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Anyone try AF alone ?

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    Anyone try AF alone ?

    Hi all

    I was just wondering if anyone as tried AF alone.

    Aside from MWO and its support ..

    Locked up in the house for 5 days alone to get through the first moments type thing.

    Thanks Dave.

    PS. I dont think I am in any danger as I dont have any Major WDs.
    Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
    AF: 9-10-2013

    Anyone try AF alone ?

    Dave - I'm sure there are a lot of people here that have detoxed this way. As long as you're not in physical danger, I'm sure it can be done. For some, medical attention is most necessary. I'm going on day 7 and did this basically at home. But I have been out..have a daughter in school etc so I can't lock myself away but I don't think its necessarily bad to take this route. Whatever it takes to get and stay sober! More power to you!!


      Anyone try AF alone ?

      Thanks Sake .. just wondering.

      Congrats on 7
      Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
      AF: 9-10-2013


        Anyone try AF alone ?

        Thanks! I'll be congratulating you on the same soon enough!


          Anyone try AF alone ?

          With God and MWO I was able to quit drinking without AA or any help outside other than my supporting friends and family.

          I wanted to quit drinking while I was ahead and knew I wasn't so bad that I had to admit myself to a hospital for withdrawls. But I know that if I kept going, it wouldn't have been long till I needed it.
          I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

          Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

          Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


            Anyone try AF alone ?

            I've done it a million times


              Anyone try AF alone ?

              Thanks guys for helping me stay positive
              Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
              AF: 9-10-2013


                Anyone try AF alone ?

                I'm taking the same route. Today is day 6 and I have pretty much insulated myself from the world, with the exception of caring for my children and their needs. I did go see a doctor though and he prescribed anti-depressants. I know my issue with alcohol stems from depression. So far, it seems to be working well for me as I'm feeling stronger everyday. If you feel like you know what you need and this is it, then continue. If you are getting stronger by the day, then it's working. You can do this...stay focused.


                  Anyone try AF alone ?

                  Same here, I seem to be trying the same thing. Every day has been better than previous so far. If it keeps going that way (third day only), I see no reason to stop.


                    Anyone try AF alone ?

                    oakley;1555406 wrote: I'm taking the same route. Today is day 6 and I have pretty much insulated myself from the world, with the exception of caring for my children and their needs. I did go see a doctor though and he prescribed anti-depressants. I know my issue with alcohol stems from depression. So far, it seems to be working well for me as I'm feeling stronger everyday. If you feel like you know what you need and this is it, then continue. If you are getting stronger by the day, then it's working. You can do this...stay focused.

                    :thanks: Oakley ..

                    Actually I do feel better being secluded so far.

                    Oh.. and hello Fisher .. didnt see you there Nice to see you man .. hope your doing good. My 3rd is going .. fairly well so far

                    Right Now
                    I my goal is to get all the AL out of my system and have my body chemistry level out. During this process I can determine when and how much interaction I take in.

                    Right NOW im only concerned about today. I know the things or thoughts that I use today will not work as well or at all in the coming days/weeks/months.

                    Im constantly organizing my tool box around for things that help today. Hopefully in the Near future I can have my "goto drawer".

                    Staying Focused .. eyes on target ..
                    Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
                    AF: 9-10-2013


                      Anyone try AF alone ?

                      Yes, my friend, eyes on target. I'm telling myself that right now as I got a text message from one of my favourite girlfriends and drinking buddies. She lives 7 hours away and would like to come visit this weekend. I love her dearly, she is one of the sweetest and kindest people I know BUT I KNOW that I will not be able to stay af with her here at this point and I am not ready to tell her what is truly going on in my life. She is also a problem me, she cannot control her intake and having her here this weekend will definitely result in a total shit

                      I'm sitting here trying to come up with a reason as to why I cannot entertain her this weekend. I miss her terribly and would love to see her but I know that I cannot. It has taken me 5 years to truly admit to myself and my doctor that I'm a wino...I'm not ready to admit it to her or anyone else. So, I must lie and I find it really crazy that I never lied when I was a drinker (because I hid it so well) but find myself lieing through my teeth in order to stay sober! WTF????

                      Ok, didn't mean to whine all over your thread. My point is, do whatever it takes to hit your target! The target is what matters right now.


                        Anyone try AF alone ?

                        I just realized...I guess, sometimes, in order to stay af, we need to be alone. That makes me sad.
                        But we have each other!


                          Anyone try AF alone ?

                          oakley;1555423 wrote: I just realized...I guess, sometimes, in order to stay af, we need to be alone. That makes me sad.
                          But we have each other!
                          Hey, Oakley. I just posted on another thread that I was a recluse for a couple months other than doing what I had to do.

                          You don't have to lie - tell her this weekend just won't work out for a visit.

                          During those 2 months, the people on MWO were my main friends -- and some of those relationships have become among the most important in my life. I came here as a total skeptic about virtual support groups, relationships, etc. and have completely changed my mind.

                          You'll know when you're ready to tell (and hang out with) your friend. You might even be able to bring her along with you on this path once you are on sure footing. That has happened to me and it has been very rewarding.

                          :h NS


                            Anyone try AF alone ?

                            You can Whine all you want on this thread. Its not mine alone its OURS to Share

                            One thing about what you said about being sad having to be alone ..

                            Im choosing to be alone on MY terms to greater help me.

                            I went to my boys soccer practice yesterday ( day 2) and felt great to be out of the house at that moment. I stopped by a good buddys house on the way home ( that I havent seen in a week .. hes been worried about me since the wife and kids left ) to tell him that im doing well and to inform him that im not gonna be around for a little bit because I Quit Drinking. He was Very supportive and actually told me that it was about time. Apparently he saw this in me before I did.

                            It was good to get back to the nest after a few hours out. I think it might be time for me to just get out of the house for a little every day so I dont get used to being a complete recluse.

                            Stay on target .. ( I might make that my siggy
                            Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
                            AF: 9-10-2013


                              Anyone try AF alone ?

                              Hi Gambler - Just wanted to swing by and say congrats on staying the course. That is so cool that your friend is supporting you. I think a lot of people would support us, given the chance. And then fellow heavy drinkers that will slowly inch away. It's just the nature of the beast.

                              Glad you went to your kids soccer game. I think it's good to get out in the world (just a little bit at a time).

                              Anyway - I'm really glad to hear that you're making this work! Stay on target - I like it!!

