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Army Thread Wednesday 11th September

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    Army Thread Wednesday 11th September

    Gooooooooood morning, folksies.

    A very happy Hump Day to one and all.

    Got some good news last night: we can go to the holiday house in Jongensfontein (the place we visited over easter) for the cubs' spring break. We'll be leaving next Saturday and stay for just more than a week. Can't wait. A break is sorely needed.

    Have a lekker Wednesday, everybody!
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009

    Army Thread Wednesday 11th September

    Marnin'! Can't believe I'm still up.

    Who owns the house Tipps? I'm orf to goggle the town...

    And, oh yeah... glad you're getting a much needed break!


      Army Thread Wednesday 11th September

      Now that I see the pics... I remember that! OMG, TippMeister... wish it was moi. Have a really fabby time. The only holiday I've been on in years was going to Scotland to see my Mum in June. I really miss holidays and getaways. I'm hoping we can scrape enough cash together soon... Either that or I'll have a fuck it moment and the electric won't get paid... :H


        Army Thread Wednesday 11th September

        Morning troops.

        Good news on the break Mr T

        Zen - get thee to yer bed

        Just had a quick squint back - sorry to hear about the young lad there JC. Tragic that is. :l
        And Inchy congrats on the blood test :goodjob: Lookin forward to wootin yer 30days
        And Molls - how's the Joey shennanigans going? Last I heard he and his mates were back in the garage?!
        And PP - y'alright? Don't you go working yerself to the bone there. :l
        And Whizzy - how's it looking for Chester?
        And Doc - how's the Ommm'ing coming along. Trying to do a bit more of that meself ...
        And Reccie - retractable lead, eh? Amy may be somewhat bemused but I've no doubt she'll get used to it. They got quite far them retractable leads. Benji (the family dog i grew up with NOT Dr Benjy Satzenburg) only had a chain lead.
        And big waves to the rest of youse :waving:

        Sorry for being MIA - taken away with driving all about the country last few days with a) taking my brother to various possible places for the wedding... then b) work, job interview, classes yada yada... each in a different town or city and all on the same day.

        And had a shite evening on Sunday... dunno what got in to me but sometimes (even the most innocent) situations give rise to all the aspects of me I dislike (control / comparing me with others / getting pissed off with family members for little to no reason) and it gets me angry and down. Sometimes i wish there was a *pause* button.

        But enuff of that.
        Have a grand HUMP day folks. Am off to work shortly (posh skool).


          Army Thread Wednesday 11th September

          Good morning MrT and Zennie and all

          Brilliant that you're getting a break MrT :goodjob:

          I hear ya Zen- my only hols in years have been wee jaunts over to the baby bro in London. Would so love a week to lay in the sun beside some pool and hafta worry bout nada! Tho one of those sorta hols would prove a tad testing now that booze is off the menu- unchartered waters.

          Just about awake now- onto second mug of coffee!

          Hope everyone has a grand day xx


            Army Thread Wednesday 11th September

            Hiya Arsey!

            You're right... tis time for me leaba. I'm glad to hear you sounding so chipper. Just remember... they're all eejits bar us! :H :new:

            Dinnae be expecting nowt to happen immediately like... it'll take a few weeks. :l


              Army Thread Wednesday 11th September

              RunningCourage;1554586 wrote: Morning troops.

              Good news on the break Mr T

              Zen - get thee to yer bed

              Just had a quick squint back - sorry to hear about the young lad there JC. Tragic that is.
              And Inchy congrats on the blood test :goodjob: Lookin forward to wootin yer 30days
              And Molls - how's the Joey shennanigans going? Last I heard he and his mates were back in the garage?!
              And PP - y'alright? Don't you go working yerself to the bone there. :l
              And Whizzy - how's it looking for Chester?
              And Doc - how's the Ommm'ing coming along. Trying to do a bit more of that meself ...
              And Reccie - retractable lead, eh? Amy may be somewhat bemused but I've no doubt she'll get used to it. They got quite far them retractable leads. Benji (the family dog i grew up with NOT Dr Benjy Satzenburg) only had a chain lead.
              And big waves to the rest of youse :waving:

              Sorry for being MIA - taken away with driving all about the country last few days with a) taking my brother to various possible places for the wedding... then b) work, job interview, classes yada yada... each in a different town or city and all on the same day.

              And had a shite evening on Sunday... dunno what got in to me but sometimes (even the most innocent) situations give rise to all the aspects of me I dislike (control / comparing me with others / getting pissed off with family members for little to no reason) and it gets me angry and down. Sometimes i wish there was a *pause* button.

              But enuff of that.
              Have a grand HUMP day folks. Am off to work shortly (posh skool).
              There you are MR D'Arsey!! You was missed:l

              Sorry to hear bout shite on Sunday hope yer feeling better now xx
              How'd interview go?

              Hafta head-on now and brush the ol teeth, hopefully see yis all later :hallo:


                Army Thread Wednesday 11th September

                sweetpea29;1554587 wrote:
                I hear ya Zen- my only hols in years have been wee jaunts over to the baby bro in London. Would so love a week to lay in the sun beside some pool and hafta worry bout nada! Tho one of those sorta hols would prove a tad testing now that booze is off the menu- unchartered waters.
                At this moment all I want is a hol Sweety! Can't be bothered thinking about AL, I just want a break. First things first!

                Maybe I need to do summat drastic and just take orf for a bit of a break. Scotland was not a break really. OK Sweety, you and me... Key West!


                  Army Thread Wednesday 11th September

                  Nighters and sweet dreams Zennie xx


                    Army Thread Wednesday 11th September

                    Good arvo Army peeps! or rather enjoy the morning that we've already had...hope you're all doing well?

                    ps that's too confusing...Goodnight to Zen...


                      Army Thread Wednesday 11th September

                      Hi and bye Happy :hiya: Good to see ya

                      Xpost Zen- would so love to just take off!!! Sure go on a nd post me a ticket!!

                      See yis later xx


                        Army Thread Wednesday 11th September

                        Hiya Happs! :l

                        It's their morning and my sleepy bo bo time... it actually makes me feel quite lucky to be going to sleep while the rest get up! Remnants of my misspent life! :H

                        Nice to see you on the thread m'dear. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods... X


                          Army Thread Wednesday 11th September

                          Morning guys
                          I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
                          Audrey Hepburn


                            Army Thread Wednesday 11th September

                            Sweety... yer virtual ticket is in the mail. Of course, the Royal Mail will charge you a surcharge, a delivery fee and a feckin eff you for us bringing it to you stipend. By the time you get it they'll have charged both of us so much we can't afford to go on holliers... :upset:


                              Army Thread Wednesday 11th September

                              tiptronic_ct;1554580 wrote: Gooooooooood morning, folksies.

                              A very happy Hump Day to one and all.

                              Got some good news last night: we can go to the holiday house in Jongensfontein (the place we visited over easter) for the cubs' spring break. We'll be leaving next Saturday and stay for just more than a week. Can't wait. A break is sorely needed.

                              Have a lekker Wednesday, everybody!

                              OOOh that sounds lovely, pack me in ya suitcase

                              Zenstyle;1554591 wrote:
                              At this moment all I want is a hol Sweety! Can't be bothered thinking about AL, I just want a break. First things first!

                              Maybe I need to do summat drastic and just take orf for a bit of a break. Scotland was not a break really. OK Sweety, you and me... Key West!
                              I need a wee break too, but nee money, LOL
                              I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
                              Audrey Hepburn

