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do you belive in reincarnation?

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    do you belive in reincarnation?

    Absolutely I believe in reincarnation. My mother did too, so after she died I really read alot about it. Even as a child, at Easter when Mary didn't recognize Jesus, when he appeared in another body...I thought "What's up with that?" I always thought that was the most signifucant thing about the story and we were missing it. So now, as an adult, I think he was showing us that we are born again in another body, we never really die and we are together again in other lifetimes. I also believe when we have one of those Ah Ha! moments or an epiphimy it is one of our loved ones from beyond helping us understand. I know for absolute certain that both of my parents have helped me from beyond.


      do you belive in reincarnation?

      If reincarnation exists...I sure better get a break next go around. AND I don't know what I did in my previous life to deserve this one, but I sure as hell am SORRY for whatever it was and promise to never do it again.....LOL


        do you belive in reincarnation?

        Hey Mar
        Is this what you are referring to?
        I do believe that we live on after our human bodies die.
        :h Nancy

        John Gill's Exposition of the Bible

        Matthew 16:14

        And they said, some say that thou art John the Baptist
        It was the opinion of some of the Jews, that he was John the Baptist risen from the dead. This notion was spread, and prevailed in Herod's court, and he himself, at last, gave into it.
        Some Elias
        the Tishbite, because an extraordinary person was prophesied of by Malachi, under the name of Elias; and who was to come in his power and spirit before the great day of the Lord; and it being a prevailing notion with the Jews, that Elias was to come before the Messiah; (See Gill on Matthew 11:14
        ) they concluded that he was now come:
        and others Jeremias
        this is omitted both by Mark and Luke; the reason why he is mentioned, is not because of what is said of him, in (Jeremiah 1:5,10,18) but because the Jews thought he was that prophet spoken of, in (Deuteronomy 18:15) that should be raised up from among them, like unto Moses: and this is the sense of some of their writers F7: and in their very ancient writings a parallel is run between Moses and Jeremy F8.
        ``R. Judah, the son of R. Simon, opened (Deuteronomy 18:18
        ) thus: "as thee", this is Jeremiah, who was, as he, in reproofs; you will find all that is written of the one, is written of the other; one prophesied forty years, and the other prophesied forty years; the one prophesied concerning Judah and Israel, and the other prophesied concerning Judah and Israel; against the one those of his own tribe stood up, and against the other those of his own tribe stood up; the one was cast into a river, and the other into a dungeon; the one was delivered by means of an handmaid, and the other by the means of a servant; the one came with words of reproof, and the other came with words of reproof.''
        Now they fancied, either that the soul of Jeremy was transmigrated into another body, or that he was risen from the dead.

        Or one of the prophets;
        one of the ancient ones, as Hosea, or Isaiah, or some other: they could not fix upon the particular person who they thought was risen from the dead, and did these wondrous works among them. From the whole it appears, that these persons, whose different sentiments of Christ are here delivered, were not his sworn enemies, as the Scribes and Pharisees, who could never speak respectfully of him; saying, that he was a gluttonous man, a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners, a very wicked man, and far from being one, or like one of the prophets: they sometimes represent him as beside himself, and mad, yea, as being a Samaritan, and having a devil, as familiar with the devil, and doing his miracles by his assistance; but these were the common people, the multitude that followed Christ from place to place, and had a great opinion of him on account of his ministry, and miracles: wherefore, though they could not agree in their notions concerning him, yet each of them fix upon some person of note and worth, whom they took him for; they all looked upon him as a great and good man, and as a prophet, as John the Baptist was accounted by all the people, and as one of the chief of the prophets, as Elias and Jeremiah; and they that could not fix on any particular person, yet put him into the class of the prophets: but still they came short of the true knowledge of him; they did not know him to be a divine person, which his works and miracles proved him to be: nor to be that prophet Moses had spoken of, who was alone to be hearkened unto, though his ministry was a demonstration of it: nor that he was the Messiah, so much spoken of in prophecy, and so long expected by the Jewish nation, though he had all the characters of the Messiah meeting in him. The chief reason why they could not entertain such a thought of him, seems to be the mean figure he made in the world, being of a low extract, in strait circumstances of life, regarded only by the poorer sort; and there appearing nothing in him promising, that he should deliver them from the Roman yoke, and set up a temporal kingdom, which should be prosperous and flourishing, which was the notion of the Messiah that then generally obtained: and since they could not, by any means, allow of this character as belonging to Jesus, though otherwise they had an high opinion of him; hence they could not agree about him, but formed different sentiments of him; which is usually the case in everything, where the truth is not hit upon and received.

        F7 Baal Hatturim in Deut. xviii. 15. R. Abraham Seba; Tzeror Hammor, fol. 127. 4. & 143. 4.
        F8 Pesikta Rabbati apud R. Abarbinel, Praefat. ad Jer. fol. 96. 2.
        "Be still and know that I am God"

        Psalm 46:10


          do you belive in reincarnation?

          I think this is what you're talking about!
          It seems someone had a guilty conscience!:l Nancy

          John Gill's Exposition of the Bible
          Matthew 14:2

          And said unto his servants
          Those of his household, his courtiers, with whom he more familiarly conversed; to these he expressed his fears, that it might be true what was suggested by the people, and he was ready to believe it himself;
          this is John the Baptist
          some copies add, "whom I have beheaded", as in (Mark 6:16) the guilt of which action rose in his mind, lay heavy on him, and filled him with horror and a thousand fears:
          he is risen from the dead
          which if he was a Sadducee, as he is thought to be, by comparing (Matthew 16:6) with (Mark 8:15
          ) was directly contrary to his former sentiments, and was extorted from him by his guilty conscience; who now fears, what before he did not believe; and what he fears, he affirms; concluding that John was raised from the dead, to give proof of his innocence, and to revenge his death on him:
          and therefore mighty works do show themselves in him
          or "are wrought by him"; for though he wrought no miracles in his lifetime, yet, according to a vulgar notion, that after death men are endued with a greater power, Herod thought this to be the case; or that he was possessed of greater power, on purpose to punish him for the murder of him; and that these miracles which were wrought by him, were convincing proofs of the truth of his resurrection, and of what he was able to do to him, and what he might righteously expect from him.
          "Be still and know that I am God"

          Psalm 46:10


            do you belive in reincarnation?

            no reincarnation .

            only resurrection...
            I cor. 15:3-6 “For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
            Control the Mind


              do you belive in reincarnation?

              I believe in reincarnation and have studied it for years. You can go to a professional and have a past-life regression done.


                do you belive in reincarnation?

                I also believe in the Resurrection and Christ Jesus!! They are actually not mutually exclusive!


                  do you belive in reincarnation?

                  Hope i come back as Tom Jones...
                  I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                  One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                    do you belive in reincarnation?

                    Brian Weiss has done some fascinating writings on past lives and regression therapy.


                      do you belive in reincarnation?

                      Yes..incredible book - Many Lives, Many Masters...big impact on alot of people..Brian Weiss is an MD from Yale Med School. Very formidable. Classic book on the subject!!!! Highly recommend


                        do you belive in reincarnation?

                        So I don't know if I believe in reincarnation, but then again, I don't need to, because half the people I meet think they have already met me somewhere else before. I must look like more people on Earth than any other person on Earth that has ever lived. Is that possible? I look like everybody's old roomate, sister's old best friend, roommate from college, brother's's the weirdest thing. Every one thinks I must have a sister in town, or my family must be from this area. No's just me, there is no one else like me, and there is no one related to me, so get over it. WEIRD! Maybe I have already been reincarnated 100 times in the past 20 years, and we all look alike, and we all live pretty close to each other, but we have never run into each other. Sometime in the next 30 years we will die out. I am in fear of extinction as I write this. No wonder I have a drinking problem.
                        Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                          do you belive in reincarnation?

                          I bet Mrs. Macks wouldn't mind Tom Jones either.


                            do you belive in reincarnation?

                            Didit, move save yourself!!! That is so funny. I think you look a little like my long lost cousin...


                              do you belive in reincarnation?

                              Just catching up here.
                              I know that I was a slave somewhere.
                              And I also know that I was some sort of Knight somewhere.
                              But then again, I once had a dream that I had murdered someone, (I have no idea who), and had the body buried under my bosses house.
                              When I woke up, I was certain that I had done this thing (by what method, I do not know), and was waiting for the police to come and get me.
                              For perhaps five minutes, I was in bed, just awake, and totally believing this. BTW this was a long time ago. Then someone else in the house made a noise and I woke up properly, and to my relief, I had killed nobody.
                              It's scary thinking about it.

                              Honestly.....I'm not nuts.


                                do you belive in reincarnation?

                                Popeye, that is so true with me!! I have this dream quite often where I have murdered someone. I also don't know who. but like you wake up and for the first few minutes start to belive I really did it until something snaps me out of it. This is weird isn't it. I never know where I put the body or how I killed them I just remember the guilt and trying to hide.
                                We may be kindred spirits

