Last month I got into the MWO philosophy and got a handle on it. I think I did quite well with abs during the week and mods on weekends. I had 2 perfect weeks and I felt fabulous for it, inside and out. Really balanced and centred.
12 months ago I started smoking cigarettes again (a habit I dropped years ago). so I quit smoking 11 days ago, which is great... for sure. My attitude was that I am controlling my drinking, and want to start getting back into competitive running so I'll quit the cigs too. As any ex-smoker will say, the first few days/weeks is really stressful with the cravings etc. I've been drinking to compensate for the cravings and I figure that at least with giving up the nicotine it's short lived stress/addiction relief and then I can deal with the alcohol again. So in summary, I've done well with mods/abs - then quit the cigs - back to drinking and feeling terrible about it. I feel like I have no direction at the moment.
Last night, we went out for dinner with friends, and when we got home, I drank til 2am or some ungodly hour. Cigarette cravings were really bad all of yesterday!
My finace and I had a horrible easter with his family at their holiday house. I couldn't get away from the place fast enough. His sister-in-law is very two faced and a real bitch (I think there is something majorly psychologically wrong with her actually) and always tries to undermine me when the other family members aren't around. She says things to imply that I'm not god enough for her brother-in-law, and then she'll turn around and be really nice to me. I can't handle it, as I take people on face value. It's been since the easter weekend that I've felt really down.
I don't know... I just feel a bit depressed and disconnected... but feeling slightly better since talking to you guys about it and I know that someone will hear me and maybe give me some advice on where to go from here.