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over 60?

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    over 60?

    I really like this thread. Hope it doesn't stop before I have my birthday in Sept. I probably am older than all of you, but it will remain a secret till then. I am doing the topa and some of the sups. Am abs most of the time.1 and 1/2 glasses of wine not more than once or twice in any week since starting MWO May 8th. I walk a mile (sometimes more) a day 4 days a week. Doing really good. Will share more later. Eliziby


      over 60?

      "Woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicylce".

      How about Gloria Steinehm - gorgeous feminist activist (born 1934)


        over 60?

        Hey Sexy Sixties!!!!! We come right after the fab fifties...don't we?

        Well I don't know about the fish needing a bike butttttt.........I kinda like having my man around!

        We've been married over 40 years and I can't imagine life without him......sometimes he makes me nuts but most of the time I really miss him if he's not around. Now that doesn't mean that I don't love "girls only" time....Especially if it 's a beach trip! He hates the beach...I love it! Oh can't have everything!

        Speaking of movie stars......we watched a movie last night.

        "Failure To Launch"..... It has Sarah Jessicah Parker and Cathy Bates in it along with Terry Bradshaw and some other good ones. It was so funny! It's about a retired couple whose 35 year old son won't leave home....If you get a it....Funny AND thought provoking!

        Elizby!!! How is the rebuilding going? So good to see you drop in!

        :h Nancy


          over 60?

          WOW -- Elizby -- you are my new role model!!! Way to go girl!!!


            over 60?

            CV, thanks for the info on MSN. Is it in the health food store? What do the initials stand for, if you know.

            Elizby, you are doing fantastic. That's what I'm aiming for.

            Does anyone over 60 have anything to say about reactions to topa or the supps that might be different from the young 'uns?

            Nancy, I love having my hub around too.



              over 60?

              Hi Ivy, the MSM is available in health food stores but they'll charge mightily for it. You can get it in bulk powder from Excellent quality and low price...quick shipping.

              It's basically organic sufur, which our body needs in every cell in order to stay healthy. No chance of overdosing...if you need more details, I can ezmail you.



                over 60?

                Great thread, even for us 50 somethings!!! I'm paying close attention, mind you!:d



                  over 60?

                  Just found this thread and am amused and inspired. I am 50 but have had several back and neck surgeries and I have also used alcohol for pain relief. Unlike prescription painkillers I knew exactly what wine would do for me.It is a muscle relaxer and dulls pain. I told my Dr. I was using alcohol to numb pain and she prescibed me something that left me semi-comatose for 12 hours........So what's an old body to do....I have found the only thing that helps me is excercise and yoga.Yoga helped me to not be afraid of the aches and pains in my body.I'm not afraid to run now or play tennis. I've learned I'm like an old (vintage) mercedes. I'll run forever but I need to be taken care of(I'm the one who takes care of me). Sometimes the tuneups are expensive but they are worth it.
                  I would love to see a board for older MWO'ers.


                    over 60?

                    Tawney -- I love Gloria Steinhem (sp) -- one of my true heroines -- I truly believe that women are stronger than men in all ways. Show me one way? Bring it on. And re: the physical -- leverage, cleverness-- there is always a way to get it done. :lol

                    My feminist daughter thinks I am a pretty good femimist -- but I have learned SO much from her. I am now totally convinced of what I said in last paragraph. Too bad all of this learning took me such a long time.:smokin


                      over 60?

                      Thanks to all of you for the kind words.:h Ivy, I have tried to tirate up to 100 mgs of topa, and for some reason I am having difficulty with it. I don't want to start taking it before mid/afternoon, so I tried 50 then and 50 later in the evening. It makes me so tired. If I sit still a few minutes I fall asleep. That is so unlike me, however, I need it to help curb the cravings that I still have when I don't take enough of it. I take 75mgs without any problems, and may have to stick to that, and do something else to help with the cravings. If anyone has any suggestions, by all means share them with me. Hey, again, thanks for your wow's. I love this thread. I hope our new board has something like this for us oldies but goodies.:d Eliziby


                        over 60?

                        How are you taking the 75 mg Eliziby?


                          over 60?

                          I don't take them the same every day, but usually I take 1, mid/afternoon, and 2 later when my cravings show up if I am going to have them. E


                            over 60?

                            I'm no doctor, Eliziby, but I am wondering if you couldn't go up to 100 by trying 25 in the am, 25 in the afternoon and then 50 in the evening, then maybe start bring the 25 mg doses closer together until you get used to it??? Or else even try cutting the 25's in half and only going up by 12.5, so you are taking 37.5 in the pm and then 50 at night--therefore titrating up more slowly. You'll need a good pill splitter!!! Some people are more sensitive than others and need to go much more slowly!

                            Hope this helps! Good luck!



                              over 60?

                              Vino -Janet
                              I relate very much to using alcohol for pain relief , likewise neck and back. Also exercise & YOGA--only things that seem to work. Just wish I were more disciplined at both, esp the yoga.


                                over 60?

                                bumping up for the older crowd

