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do you belive in reincarnation?

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    do you belive in reincarnation?

    I was just a little a curious. I was listening to the radio and this lady and she said that she went I think to a dream interperteur. He had told her she was hung in a previous life for having an affair with a Priest. I ask this because I have this unusual fear of decapitation. When I am riding in the car with Hubbkins (he thinks the brake is for whim only use) I catch my self ducking, sliding down in the seat so not to have my head removed. Even a little blip of when I lost my head goes quickly through my mind. No I'm not drinking or crazy, this is only one example of when I think about it. It will just come out of no where, whenever I have a sense a danger. I used to have a friend who made fun of me, for doing it. I never realized I was doing it until my Husband pointed it out years ago. Do you think you lead a life previously?
    Smile Today

    do you belive in reincarnation?

    My life is hard enough. I couldn't imagine doing this over & over till I got it right.

    So you might have been "off with her head" and I see you're in a "cheery" mood! hmmm.

    I don't know about reincarnation. Growing up in my early twenties I always had a "weird" feeling I'd die young & in a car crash. It lasted a few yrs. then stopped. Then I figured something out when hubby & I joke. Sometimes when we take a wrong turn on a road or take a wrong exit we always say "who knows~if we took that road we might have gotten into an accident & changed fate". So I think my weird feeling may have been some kind of premonition feeling & some kind of circumstance or fate may have changed it.

    Reincarnation-nah. I have no recollection of anything. I was probably a bug with a lifespan of a day.
    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


      do you belive in reincarnation?

      Sea, gotta change mood indicator today, interrupted by dog what a surprise!!. I have a lot of deja vu. Do I think I was Marie Antionette? NO!. I mangle english let alone french. I just wonder if anyone has had a past life reading. I am a little curious about that. Maybe this is all coming from my MIL turmoil. She looks like Shirley McClaine. We all know Shirley thinks she was like 27 people before she was Shirley
      Just figuringing it all out


        do you belive in reincarnation?

        Mar, I am with you. I believe! Mine was suffocating and I can not tell you how freaked I was first time scuba diving know I had suffocated before! Or in huge crowds feeling like I can not get enough air.

        What about meeting someone for the very first time, looking in their eyes and knowing you DO know them? I can list the people that has happened with in my life. They have normally played a significant role even if it was years later.

        Never had a past life reading but it sounds interesting. Cool thread!



          do you belive in reincarnation?

          That kind of freaks me it split personalities or past lives~hmmm?

          And to think Shirley McClaine is Warren Beatty's sister. I think she's an awesome actress tho.

          I'd be curious too-I'm leary of those who do those things b/c they are usually the ones who prey on poor souls. We've got a few of them around here with neon signs who are open 24 hrs with no appts.
          Each year for Halloween weekend we go to Salem, MA (Haunted Happenings) & I always want to do some sort of reading but the lines are always so long . Maybe this year.
          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


            do you belive in reincarnation?

            I think this guy is Forbes Robbins Blair He is a Hypnotist and has written several books. Maybe I'll get one.


              do you belive in reincarnation?

              Mar, Yes I also do believe in past lives. Young souls and old souls. Deja vu for sure. And people being reunighted (sp) again in a now life from anther.

              And Mary, I too suffer from fear of suffocation, drownding or something of the sort. I am pretty clausterphobic as a result. I dont do well in small places. Think I was locked up in a small area before.

              I have had a reading that supports the drownding. And at a young age. Also which I have at times felt I wouldnt live long.
              (only past my age that I am now, so I can say Thank You GOD)ray:

              And as nutty as this now boyfriend has had some visions about all of the above (and then some) and we are EXTREAMLY comfortable with each other and feel we have been connected before. There is a lot more to this story just cant take time to share.
              Gabby :flower:


                do you belive in reincarnation?

                Hey girls!
                I had a real "spirit of fear" several years ago. It was a real battle!
                Had to cover it with scripture.
                Mine was ...
                "God does not give the spirit of fear, but of love , power and a sound mind"...
                2Tim. 1:7
                It works..

                Just my 2 cents worth!

                :h Nancy
                ps...If GOD does not give it then guess where it comes from!
                "Be still and know that I am God"

                Psalm 46:10


                  do you belive in reincarnation?

                  Nancy, please correct me if I'm wrong. While I do belive in spiritual battle, (former pentacostal) wasn't Elijah reincarnated as John the Baptist. Some say no because Elijah never really died but he came back as John the baptist. Right?


                    do you belive in reincarnation?

                    oh yes I know we have had past lifes,and I know we may leave these body's but are soul and sprit that doesnt die. Your awakening Simeybear. PM ME OR I will you . Changes are good. All of on this site knows each other at some level. Light attacks Light. And we are here to help each other plus Help all mankind. As ways Tom


                      do you belive in reincarnation?

                      we change body's but we do not die. I know this. As all ways Tom


                        do you belive in reincarnation?

                        who knows????? we could'a partied together
                        Gabby :flower:


                          do you belive in reincarnation?

                          All of may have partied togather. And all of us may be working for a common good. Tom


                            do you belive in reincarnation?

                            I have an open mind. I have always said that my oldest son has an old soul. He has never wanted to do things a typical child wants to do. Doesn't like amusement parks. I love roller coaster rides and all the fun stuff. He would rather read a book or be on the computer.
                            Now that you brought up this post, it never dawned on me, but in his Art class he did a wonderful picture of an old man. It's where you scrape on a special type of black paper and metal is underneath. His Art teacher went and submitted it to some Art contest and he actually won. Maybe that old man is really my son!!!!!!!! That old man has a name. It's Edward Hopper. I went and had it framed and it's hanging up on the wall by our staircase but it is kind of a creepy looking picture because I feel like he's always looking at me.

                            But yes, I think my son has already done everything in life that he has wanted to do because he certainly is a good kid. His idea of fun is going out to dinner and a movie with his buddies and he will be 19 on the 4th of July. Oh ya, he was is no hurry to get here either because he was 3 weeks late!!!


                              do you belive in reincarnation?

                              yes..I do believe in reincarnation, but I don't dwell on does motivate me to learn my lessons well while I'm here though, and it gives me a respect for whatever I'm going through..positive or negative experiences...I must have learned something along the way because people tell me all the time that I always seem to be able to find the lesson in what is going on...and Lordy, Lordy...I do unltimately believe the lesson is very very simple, and that is to know God, to become one with God..and while here, doing whatever we can do allow God to manifest through us. I also believe that the hell here on earth is not God dishing it out to's us manifesting our fears, lonliness, anger..hunger.

