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First Post In Awhile

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    First Post In Awhile

    I just wanted to say hi to all of you. I have not posted in awhile. Life has been charging by at record speed and my home, business and family committments have kept me very busy. So.....what did I decide to do last week? Take on two puppies! They are adorable and great fun - even with the added responsibilities.
    I have been struggling with the evil wine bottle recently and decided it was time to renew my committment to change.
    I am going to try to visit and post more - I have been away too long.

    First Post In Awhile

    Well, we haven't spoken but I love you!! I have 5 dogs of my own anyone who loves dogs is great in my book! I have one that is going blind I joke that I am going to get another dog to train to be his seeing eye dog. It does souund like your in a whirlwind of activity, keep strong. good luck with your commitment to change.


      First Post In Awhile

      Hiya Wellseasoned,

      Wow i havnt seen you around for ages...Glad you are keeping busy...You house sounds like mine

      Will you be moving back into your old house in Absville?

      Great to see you back
      I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
      One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


        First Post In Awhile

        Glad you're back. Those pups will definately keep you busy! Have fun!
        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


          First Post In Awhile

          Welcome back Wellseasoned! I remember you. I know you can do this as you sound qutie set on following through. Keep posting!

          Love your avatar! Is that one of your new puppies?

          We are down to 2 dogs, 15 and 13. The 15 is so deaf and blind but other than that, she functions fairly well. The 13 is so huge and he is having hip trouble now. Geriatric pets in our household. It is fun to have the kids bring over their year old puppy, she livens up these two seniors!


            First Post In Awhile

            Hi Welseasoned, glad to see you back. We both would be considered oldtimers had we stayed the course. I did the same as you have. I stayed away for a time while struggling with the wine thing. Everyone said, and I agree with them now, that we shouldn't leave when we slip. Most everyone here have the same issues with ups and downs and that's what we're here for is help each other through them. I'm still fighting the cravings, not as bad, but coming here helps a lot. We too have a new puppie. A Pekingnese. He will be four mos. old the 19th. His name is Sushi. I think we (hubby & me) are too old for a puppy. He is really a hand full. Training is hard. Again, soooooo.... glad :wd: you're back. Liz
            :heart: Eliziby :heart:


              First Post In Awhile

              MKR - My avator is a pic of the same breed as my pups - English Springer Spaniel (from what I can tell from the pic). They are adorable and yes, Eliziby, lots of work. What was I thinking with two? I was reduced to tears tonight and hubby had to take over for the evening. My pups are names Max and Molly and are as sweet as can be. They are 11 weeks old, so still a handfull.
              It is good to be back. I have been so busy, but if I have time to slip and drink at night I have time to sit at the keyboard and share my struggles. I am taking Topa this time - we'll see. I am also trying to get off of Zoloft - which has been an unsettling experience. My doc said take one every other day for 7 - 10 days and you should be fine. No so. I am now down to one half every three days and only take that because the vertigo is so bad I can hardly function.
              Good to be back with you folks.
              Have a great night, all!


                First Post In Awhile

                Jenn, I took zoloft also. I lasted about 3 months. It made every bone in my body ache. What has been your experience with it if you don't mind my asking?

