Howdo Zens! Did the beds myself this morning --- nearly lookin forward to going to bed --- lurve fresh linen!
Well my dindin was leftover turkey breast with salad and batch loaf --- bit boring but usually is on my late!
Shudda said Hiya Mama --- spotted you there earlier but was working...
Will the new doors cause chaos?
Wazza batch loaf Mollers? Without going to goggle it, thinking it must be soda bread. Bread rhymes with bed and, yep, smelling vewwy fwesh in the leaba. Had a noice hot bath afore putting the jammies on and all...

JackieClaire;1553964 wrote: 'Fraid it doesn't work like that.
CV in first and then they either write or telephone me.
Just don't let me forget the bloody thing in the morning, going to hand it in before I go into work.
Oh hewwo back by the way.

And hewwo by the way!

*** Nowt much to report here. Cooked, pootled, went next door, came back... pootled. Orf to see the drag queens again on Wednesday and this visit should really be a hoot seeing as the neighbour knows the head Queen. (Who wants "normal" anyway?) ;o) She hardly ever drinks so it'll be a toss up as to who is the designated driver. From not having a chauffeur to having too many!

I bought me Ma some more clothes today, and going to lie about what's in the parcel this time. Feckin nerve of the Royal Mail charging VAT on stuff VATs already been paid on. I guess she'll have to pay the bullshit handling charge though. Tempted to say "dog shit" where they ask you what's in the parcel...
And on that refined and discreet note... Have a happy Toooosday folksies!