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I got the blues...

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    I got the blues...

    I just feel so sad! Crying for no solid reason and I'm trying to work out the cause.

    Last month I got into the MWO philosophy and got a handle on it. I think I did quite well with abs during the week and mods on weekends. I had 2 perfect weeks and I felt fabulous for it, inside and out. Really balanced and centred.

    12 months ago I started smoking cigarettes again (a habit I dropped years ago). so I quit smoking 11 days ago, which is great... for sure. My attitude was that I am controlling my drinking, and want to start getting back into competitive running so I'll quit the cigs too. As any ex-smoker will say, the first few days/weeks is really stressful with the cravings etc. I've been drinking to compensate for the cravings and I figure that at least with giving up the nicotine it's short lived stress/addiction relief and then I can deal with the alcohol again. So in summary, I've done well with mods/abs - then quit the cigs - back to drinking and feeling terrible about it. I feel like I have no direction at the moment.

    Last night, we went out for dinner with friends, and when we got home, I drank til 2am or some ungodly hour. Cigarette cravings were really bad all of yesterday!

    My finace and I had a horrible easter with his family at their holiday house. I couldn't get away from the place fast enough. His sister-in-law is very two faced and a real bitch (I think there is something majorly psychologically wrong with her actually) and always tries to undermine me when the other family members aren't around. She says things to imply that I'm not god enough for her brother-in-law, and then she'll turn around and be really nice to me. I can't handle it, as I take people on face value. It's been since the easter weekend that I've felt really down.

    I don't know... I just feel a bit depressed and disconnected... but feeling slightly better since talking to you guys about it and I know that someone will hear me and maybe give me some advice on where to go from here.

    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:

    I got the blues...


    We must be in the same place emotionally today. "Depressed and disconnected" fits my mood today too. And I does feel better to log on here and talk with all of you. In regards to your smoking issue, friends of mine (both smokers) went to the docs and got a prescription to quit smoking. I'll have to ask for the drug's name. Anyway, both have had terrific success. And they were smokers for decades. Said it really controlled the craving. I'll find out and let you know (if you're interested in that as a possible option).

    Don't let your fiance's sister-in-law get to you. She's the one with the problem, not you!
    I didn't spend time with the family (sisters and brothers) this easter (for the first time ever). I didn't really want to deal with the family drama and schedules were conflicted.
    My hubby had to work and my son was in Florida with his dad for a basketball tournament. So it was just my daughter and me. Maybe that contributed to the blues.

    I'm impressed with your goal to get back into competitive running. I think I'm allergic to exercise.

    We should be giving each other the same advice today, huh. Tomorrow will be better. I'm going to try to string a few days AF together. That's a start. Hope your feeling better very soon!



      I got the blues...

      Thanks Julie

      When I read your post, I could see we are on the same page today. Not a great mood day.

      Today is day 11 as a non-smoker, and I'm not going back! The worst of the cravings are over I think. Hopefully by this time next week, I'll be craving nicotine far less... and will then be able to better handle the AFD's during the week.

      My son who is 15 (16 next week) is in Germany for all of this year on a student exchange, so I can also relate to the Easter period and not being with family.

      Thanks for your reply... you have picked me up, and knowing that I'm not alone is comforting I hope you're feeling better tomorrow too. Stringing a few AF's together sounds like a plan to me.

      I tell you what... quitting smoking is a walk in the park compared to getting my head around quitting or successful moderation of alcohol! After having the determination and will power to abstain alcohol last month, seemed to make quitting smoking a breeze. Much easier this time than last time! Now I just need to get the two addictions together and in the history book and start running.

      :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


        I got the blues...

        DooDoo, you've done it before and not that long ago so you can control this again.
        Wish is were easier in the meantime! are you staying up on your supplements? when you're stressed you need them more than ever, especially B-vit's and C and things that are good for depression: L-Glut, GABA and aminos. Exercise is wonderful. wish I had a better answer, so in the meatime hand in there! and you haven't been posting lay it on us!
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          I got the blues...

          Geez Doo, you're not half giving it to yourself girl! As if giving up/moderating the grog isn't hard enough, now the fags as well. I found giving up smoking (about 15 years ago) much, MUCH harder than throwing away the bottle so I really admire your resolve.

          Can relate to your in-law problem too. One of the biggest advantages of my current marital status is that I spent a blissful easter break with the kids and NOT with my former husbands family and with THAT sister-in-law in particular!

          Chin up!


          PS Must talk to you some time about student exhange. One of mine is going end of year -dont think I can stand it!!


            I got the blues...

            RedRobin, you've made me laugh. It's the Aussie in us... Thanks!

            I think I just need to be a bit more gentle with myself for the next week or 2 while I get on top of the fag craving and then re-read the MWO book.

            Determinator, I am still taking some of the supps but not as much... perhaps this is why I am also craving the cigarettes this week? Hmmm... maybe I'm onto something there.

            I take the Kudzu 3x a day, L-Glut at around 5pm, GABA 3x a day, St Johns Wort 2x a day and a Mega B... the only thing that seems to be missing is the Vit C. What dosage Vit C do you take?

            :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


              I got the blues...


              There's another school of thought which says - "chuck one habit at a time" and I can relate to that. I'm doing really well with the booze but if I had to deal with the fags as well, I think I'd be a basket case.

              And don't even start me on the in-laws ...................................

              Take care. Hang on in there.


                I got the blues...

                Big Hugs coming your way Doo! Poor thing, and then the sis-in-law bitch. That's the last thing you need when you're unwell. What is it with holidays and family going crazy? It's the same around Xmas. It seems to me, the holier the occasions, the more demonized folks get, ha, ha.
                Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


                  I got the blues...

                  Good to see you!

                  Hey Doo - great to hear from you again - have been wondering how you've been doing...wish for your sake things had been easier/better but you seem to be dealing with many things all at once - when you decide to make changes, you certainly don't do any half measures!

                  I applaud you for your resolve, but hardly surprising, maybe, that the body doesn't quite now how to respond to all the changes its being forced to face and deal with - no drink, no smoking, training (has that started yet??) + all the emotional family c--p! Could we not just find some disposal site somewhere to dump all 'difficult' relatives/inlaws? It could be labeled 'hazardous waste'?:H

                  What distance do you run? would love some tips on best way to train as would like to aim for a half marathon at some point but find it difficult getting past 30 mins - boredom sets in, maybe as I'm not past the point of spending most of the time thinking 'you can do this, this is good for you, you really are enjoying being out in the open air, space, nature...' any tips most welcome.

                  So cut yourself some slack, - maybe prioritise and take one thing at a time - if it's all part of a larger game plan then it doesn't matter whether you give up drink/smoking/in-laws all at once or in stages. Certainly get the running going as that will help psychologically, mentally and physically - there's a lot to be said for those wonderful endorphins running around to help ease depression.

                  Really hope to see you here more regularly. In the meantime, hang in there and hope your Thursday looks a little brighter.

                  Many :l
                  :rays: Arial

                  Last first day - 15th April 2012
                  Days 1-7 DONE
                  Days 8-14 DONE
                  Days 15-21 DONE
                  30 days DONE
                  60 days
                  100 days


                    I got the blues...

                    Hope your feeling better, thinking of you.



                      I got the blues...

                      Doo, I think everyone has had a bad day this week,mine was Monday you were so kind to encourage me. One day and one thibg at a time. That potential sisiter in law just turn the tables on her. Everytime she says something that makes you feel not good enough just say"Oh really, I guess that was hard for you the first time you heard it " I have no use for people like that smile paint your toenails buy new shoes enjoy the day. Just know you have helped people like me a lot hope you see you boy soon.


                        I got the blues...

                        DooDoo, my friend I am so sad to hear that you are not feel yourself - you always had the right things to say to me and I wish I could do the same for you - family together times are always hard Christmas, Easter birthdays ect. I don?t know if that is the case for you but I bet not having your son with you has something to do with it, and then the smoking thing that is enough to drive anyone over the top but you sound as if you have a handle on it - you are strong this will pass, you are one of the strongest people I know so yes it will - I can see that your mood has changed while you were reply posting so it is happening. Even though you are feeling sad you still seem to be there for others as they share there moods with you. I want to say some thing witty and funny but also feeling very tired today - But If I can say one thing that should make you smile:

                        DO YOU SEE THE EGG FACE - well I am sporting this until the end of the cricket world cup - Being a south African I gloated a bit after our game when Gibbs hit 6x6 well - some other Aussies let me have it. So I Sport the EGG FACE - That will teach me.

                        The prune will be back, I have even lost that my hard drive died and now I have to re load everything again - So I have lost the Prune, I have egg on my face. But my heart hurts for you. Keep reading and posting this was one thing you told me to do and things will get better.

                        Be strong.

                        By the way I paid for the book.

                        :l :l :l and kisses
                        Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending


                          I got the blues...

                          Doo doo, I can only echo what everyone else says...take some "me" time and look after yourself. Keep up the vits and eat & sleep well and it will pass. Thinking of you.:l

                          Kimmy I'm English, so Do Not Even Mention the C word...jeez, we were good for about a minute, now how rubbish are we???:upset:


                            I got the blues...

                            Wow! DooDoo, I am in total amazement that you are going after two habits. I wish you felt better and I think those feeling are around the corner.

                            My boys really light up my world and I have had to give them up for many holidays. Those holidays just have an ache there, missing them so much! Awesome he is on a foreign exchange program though - think of his growth, That is too cool!!

                            I tried a couple years ago to stop smoking and found I pulled myself up to the liquor cabinet as my treat for not smoking. NOT GOOD!!

                            Long story short I was almost 9 months into this program when I decided that I would stop smoking, it was not a long planned out process just decided I would. You know I think stopping smoking made me tired, completely worn out and found it tougher than the drinks to stop or have cravings. I liked the nicorette gum to help with the tough parts but I truly found myself falling asleep a lot to avoid smoking or dealing with the downer feelings? don't know which.

                            Good luck on the running - you are great!!


                              I got the blues...

                              Doo, I'd get at least 1000 to 1500 mg of C per day broken up into two doses.
                              and make sure you are getting enough L-Glutamine. a full rounded teaspoon of the powder is only half of what you need per day if you're fighting cravings/overdrinking. I'd be happy to PM more so I don't put everyone else to sleep
                              be well.
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

