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Army Thread Friday 6th September

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    Army Thread Friday 6th September

    Recluse;1552780 wrote: 'Nother xpost sweetie...I'm in fine fettle, thank you, I hope you are too. Amy and behaving don't really belong together in the same sentence, in fact she's in the process of trying to destroy her bedding at the moment. Having said that, I do detect one or two hopeful signs. Only one toilet accident so far today :goodjob: and noticeably less inclination to chew the furniture - I think/hope she's beginning to realise I don't approve!
    :H Much as I would love a dog here, your experience kinda proves how much time and energy are required in order to train and supervise them. Sounds like you're doing a grand job with the training melarky :goodjob:

    Glad to hear yer in fine fettle


      Army Thread Friday 6th September

      Wot did you buy in the shops molly?

      Did you manage to find a bog brush inchy?

      How did the interview go arsey?

      Did you enjoy lunch with your aunt, Jackie?

      Am I nosey or what? :new:


        Army Thread Friday 6th September

        See ya laters Molls :hallo:

        Didn't realise D'Arsey had another interview- hope went well runny-arse?! xx


          Army Thread Friday 6th September

          Yo troops

          Interview went well - but didnae get the job. They had to decide today cos the acting-CEO would be off next week and on jury duty the after. Was between me and another and the reason they gave for it not being me was that they felt that i was very strategic in my thinking, was destined for leadership and that the post was only a temporary 6-month post, the acting CEO couldn't support me in what i might want to do.... or something to that effect. Seemed very genuine. And no hard feelings. I know the two who I'd have worked with and believe they'll have chosen the right person for the right position at the right time.

          Not that you needed to know any of that.
          Could've just stuck with "didnae get the job" :H

          Curious though... cos in the car back I was genuinely wondering if I got it... and then i got offered the job at yesterday's interview... which I'd take.

          One more interview on Monday... and fingers crossed i get SOMETHING!!

          Enuff about me.
          So, how are you all?
          Back to me.

          So this evening I am doing diddly squat.
          Note to self: Must get a life.


            Army Thread Friday 6th September

            Evening lovelies,
            Athletics from Belgium on BBC2 if anyone's interested.

            Lunch was fabberoooo. The luvverly Jenz turned up and the three of us had a right old natter. Nice little bijou cafe so we spoilt ourselves a bit. Lovely nosh and not expensive.

            Favourite Auntie in all the world doubled had steak, Greek sald and a side of chunky chips.

            Moi had lamb kofta kebabs, Greek salad, tzatziki, pitta bread and fries.

            The luvverly Jenz had hot smoked salmon, new potatoes, salad and horse.


            Sounds like you're not exceedingly upset about today's job, Arsey. But gawd people don't half waffle these day.

            Excellent news about the wedding, Sweetles apart from having to get dressed up.

            Love hearing about Amy's antics, Reccy.

            Bought me self a sweat shirt at Primani, got it home and I don't like it. Will have to take it back and change it for the jumper I reeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllly liked and neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeded.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Army Thread Friday 6th September

              Hiya Jacks and D'Arsey :waving:

              Glad ye had a fabberoo lunch Jacks But did Jenz really have horse with her salmon?!

              Didn't mind getting dressed up (looked rather well until I had to walk!) - musta been off the day they covered grace and elegance in finishing school!!

              D'Arsey- sorry ye didn't get the job:l Something will come up for you- have everything crossed here xx


                Army Thread Friday 6th September

                Oh and in further news while I was pootling, bimbling and generally wasting time waiting for my Aunt's bus to arrive spotted an advert for part-time post in a rather posh jewellers.

                Now it's always been a dream of mine to work in a jewellers so I grabbed a pair of big girls pants out of me handbag and went in and asked how I would go about applying.

                Now they didn't faint when they saw a woman of errrrrrrrrrrrrrm more mature years asking about the job and asked me to bring in my CV.

                I have a wee knot of excitement.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Army Thread Friday 6th September

                  so my lovely day out shopping with the wife turned into him sulking and then taking me to tesco instead he says he'll make it up to me tomorrow but not too sure

                  got the loo brush though xD
                  I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                  To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                    Army Thread Friday 6th September

                    Shoot done it again. :H I meant horse radish sauce. Not only should I read other's posts properly I should read me own before pressing send.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Army Thread Friday 6th September

                      JackieClaire;1552812 wrote: Oh and in further news while I was pootling, bimbling and generally wasting time waiting for my Aunt's bus to arrive spotted an advert for part-time post in a rather posh jewellers.

                      Now it's always been a dream of mine to work in a jewellers so I grabbed a pair of big girls pants out of me handbag and went in and asked how I would go about applying.

                      Now they didn't faint when they saw a woman of errrrrrrrrrrrrrm more mature years asking about the job and asked me to bring in my CV.

                      I have a wee knot of excitement.
                      Oh Jackie- that's fantastic You make out like yer 90 odd, sure yer only a young ting!
                      Fingers crossed for you too xx

                      InChains;1552813 wrote: so my lovely day out shopping with the wife turned into him sulking and then taking me to tesco instead he says he'll make it up to me tomorrow but not too sure

                      got the loo brush though xD
                      Inchy- sorry yer day ended with the wife sulkin, goodjob on getting a loo brush tho!:goodjob:

                      JackieClaire;1552814 wrote:
                      Shoot done it again. :H I meant horse radish sauce. Not only should I read other's posts properly I should read me own before pressing send.


                        Army Thread Friday 6th September

                        I'm having a crisis, fed up of some of the people I have to deal with on a daily basis, luckily no in person but still bad enough on the phone/email messages. I am not able to go into detail but I definitely need a change and cannot wait to start the course.
                        I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                        Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                        AF date 22/07/13


                          Army Thread Friday 6th September

                          JackieClaire;1552812 wrote: Oh and in further news while I was pootling, bimbling and generally wasting time waiting for my Aunt's bus to arrive spotted an advert for part-time post in a rather posh jewellers.

                          Now it's always been a dream of mine to work in a jewellers so I grabbed a pair of big girls pants out of me handbag and went in and asked how I would go about applying.

                          Now they didn't faint when they saw a woman of errrrrrrrrrrrrrm more mature years asking about the job and asked me to bring in my CV.

                          I have a wee knot of excitement.
                          As if you need big girl pants, wow sounds verrrrry exciting and nowt wrong with people of any age applying for any job. If anything maturity is sought after especially in a responsible, people friendly position like that one.
                          I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                          Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                          AF date 22/07/13


                            Army Thread Friday 6th September

                            I walked pass the place about 200 times, they must have thought I was casing the joint.
                            Funnily enough apart from my engagement and wedding ring I really don't have any posh jewellery.

                            I'd just polish the counters for nowt if I got the chance to lewk at the sparkley things.

                            Sorry to hear you're getting some grief.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Army Thread Friday 6th September

                              Ukblonde;1552816 wrote: I'm having a crisis, fed up of some of the people I have to deal with on a daily basis, luckily no in person but still bad enough on the phone/email messages. I am not able to go into detail but I definitely need a change and cannot wait to start the course.
                              Hi UK- sorry yer having bother at the mo xx Take it ye wont hafta deal with this when ye start the course?


                                Army Thread Friday 6th September

                                sweetpea29;1552822 wrote: Hi UK- sorry yer having bother at the mo xx Take it ye wont hafta deal with this when ye start the course?
                                I'll be phasing out my old job eventually when I start the course, tempted to start doing it now but I'm a 'worker bean' as my Mother used to say so tend to keep going. I've done a few things to cut out some of the hassle. Amazing what you can do with technology these days:H

                                Was discussing it with someone who's trained in the course I'll be doing, and they say once I get going in that field it'll be a walk in the park compared to what I do now(the folk I deal with not necessarily the actual doing the job!).
                                I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                                Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                                AF date 22/07/13

