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Do y'all ever get blamed...

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    Do y'all ever get blamed...

    ...for being drunk when you aren't? I misplaced something this morning, and dh says to me, well no wonder, you were pretty out of it-you had a whole botle of wine last night by yourself. Well, the truth is, I had a glass while making dinner, and a glass while in the bathtub- a 4 hour total time span. I did NOT pour big glasses. There was only half a regular size bottle left to begin with-leftover from Easter. So I told him that, and he said "oh", and walked away. HE had 2 beers last night. HE had so much wine on Easter he was stumbling and has no memory of the last half of the day. But because I am working on my (over)consumption, I am the identified problem drinker. :durn:

    Oh well, I know the drill- it will take a while for people to register the change, and they are used to blaming me, and my drinking in the same thought. But not all of my scewups are alcohol related:H . AND, I am doing this for me, not his approval, though that would be nice. Anyway, just needed to vent a bit- I have been moderating pretty well for several weeks now, but no one at home has seemed to notice!
    Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child

    Do y'all ever get blamed...

    i read on this site once this reply. "well im glad your input means nothing to me". i know its a bit harsh but sometimes......... that commet of his is bordering on abuse. i would not take that from anyone. using a weakness to get the upper hand just sucks! and not only that he forced you into telling us how much worse he was than you on easter to make you feel better. i will be right there to kick him in his arse.:durn:


      Do y'all ever get blamed...

      I went almost 4 weeks without drinking anything before my dh noticed and he was the one who gently told me I needed to really take a hard look at my consumption! Anyway, once he figured it out, he was impressed -- he still drinks and sometimes too much, but that's his deal not mine. The way I see it is I am doing this and I know I'm doing well and it will sneak up on the rest of them and then they will be surprised at how long I've gone without being a mess. Keep up the good work - I can't moderate yet.
      Mama T.
      Found MWO Feb. 17, 2007


        Do y'all ever get blamed...

        Am, I could not do this without my supportive husband. He after 15 years still belives in everything I do. I feel for you who don't have supportive partners it is a hard battle with one let alone without. I won't brag. Husbands are like shoes keep trying them on untill you find the right fit. You gals have my support.


          Do y'all ever get blamed...

          Sorry to be a dork....but whats a dh?

          gotta be male I bet tho.
          Gabby :flower:


            Do y'all ever get blamed...

            i don,t get blamed for things i haven,t done but when i do something stupid i worry incase my family think that i have been drinking and then i start to act suspiciously which makes it look even worse,crazy or what


              Do y'all ever get blamed...

              Gabby, dh is dear husband-though not acting like it this morning He is pretty good most of the time! Mojo-you are right, by my telling the story on him, I was trying to make myself feel better. Even though I hadn't had too much last night, I was still tender and defensive about past times. My story is just that- MY story, not his-though our lives ARE pretty intertwined after 25 plus years.
              Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


                Do y'all ever get blamed...

                You're not a dork. It's your typical computer talk. DH is darling Husband but sometimes you could refer to it as Damn Husband (as in this case).
                Then you have DD for darling daughter and DS for darling son and so on.

                Amethyst, maybe your husband will see how well you are doing and will follow in your footsteps. Maybe because he had no recollection of Easter it made him feel better to make you feel bad. Keep up the good work Amethyst!!:goodjob:


                  Do y'all ever get blamed...

                  My other half has to put blame on stuff, thats the way he is. So of course I have been blamed cause of drinking and It really stinks. I do reply to him though that cause he is so perfect and all it must be so tough living in the world with the rest of us.

                  That usually shuts him up,


                    Do y'all ever get blamed...

                    Another interesting, cause for reflection thread that seems to hit home. I have been blamed for tons of little stuff from the DH (I didn;t know either, gabby), but he never linked it to drinking. He has been very concerned about my drinking & I remember he linked it to mood changes. Maybe he si not telling me what he really thinks.

                    Anyway, maryT, I totally relate to what you are saying. My quilt thing clicks in so fast that I also act suspiciously "defensive" even over stuff I did not do!!!

                    Anyone help me with that?? I mean any thoughts on that? Sometimes I think I will never be free of some damage in my childhood. Sometimes I think I have overcome some things, but not others.



                      Do y'all ever get blamed...

                      Oh forgot to tell you....I am the Queen Bee Blame Queen in this hive!!!!

                      I think we had a prev thread on similar topic...quilt, blame..etc...

                      So..what I really want to know is...Is this a typical woman thing (caused, of course, by men); a typical addiction disorder thing; or unique to a certain generation of "older" women?? I mean, do younger women have this going on? Damn, I hope not!

                      But would love to hear from you younger women out there, say under 40, ... I know there are lots of you...
                      Thank you very much


                        Do y'all ever get blamed...

                        Interesting thread
                        My DH is at a loss to know what to think of the sober me.
                        Good side - I drive him everywhere
                        Bad side - I am so much more aware of his drinking & behavour.

                        He has just come home from a long (5 hour) lunch with the guys and is absolutely pi**ed
                        And whats worse - he drove home - At times I am so ashamed of him
                        Not sure what the way forward is from here.

                        Changeling 106 Days Af

