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Army Thread Friday 13th September

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    Army Thread Friday 13th September

    Reccie she is 40 ish and inspirational also does not drink!!


      Army Thread Friday 13th September

      Earplugs packed


        Army Thread Friday 13th September

        anon;1555990 wrote: Earplugs packed
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Army Thread Friday 13th September

          satz123;1555979 wrote: Zenners - you have a snoratorium (?)
          Is that speshul room or just the spare room to dump snorey people into ?
          Exactumundo! Spare room into which snorey people are dumped! Yer wan indoors can snore professionally... :upset: I don't have a SET of earplugs... I buy them in bulk from Walmart. I'm surprised snoring hasn't caused murders.


            Army Thread Friday 13th September

            Recluse;1555984 wrote:
            Oh...yuk!!! :yuk:
            What? You didn't like that?! :H


              Army Thread Friday 13th September

              Zenstyle;1555992 wrote: Exactumundo! Spare room into which snorey people are dumped! Yer wan indoors can snore professionally... :upset: I don't have a SET of earplugs... I buy them in bulk from Walmart. I'm surprised snoring hasn't caused murders.

              The Snoring Murders - People around the Globe are Killed because of Snoring | PRLog


                Army Thread Friday 13th September

                anon;1555989 wrote: Reccie she is 40 ish and inspirational also does not drink!!
                Quite young then. She must have a lot of confidence in your ability to keep her safe with so many other folks running at the same time.


                  Army Thread Friday 13th September

                  Reccie - they cancelled my Nutrition Diploma course :upset:
                  Not enough take-up to fill the class.
                  May look on line instead.


                    Army Thread Friday 13th September

                    Sorry about that, Satz, but September is an ideal time to be looking at courses.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Army Thread Friday 13th September

                      JackieClaire;1556007 wrote: Sorry about that, Satz, but September is an ideal time to be looking at courses.
                      Tanks Auntie Jacks:l


                        Army Thread Friday 13th September

                        In fact you have just reminded me to go trundling off to Crisis Skylight to see what they've got to offer for their Autumn term, so a big :thanks: to you Mrs Satzuma.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Army Thread Friday 13th September

                          *A wife murders her husband in Belfast after putting up with 23 years of snoring*

                          That will be me! Without the "wife" bit.

                          My ex husband was a brutal snorer. He's still alive so I suppose I really just don't have it in me! :H :new:


                            Army Thread Friday 13th September

                            Sorry about your course Satzy. It sounds like one I would like myself.

                            Talking of nutrition... orf to make a batch of cat food. When they hear that food processor they go nuts... )


                              Army Thread Friday 13th September

                              Just gonna make a bacon and egg sandwich.

                              Form an orderly queue.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Army Thread Friday 13th September

                                Evening all :hallo:

                                What's occurring?

                                Jacks Iz at head of queue for a sangwich

