as bad....."

                          I think that's where I am at the minute - cos I don't drink every day, I think I'm ok. But I know the first drink (cos I CAN'T have just one !!) and the evening will just be a hazy memory :upset:

                          Mrs A - wish I could get into exercise like that - have you always been a runner ??
                          Bloody drink had me in it"s grip like that,
                          Did not run before i tried to quit. For me it was the answer. I wanted to get faster and then had to stop the booze


                            Army Thread Sunday 1st September

                            anon;1550868 wrote: Bloody drink had me in it"s grip like that,
                            Did not run before i tried to quit. For me it was the answer. I wanted to get faster and then had to stop the booze
                            Wow ! Wish I could start - I can manage a slow jog for a couple of minutes on a treadmill - but me knees are shot ! Years of carting round me extra poundage !!

                            Must say, I'm getting a few things done while not boozing

                            Oh, we'll done arsey on the marathon :l
                            Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                              Army Thread Sunday 1st September

                              mollyka;1550873 wrote: Well done young Arsey!!! A PB!! That's fantastic --- dead proud of you I am!!!!

                              It's wonderful that you are aware that that's what you may have done -- I've been told by many long-termers and my darlink facilitator - that whereas I'm progressing - I think there's so many things I'm not addressing or dealing with -- but they tell me to take my time - as long as I'm happily not drinking and not doing 'the WRONG things' (eg lying, being dishonest etc) -- that eventually I'll be ready to face the things I need to - and discard the rest.....

                              Now - this may sound patronising - and I truly don't mean it to be --- I was NEVER a daily drinker -- even in the depths of my drinking which went on for a couple of years round the time my mum died - I would probably have had a drink 2-3 times a week -- but when I DID ----- really just drank to oblivion (ok - the phraseology back then was 'until I had a 'nap' on the couch') --- it's NOT the frequency or the quantity -- I never 'craved' a drink --- I saw it as a solution mainly - a way to 'cheer myself up' or 'forget about the problems'.......... but 'crave' ---- nope - not once I hadn't picked up the first one
                              Omg ! That is so me !!! Honest to god that's me !!
                              Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                                Army Thread Sunday 1st September

                                Got back about half an hour ago, t'was luvverly.
                                Off for a mammoth read back.
                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

