Evening folks - yis are all prob off to the leabas by now

One more day of work and then I get a break :yay:
Molls - I hear ya on how workin lates and shifts in general reek havoc with our diet. 'Tis impossible to have a set routine of eating/mealtimes etc...Cause I've been workin mostly longdays = no time to shop or cook proper meals to bring into work. Has to be summat quick n easy which usually translates into a sambo of some description or canteen food i.e. chips! :egad: Hence reason Iz sat here at this time eating crackers n butter!!
Mr D'Arsey- don't envy yer dilemma re. work and moving:l Sorry cannae offer any advice like go or not. Just hope and do think, things will work out for you just as you wish xx Its hard to avoid that bloody GO COMPARE shite but that we MUST do!
Anyhows, will head on here and see yis in morn, don't worry I'll turn off the lights and pull out the plugs, blah, blah....Nighters and sweetdreams all xx