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over 60?

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    over 60?

    Anyone out there over 60? I just would like to connect.

    over 60?

    Good morning Oxi,
    I don't know how it happened, but I turned 60 in April. Considering the abuse that I have put my poor body through I am still in surprisingly good condition. I am 36 hours without my poison of choice, jut came back from a long walk and am reading all your news before I hit my day.
    Have a wonderful day.


      over 60?

      Hi Oxi,
      you don't need to be a certain age!:rollin :rollin :rollin
      Anybody join in and you are never to old to join:rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :
      join us it's OK
      Love Shas


        over 60?

        Getting there, Oxi, getting there!
        And, lori, I know what you mean: HOW did we get this far!!!??


          over 60?

          Getting real close...............
          Don't know how that happened!:rolleyes
          I have 1 husband (of 41 years)
          3 children
          4 grandchildren

          Nancy :d


            over 60?

            Lori, congratulations on your 36 hours! How's it going?
            I just turned 62 and also find it hard to believe! I am active however so in good health considering.
            I found out about MWO on the internet last week and am currently reading the book. It offers lots of hope!
            Are you doing the whole program - topa, vitimins and CD's? I wish you success!!


              over 60?

              Nancy, how long have you been doing MWO? How's it going?


                over 60?

                hi Mary,
                I got the book in March. Love the cds and take supps but do not take topa. I tried some of the same type drugs a few years ago for mood swings and didn't do well on them. Swelling and panic. Yuck!
                I want to do mod as my hubby and I make blackberry wine but had to go to abs. I have "fallen off the wagon" a few times but with a little help from my friends here and the cds, I've been able to climb back up!
                I'm getting too old for falling!!! My body is starting to protest!:rollin
                I'm so happy that you are here.. EZ box me anytime you want to have a more personal conversation. Not that I have anything to hide but sometimes everybody may not want to hear the same old stuff over and over!


                  over 60?

                  Nancy, can you tell me how to ez box??


                    over 60?

                    Being 60

                    Isn't it something how 60 is like the new 40? 60 seems so young today. No, I'm not there yet. I'm 56, so am close but I feel stonger and more capable than I did when I was 20. At 56 I gallop my horse across a field,
                    stack a cord of wood, run 2 miles with my dog, hold down a demanding job and am learning to love myself all over again. Women are so special. Too bad we don't have a chance to run the world, devoid of all the testosterone. Wouldn't it be a much nicer place to live?
                    So, hey - love yourself at 60 and all that you are.
                    Women are awesome! Em


                      over 60?

                      Re: Being 60

                      Ez box is in the upper right corner when you sign in.. Just click on it and follow directions. If I can do it, anybody can....:rollin


                        over 60?

                        Re: Being 60

                        Hi..I'm in..will turn 60 in October..been saying I am 60 for a yr ..just preparing

                        Really wish you guys would post on the General Discussion board though..but that is just me....

                        Very nice to know who my 60 sisters

                        Would you consider moving this post to the General D board?


                          over 60?

                          Re: Being 60

                          Yes - move it to General Discussion.

                          I've been the grand old dame for too long! I am delighted to abdicate and defer to the knowledge and wisdom of those older and wiser than I.

                          Bring it on!

                          Tawny (56 - 57 in December)


                            over 60?

                            Re: Being 60

                            hush you baby frog


                              over 60?

                              Re: Being 60

                              Chrysa! :rollin

                              Yep, 60 IS the new 40, and 40's the new 25. 25 is the new 12, and 12's the new fetus. I better hush too huh.... :eek

