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Army Thread Wednesday 4th September

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    Army Thread Wednesday 4th September

    Recluse;1551927 wrote:
    Amy reportage - didn't realise what I was taking on when I decided to get a puppy, I think it must be like having a baby. Have to prepare meals for her 4 times a day, make sure she always has clean water, take her outside to use the toilet facilities about 16 times a day, get up a couple of times in the night to do same, clean up the toilet accidents and other mess she creates, play with her to keep her entertained, and keep a watchful eye on her to stop her chewing things. She seems to need to keep her mouth constantly occupied when she's not resting, either with eating, drinking, chewing, or play biting. In order to feed myself or have a bath or go to the post office I have to put her in her cage for a little while and then I feel guilty about that. Did I mention that I love her?

    Ach, that's a lovely post. ) She certainly sounds like a handful but that's prolly a good thing in the long-run as it means she has character. Don't feel guilty about the cage... it makes them feel secure apparently. Taco next door loves his cage and goes in it on his own accord... can't get him out sometimes in fact! I'm glad you two have bonded.

    Kittens are a handful too, especially when you get them really young. Sean was taken away from his mam before he knew how to eat and I had to bottle feed him for a few weeks. Used to tie a knot behind my back on an oversize t-shirt and carry him around like a kangaroo! He wore a sock with four holes in it for the first few weeks. And was sick everywhere. And pooped all over the place... ah yes, fond memories... :h

    Ukblonde;1551945 wrote:

    Nails this morning, then gym. Just done a bit of ironing, don't like ironing so it really was a 'bit'.
    I feckin HATE shaggingironing! With a passion! I usually have mountains of clothes in the dining room, waiting their turn to see the ironing board. :upset: I'll even pick some off the stack and put them on unironed. I used to even iron my pajamas but One2Many managed to me stop doing that nonsense, and now I've gone totally to the dark side.

    Whizzy? Congratulations on your 45th Anniversary! What an innings! You deserve a medal woman!

    Mr d?Arsey? How did the interview go? Did you charm the feck out of them with your winsome Scottish ways? (I used to live in Aberdeen btw? for 2 years.)

    Tipps? How is the now lighter Samuel L Catson?

    Sweety? Sorry to hear about the backache? I get that fairly often myself (I have scoliosis, had it since I was a wain). Lately I?ve been taking anti-inflammatories instead of painkillers and they help a lot? maybe you want to give that a shot?

    Foxy? Maybe you want to try the anti-inflams too?

    Jacks? What did ye buy me?

    Yoooo Hooooo to a?body else!

    Stormy and overcast here today but it?s still chuffing hot & humid. :upset: 81 degrees farenheit? Gah! and Bah! Got to go grocery shopping and had planned on taking a trip up to the organic farm for a haul of veggies. Not much of a day for driving with the rain though, and it's a long way, so it may get postponed till the morrow.

    Mollers... Forgot to menshun before... I got the S4 and am really liking it. The sound quality on the calls is amazing. )


      Army Thread Wednesday 4th September

      Recluse;1552034 wrote: Afternoon molly :hallo: No sign of the army's skiver-in-chief. Is it possible that she's.....WORKING?!!! :egad:

      Naw.... that's not possible... is it?


        Army Thread Wednesday 4th September

        Kitty reportage: the ball-less wonder is home. Bedraggled but OK. About to get a bath (he wet himself), then food if he wants it, then to mum's room with blankie and heater on and Jasmine to give some TLC - she loves him to bits.

        Back laters.
        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009


          Army Thread Wednesday 4th September

          tiptronic_ct;1552046 wrote: Kitty reportage: the ball-less wonder is home. Bedraggled but OK. About to get a bath (he wet himself), then food if he wants it, then to mum's room with blankie and heater on and Jasmine to give some TLC - she loves him to bits.

          Back laters.
          Awwwhhhh, poor wee mite. Is it OK to bathe him right after his snip?

          The blankie, heater and Jasmine sounds pretty good though... can I snuggle up too?


            Army Thread Wednesday 4th September

            Zenstyle;1552048 wrote: Awwwhhhh, poor wee mite. Is it OK to bathe him right after his snip?

            The blankie, heater and Jasmine sounds pretty good though... can I snuggle up too?

            Lycra, soft fabrics and hanging things up straight to dry are all your friends.

            Poor thing, does he have one of those Elizabethan collars?
            I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

            Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

            AF date 22/07/13


              Army Thread Wednesday 4th September

              General wavings, yooooooooooo hoooooooooos and good evenings.

              Twas, my pleasure, Reccybear.

              Never made the high street just nipped up to friggingtesco as I realised the cupboards were bare. Isn't there a nursery rhyme about that.
              Anyhoo ended up making a mega spag bol and pork meatballs (sowwy kitty) in sweet and sour sauce............which leaves me free to watch the last season of House tomorrow.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Army Thread Wednesday 4th September

                JackieClaire;1552079 wrote: General wavings, yooooooooooo hoooooooooos and good evenings.

                Twas, my pleasure, Reccybear.

                Never made the high street just nipped up to friggingtesco as I realised the cupboards were bare. Isn't there a nursery rhyme about that.
                Anyhoo ended up making a mega spag bol and pork meatballs (sowwy kitty) in sweet and sour sauce............which leaves me free to watch the last season of House tomorrow.
                That'll be Old Mother Hubbard.

                Old Mother Hubbard
                Went to the cupboard,
                To give the poor dog a bone;
                When she came there,
                The cupboard was bare,
                And so the poor dog had none.

                She went to the baker's
                To buy him some bread;
                When she came back
                The dog was dead!

                She went to the undertaker's
                To buy him a coffin;
                When she came back
                The dog was laughing.

                She took a clean dish
                to get him some tripe;
                When she came back
                He was smoking his pipe.

                She went to the alehouse
                To get him some beer;
                When she came back
                The dog sat in a chair.

                She went to the tavern
                For white wine and red;
                When she came back
                The dog stood on his head.

                She went to the fruiterer's
                To buy him some fruit;
                When she came back
                He was playing the flute.

                She went to the tailor's
                To buy him a coat;
                When she came back
                He was riding a goat.

                She went to the hatter's
                To buy him a hat;
                When she came back
                He was feeding her cat.

                She went to the barber's
                To buy him a wig
                When she came back
                He was dancing a jig.

                She went to the cobbler's
                To buy him some shoes;
                When she came back
                He was reading the news.

                She went to the sempstress
                To buy him some linen;
                When she came back
                The dog was spinning.

                She went to the hosier's
                To buy him some hose;
                When she came back
                He was dressed in his clothes.

                The Dame made a curtsy,
                The dog made a bow;
                The Dame said, Your servant;
                The dog said, Bow-wow.

                This wonderful dog
                Was Dame Hubbard's delight,
                He could read, he could dance,
                He could sing, he could write;
                She gave him rich dainties
                Whenever he fed,
                And erected this monument
                When he was dead.
                I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                AF date 22/07/13


                  Army Thread Wednesday 4th September

                  Funny rhyme, the dog dies then does a whole load of other stuff afterwards, clever dog.
                  I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                  Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                  AF date 22/07/13


                    Army Thread Wednesday 4th September

                    That's the one. It's brilliant isn't it. Thanks for finding it, YouKay.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Army Thread Wednesday 4th September

                      It's the first time I've seen that in full :goodjob: UKB

                      Dunno if we were supposed to give Sammy a bath, but he stank of cat urine... ugh. He's fast asleep now, though. Mum kindly donated one of her hot water bottles to keep him cosy. He's curled up on her bed. Jasmine is really fantastic - she lay next to him on her bedding for an hour or two, until he got up to have a bite to eat.

                      I'm off to bed now, so I'll see you on the morrow.
                      I'll do whatever it takes
                      AF 21/08/2009


                        Army Thread Wednesday 4th September

                        Awww bless him.
                        He'll be as right as rain in no time.
                        Nighty night, Tipps.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Army Thread Wednesday 4th September

                          Wee Sammy. We do love our pets! :h

                          I have to go shopping now Jacks... jealous yours is done. I managed to get a load of paperwork done today and happy to be on top of it.

                          I'll bebacinabit...


                            Army Thread Wednesday 4th September

                            Just read the rhyme. Clever dawggie indeed. Wonder if Amy will be able to stand on her head when she grows up? )


                              Army Thread Wednesday 4th September

                              I have been out of the loop for a few days - worried sick that I would lose my job. I didn't thankfully, but the company has merged and no one will tell us what that means. Just waiting. No more layoffs, thankfully. At least I don't feel like I am going to barf all the time. Dealt with the stress with meditation and crying. No drinks that's for sure. My middle daughter started high school today, and the little one starts first grade tomorrow. Holy cow. SO many things.

                              Hope you are well


                              February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                              When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                                Army Thread Wednesday 4th September

                                How weird is that, Waggers, was just thinking about you.
                                Glad to hear there's no more lay offs. You must have been stressed to Hell and back.
                                Have one of these.:l
                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

