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Army Thread Sunday 1st September

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    Army Thread Sunday 1st September

    mollyka;1550674 wrote: tbh Recs - with all the hassle in the house - the shop has taken a back seat in my thoughts --- I'm guessing maybe not in Joe's tho - hence mebbe his grumpiness -- I'm being quite philosophical about it at the moment - what'll be will be I s'pose -- I heard Simon talking about wanting to invest in stuff recently so down the road, even if we had to sell the shop it's a fair possibility that himself and Joe could look into something together -- would suit them both methinks - they each have very different strengths!

    A new month is a great time to take stock indeed - like a clean slate Questy -- maybe look on your new job as the chance for a new start with everything - including the grog? I know when Jamie was born I absolutely SWORE to myself that no matter what -- that little boy and any to come would NEVER know me as a granny who drank.... just another tool really
    My thoughts exactly molls :l

    I think it's time

    I have al in the fridge - I want to get rid but we all know the mind games that are going on at the minute in me head don't we ?

    You'd think at my age I'd grow up :upset:
    Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


      Army Thread Sunday 1st September

      satz123;1550719 wrote: Nutrition is 80% v exercise 20% healthwise.
      Sugar is so bad for us Sweetie - undoes all I do in the gym too - that's the point I'm afraid 'cos I is a lazy cow and want to see results when I do shift me arse....:H
      :H I hears ya Doc!! Tis another addiction altogether is sugar- one I cant tackle for now:upset:

      Quest for the key;1550727 wrote:
      My thoughts exactly molls

      I think it's time

      I have al in the fridge - I want to get rid but we all know the mind games that are going on at the minute in me head don't we ?

      You'd think at my age I'd grow up :upset:
      Ah Questy:l Get rid of the al for today anyhows, no?
      Did ye ever get some time off/ a holiday?


        Army Thread Sunday 1st September

        Wonder how our D'Arsey's getting on with the marathon?


          Army Thread Sunday 1st September

          satz123;1550719 wrote: Nutrition is 80% v exercise 20% healthwise.
          Sugar is so bad for us Sweetie - undoes all I do in the gym too - that's the point I'm afraid 'cos I is a lazy cow and want to see results when I do shift me arse....:H
          Hiya satzerooney - talking of exercise I'm thinking of getting the insanity DVDs - ever heard of it ?
          Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


            Army Thread Sunday 1st September

            sweetpea29;1550728 wrote: :H I hears ya Doc!! Tis another addiction altogether is sugar- one I cant tackle for now:upset:

            Ah Questy:l Get rid of the al for today anyhows, no?
            Did ye ever get some time off/ a holiday?
            I agree :l

            I had a week off, 2weeks in and 2weeks off so a decent break :H

            Didn't go anywhere - just at home with sprogs - glad to go back to work for a rest lol :H
            Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


              Army Thread Sunday 1st September

              Quest for the key;1550730 wrote: Hiya satzerooney - talking of exercise I'm thinking of getting the insanity DVDs - ever heard of it ?
              But think I'm about to :H


                Army Thread Sunday 1st September

                Quest for the key;1550733 wrote: I agree :l

                I had a week off, 2weeks in and 2weeks off so a decent break :H

                Didn't go anywhere - just at home with sprogs - glad to go back to work for a rest lol :H
                :H That's what me mates say!! They is glad to get back to work for a break:egad:


                  Army Thread Sunday 1st September

                  Quest for the key;1550733 wrote: I agree :l

                  I had a week off, 2weeks in and 2weeks off so a decent break :H

                  Didn't go anywhere - just at home with sprogs - glad to go back to work for a rest lol :H
                  Me, I think , and this is radical,do it tomorrow.
                  Routine is best when starting to get AF days under your belt.
                  Sunday is deffo not a day of routine !


                    Army Thread Sunday 1st September

                    satz123;1550737 wrote: Me, I think , and this is radical,do it tomorrow.
                    Routine is best when starting to get AF days under your belt.
                    Sunday is deffo not a day of routine !
                    You think ?

                    Tbh Sundays are a big trigger for me - its like pre Monday stress

                    Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                      Army Thread Sunday 1st September

                      Quest for the key;1550747 wrote: You think ?

                      Tbh Sundays are a big trigger for me - its like pre Monday stress

                      Sorry for delay Questy - I was the same with Sundays.
                      Monday is a better day as you are in work,kids are in school,no-one drinks on a Monday - so no back-up excuse if you are tempted.

                      Then from tomorrow - you are starting to build up AF days and get strong for next weekend.
                      My humble opinion Questy - and how I would approcah it.
                      - get yourself set up for success today in your mind.....
                      'D' day tomorrow :yay:
                      I'll be watching you :thumbsup:


                        Army Thread Sunday 1st September

                        Just watching storage wars on discovery - sad but true
                        Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                          Army Thread Sunday 1st September

                          mollyka;1550825 wrote: DUBLIN GOAL --- LAST MINUTE --- OMG --- BEST GAME EVER!!!!!
                          Sounds good-- Sorry not been around much but living in a crazy house. I had a nice little break and then my middle east family went home but on the way to the airport the norweigiens told me they are to come back for a long weekend:thanks:

                          Could drive one to drink if I only had the time:H

                          Will read back now


                            Army Thread Sunday 1st September

                            mollyka;1550829 wrote: Xpost Mrsa! crikey - they're not still all arriving and going are they? D'ya'know - that to me would be a nightmare --- I'm a loner by nature - and I truly do love all my children -- but I CRAVE space...... Simon and Jamie dropped in for a couple of hours - and that was lovely --- but enough!!
                            How are you feeling about it - are you stressed?


                              Army Thread Sunday 1st September

                              mollyka;1550828 wrote: JAYSUS Questy -- have to say that was one of the most exciting games I've seen in a long time -- I'm guessin a tad more excitin that storage wars

                              UP THE DUBS!!!!!!

                              What did you feel about Benjy's suggestion to wait till tomorrow for the grog thingy?
                              Well, I must say I was in two minds - shall I or shan't I ?

                              After a quick trip to home and bargain (shop) and picking up some .....popcorn and cookies - I decided not to bother

                              So I'm sat here with a cuppa and me popcorn, watching crap on the Telly but happy that I haven't succumbed

                              So, day 2 ( today) (weird but I never drink on a Saturday !!) is going good
                              Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                                Army Thread Sunday 1st September

                                anon;1550831 wrote: Stressed:upset:
                                Awhh have a :l mrs a :h
                                Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.

