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over 60?

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    over 60?

    Hi, all.

    Hey, as we begin to establish forums on the new message board (which should be easier to navigate and search) I'm thinking about what may be missing here. I've been considering adding a forum especially for the guys...also one for family members of drinkers. Wondering, too, if it made sense to have an 'over 50' club or something along those lines? I always want to be careful about 'segregating' membership. On the other hand, I think it can be really helpful to provide an area where specific concerns and interests are addressed, particularly with the remarkable growth in membership we're seeing over the past few months.

    Lemme know what you think and thanks in advance for any input.


    p.s.: We'll import the forums we now have and all existing/archived posts to the new message board.


      over 60?

      Hi RJ,

      Quick note for now. More later. I really think a Men's Forum is needed. And I think it should be widely advertised. I think men come here & see that it is a chick's site & stay away.

      I like the idea of an over 50's forum because there are a lot of us, we are interesting & cool, and we have issues and concerns different than 20, 30, or 40's. For one-- often more complex health issues...

      Many Regards, Chrysa

      ps you know I'm not really pissed at "you" -- right? :h

      Oh- Library of research -- with searches -- I know that may be too much -- database & all


        over 60?

        I think that's a great idea, RJ. Would you consider starting a separate thread and asking people what they think about different categories of people??? It might be interesting, and, as you said, our memberships is just growing so quickly!!! I think that the abs and mods forums are turning into wonderful resources for people, and I imagine that branching out into other "specialties" will only add to the depth of MWO, as well! I don't think there should be any restrictions on posting, just like now, just special places where special concerns can be addressed. Just my two cents!



          over 60?

          Gee fsophia,

          If your students keep comparing you to Diane Keaton, you can't be doing anything wrong!

          I'm more the Helen Mirren type - just a pity other people haven't noticed!



            over 60?

            Well, I'm not saying I look like Diane Keaton. I just think they see her and perceive someone who is old, has a sense of style, laughs, and forgets to censor herself. If they see that in me, that's great. I'm embarrassed that I compared myself to a famous person. And I'd much rather be Helen Mirren. Let's trade. You be Diane Keaton, and I'll be Helen Mirren. Or I'll be Helen Mirren this week, and you be her next week. And today is my birthday by the way. Diane Keaton is older than me. I don't know about Helen Mirren.


              over 60?

              Happy Birthday

              Hi Sopia,
              Have a wonderful birthday today and you can compare yourself to whomsoever you bloody well like. Have a grand day.


                over 60?

                Re: Happy Birthday

                HAPPY BIRTHDAY SOPHIE :h :h :h :h :h :h

                ...AND MANY MORE :d :d :d :d :d :d :d :d :d

                ...HOPE YOU HAVE FUN ON THIS ONE -- MS. KEATON -- YOU GORGEOUS THING!! :rollin


                  over 60?

                  Re: Happy Birthday

                  Who is Helen Mirren?


                    over 60?

                    Re: Happy Birthday

                    Great idea, fsophia!

                    We can also do Geena Davies ... Goldie Hawn ... we can have a ball!!!

                    Happy Birthday



                      over 60?

                      Re: Happy Birthday

                      I am trying to figure out who I want to be.. as a little girl I wanted to be Debbie Reynolds -- OMG:lol ... I know who it is now ..just need to research it.. will get back we can continue


                        over 60?

                        Re: Happy Birthday


                        We forgot about Kathryn Hepburn, Lauren Becall, Joanne? Woodward ...


                          over 60?

                          Re: Happy Birthday

                          Did anybody see Lauren Bacall in her cameo on the Sopranos? My God! Did she look gorgeous! Do you get HBO in Australia, Tawny? Well, you know she's had work done, but still. Whoever did it was damn good. Went to a very expensive restaurant last night because my son knows the chef. My husband wanted to know the attire. One thing that dates us is wanting to know whether a coat and tie are preferred. So I checked the web site, and the attire was described as "sensual chic." What the H*** is that? I suppose it's something a place in Dallas says if it wants to convince thirty-somethings that it's Dallas's version of Carrie Bradshaw's hangout. And it was. We were seated in the bar. It was incredibly loud. The attire was everything EXCEPT a tie, but the food was fabulous, and it went on and on, and Matt's friend, the chef, came out to greet us at the end of the meal, which was a very nice birthday present. Honestly, the only thing missing from "Sex in the City" was the music...and the class. The clientele--in the bar, at least--seemed to be mostly aspiring real estate magnates. It was a very nice birthday.


                            over 60?


                            Hi girls!

                            And I thought I was the only one on this board who is 60+! I am doing supps but not Topa. Like some of you, I worry about my reaction at my age--63. I've managed abs for a few days then I go back to my usual bottle of chard per night. At least I have been successful keeping it to that, which is 31/2 to four glasses, depending on how you pour. Still, at my age, I know that is way too much. Plus all my friends have drinks when we go out which is about every week. It would be horrible not to be able to join them. My hub has an occasional scotch, which is a blessing since he drives us.

                            And yes, chrys. I too have major pain issues--arthritis all over and very bad knees. So I understand just what you mean. The wine does give you distance from the pain. And now that we can't take viox and naproxen rips up my stomach, what do we have. Tylenol is very hard on the liver and I won';t touch that and ibuprofen doesn't make a dent.

                            CV, what is MSM? I'm willing to try anything?

                            Bless you women, we've been through it all, haven't we?

                            We are all entitled to a pissed off day or two!



                              over 60?

                              Re: 60

                              Hey there...MSM is's organic sulphur, which is the most abundant component that your body uses to recreate itself in cells...but we can't create it and much of our food is too deficient to supplement that way. It is an amazing detoxifying agent which helps your body regain an alkaline balance meaning, it reduces the joint aches and pains because studies have shown that they are caused by a build up of acid crystals. I don't take the MSM from the tablets...I researched, got my bulk MSM 99.9% pure in crystals. Depending on how sensitive you are, your really need to start with 1/4 tsp daily dissolved in some warm water...dissolve and drink rapidly because it will be bitter, but you can always pretend it's one of those "shots" some of us have done. To be conservative, you can do twice daily doses, titrating up 1/4 tsp each week. My system is extremely hardy so I went up rapidly but once I had reached the 2 tblsp daily...really, I could do knee bends and didn't have the creaking...I inherited bad joints from my father and was creaking when I was 32 so really, I'm still not that old...although MUCH older than I feel most of the time...anyway, back on point...the MSM is amazing for joint pains but it will have a strong detox affect as well, so start slowly if you want to do it, and take your time feeling how/when you should ramp up.

                              BTW. I only take it sporadically now, but my knee creaking stopped over three years ago and it still hasn't started again.:d


                                over 60?

                                Re: 60

                                Just quick post -- I got it! I want to be Ellen Burstyn. I look a little like her (except she is prettier). And yes Lauren Bacall was unbelievable in Sopranos. Gorgeous -- hate her.

