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My daughter may NOT be fine

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    My daughter may NOT be fine

    Ok so doc calls me last night at 10PM and tells me her cf numbers are "borderline" so she has to have blood genetic testing, even though the girl on the phone on Friday told me her numbers were in "normal levels". Can you believe this unbelieveable bs. It never ends. :upset:
    Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL

    My daughter may NOT be fine

    Happy, boy that is disheartening - they certainly pulled the rug right out from under you...

    My thoughts are with you are your family - hope that this turns out to be the doctor just being precautious.
    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


      My daughter may NOT be fine

      What in the world are those Drs. doing, besides the news being more testing are they trying to keep your family up all nite.

      That is not professional what was the point of disturbing you so late!!



        My daughter may NOT be fine

        Dear Happy,

        I am so sorry that is happening. My heart goes out to you and your family.

        Maybe she is borderline and when she has the next set of tests they will swing to the normal range. I certainly hope that is the case.

        You are in our prayers,


          My daughter may NOT be fine

          Happy, just hang on in there, its not final yet till Sophie has the blood tests and you get the results of those... Its going to be a tough time for you and your family, but never forget we are your family too and we are here for you..

          Thinking of you,

          Love, Louise.. :huggy :h
          A F F L..
          Alcohol Free For Life


            My daughter may NOT be fine

            Oh Happy, having a daughter with a long term illness myself, I can empathise ..... Our children are our lives, we just want to make them better .........

            Keep breathing love, my heart goes out to you .... wish that I could do more ....

            Love & hugs :h :l :h


              My daughter may NOT be fine

              Happy, I so feel for you. I hope that everything with your daughter is OK
              Try to think positive, I know it's hard sometimes. I wish I could say more to help you and comfort you.

              Hugs to you and your little girl.
              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                My daughter may NOT be fine

                Oh Happy I am so sorry to hear this. I am praying for you and your beautiful daughter.
                Love Jenneh
                Over 4 months AF :h


                  My daughter may NOT be fine

                  Oh Camper, I am so sorry you have to go through this. Your sweet baby girl. I will keep you in my prayers! :huggy

                  "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                    My daughter may NOT be fine

                    Camper...Very sorry you have to go through this worry again.

                    Our thoughts are with you.
                    Control the Mind


                      My daughter may NOT be fine

                      We'll be here for you Happy, no matter how it turns out.

                      I'm keeping you and your sweetness in my prayers.
                      :h :h :h :h


                        My daughter may NOT be fine

                        I really can't add anything that hasn't been said. try to keep a positive attitude. Do whatever it takes to keep both your and Sophie's feelings up. Loads of positive energy directed your way.


                          My daughter may NOT be fine

                          :h I cannot imagine the angst you must be in and I am so sorry. Do not borrow trouble though. I am holding good thoughts for you and miss sophie (and mr.camper too):h


                            My daughter may NOT be fine

                            Hey Camps,

                            I have just read and gone off to do some googling. The sweat test can have problems, like if they did not collect enough sweat or if the gauze dried out, or if the guaze even got bumped. Also, some conditions may cause a borderline result. Since some forms of CF are (seemingly often) related to pancreatic problems and some of the research on autism also suggests a relationship with insulin issues ... maybe austism is one of those conditions that could throw a test off - she does have GI issues. I bet your doc has not considered this. It seems possible to me, but I couldn't find research. (Hey, did Booze Free Fox go away?) Most parents seem to speak of needing to do the sweat test multiple times and even then, it doesn't seem conclusive. It is just cheaper to do then the blood tests.

                            I am keeping good thoughts for you, Tim, and of course, Sophie. I do agree with Duck though - don't borrow trouble - although that sounds downright impossible right now. I did read the posts of quite a few parents who had gotten the DNA test done after a borderline result - and the DNA result was negative. It is very possible - and maybe likely - that this will be your result. After all, your specialist doc said he did not think it was CF ... just ruling it out and you already know his bedside manner sucks bigtime.

                            Hugs, and I will call -


                              My daughter may NOT be fine

                              Dear Camper,
                              Just this second read your post, and my thoughts too are with you.
                              Unfortunately medicine is not an exact science.
                              This must be a very hard time for you, and there is little I can say other than hang in there and let your inner strength get you through this.

