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BIG screw up...understatement

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    BIG screw up...understatement

    Well, made it through I am proud of myself...okay made it through the worst day so far this month as it was my last holiday with Billy. Monday decided to take a drive out to the tree (where he died) a little wine...thought I would have a drink with him...STUPID....drink all that and then more....can't remember what the hell happended but ended up in the woods. My truck is total, my ankle is BADLY sprained, leg is scraped from ankle to knee. Needless to say, I feel like a major idiot today...but, I am on my way to HELP....I have an appoinment at 8:30 this morning. Will be in classes for 4 hours. AND then classes 3 nights a week for at least 8 weeks. They test you nightly so if I drink, I will be in big trouble. I knew this month was going to be rough and God knows I just keep making it rougher. I will continue MWO, but i think at this point i need something more as well. LUVUALL....Lisa

    BIG screw up...understatement

    Take Care of yourself. Your pain is so sharp I understand the desire to dull it.You are taking steps to help yourself, good for you. Try not to judge yourself no one else here is. :h


      BIG screw up...understatement

      Lisa not one ounce of judgement here. You have been through so much. I cannot begin to grasp it all. I want you to get better and move on you were doing well and you will do better in the future. Be really good to yourself and please don't beat yourself up. I am praying and puling for you girl. I"m going to be in Souh Carolina the end of June (Hilton Head) maybe if your close by we can get together and talk. Keep us posted.
      Lots of love


        BIG screw up...understatement

        Hey Lisa,

        Sorry about your pain about Billy first of all. I'm sorry too, that you had to get yourself in trouble to get yourself the help you needed. But we all have our different ways of reaching out for help, and it sounds like you DID reach out for help. That's the important thing! No judgment here. I'm sorry that you are strained, bumped and bruised, but that will heal. It's the internal pain that hurts so much! Take care of yourself, and many hugs coming your way!


        AF as of August 5th, 2012


          BIG screw up...understatement

          Oh Lisa Love ....

          My heart truly goes out to you, but as Kathy says, at least you are getting the help that you need.

          Much love, Hugs, and prayers on the way to you.


            BIG screw up...understatement

            Lisa, I was in a very similar situation very recently. On March 7th I went in the clinic for help. Tho it seemed like the worst ordeal I'd ever put myself in it turned out to be one of the smartest things I've ever done for myself. it's time to do for YOU now. Congradulations and speedy recovery inside and out. As all these wonderful people have said we are behind you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              BIG screw up...understatement


              tons of hugs & understandings:huggy We're here every step of the way.
              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                BIG screw up...understatement


                I am so sorry for your loss and your pain. We are all hear to support you. Big hugs~



                  BIG screw up...understatement

                  Lisa - Thinking of you during this tough time. Sounds like you are taking very positive steps to help yourself through this painful part of your life. It will get better. Hang in there.


                    BIG screw up...understatement

                    Hang in there Lisa - lots of positive thoughts from this side of the planet!

                    Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


                      BIG screw up...understatement

                      :l :l LISA:l :l

                      Love you
                      "Be still and know that I am God"

                      Psalm 46:10


                        BIG screw up...understatement

                        Hi TOC, I'm so sorry that you are hurt. Take care of yourself and let us know how you are doing.:h
                        Enlightened by MWO


                          BIG screw up...understatement

                          Toc, I'm so glad to hear that you are getting the additional help you need. Big hugs and be well!!
                          Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                            BIG screw up...understatement

                            Lisa, I too, am very glad you are getting the help you need. Sorry it had to get so bad before it can gets better. I wish you all the very best. Hugs
                            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                              BIG screw up...understatement

                              Hi Lisa,

                              Sending big :l your way - really hope you can start to see a light at the end of this long tunnel soon - they say we have to go through the trying times to really appreciate the good, but it's hard to see sometimes - hang in there and focus on yourself and your recovery - we're all here, we all care and I hope you start to find a little bit of heaven soon.
                              Warmest wishes and more :l :l - take care
                              :rays: Arial

                              Last first day - 15th April 2012
                              Days 1-7 DONE
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                              Days 15-21 DONE
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