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Army Thread Saturday 14th September

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    Army Thread Saturday 14th September

    I'm orff to the shops.
    I'll get you a couple of tins of sardines while I'm there, Reccy.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Army Thread Saturday 14th September

      Good morning Army. Been up and about doing housey things.

      Getting ready for my trip over to Newcastle. Quite nervous about tomorrow as I have not guided a blind person at such a massive race!


        Army Thread Saturday 14th September

        anon;1556274 wrote: Good morning Army. Been up and about doing housey things.

        Getting ready for my trip over to Newcastle. Quite nervous about tomorrow as I have not guided a blind person at such a massive race!
        You will be GREAT Ms A - and as usual I am in awe of you :l
        Would love to be there to see you !


          Army Thread Saturday 14th September

          JackieClaire;1556256 wrote: Another tip for our Amy and Reccybear.

          A wee tin of sardines or oily fish once a week will keep her coat all shiny and deter dry skin.

          Obviously not a whole tin at the moment.

          It works.
          Applies to human's too. I take fish oil - loads of people have commented on the shine on my hair for an 'ol wan :H
          - hair gleaming since I started.
          Just replacing what we wash out really.


            Army Thread Saturday 14th September

            satz123;1556275 wrote: You will be GREAT Ms A - and as usual I am in awe of you :l
            Would love to be there to see you !
            What a lovely thing to say. I am in awe of you also:goodjob:

            I always feel a bit guilty here as I do not seem to contribute/interact as much as most of you.


              Army Thread Saturday 14th September

              anon;1556279 wrote: What a lovely thing to say. I am in awe of you also:goodjob:

              I always feel a bit guilty here as I do not seem to contribute/interact as much as most of you.
              Don't be daft - you whizz in and out and add lots !
              I am just a lazy cow on weekends & in work have a comptuer in front of me 8 hours so it's easier for me.
              Have a ball-
              Next one me & Molls will get the funds & head over to see you.
              I think she needs a break


                Army Thread Saturday 14th September

                anon;1556274 wrote: Good morning Army. Been up and about doing housey things.

                Getting ready for my trip over to Newcastle. Quite nervous about tomorrow as I have not guided a blind person at such a massive race!
                Is it the GNR?So much going on this weekend. I'm only fleeting too.
                I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                AF date 22/07/13


                  Army Thread Saturday 14th September


                  :wavin: Army

                  Thai prawn curry tonight. Mrs. T gets to devein the prawns (by far the hardest work) and I get to take the credit for a lovely meal (all 20 mins worth of effort).

                  Other than that, very little to report. I did eventually do some chores and shopping, but the weekly grocery shop still needs doing tomorrow.
                  I'll do whatever it takes
                  AF 21/08/2009


                    Army Thread Saturday 14th September


                    I believe that GNR stands for the Great North Run Tipps... and they're having the race on the morrow, which starts in Noocastle (where JC lives) and which is the one wot Whizzy is running leading her blind friend. It's supposed to be a BIG race and Whizzy is very brave taking her friend through it with so many runners. Now you know as much as I do!!! ;o)

                    Just wiggling me wings on the way past. Been paying bills (blech!) and mailing parcels and now going to hit Kohls to get yer wan indoors troosers sorted. The BBQ is on for tomorrow and I should have about 6-8 including ourselves so not enough to make it a work-out. The Polish Horseshoe game and the awning are on their way back. I really need to get my own feckin awning! Kenny has to schlep that thing over all the time...

                    I might catch yiz later in the day but doubt I'll be around tomorrow as the BF's niece is getting here early and I'll be keeping her entertained. Her guinea pig died last week... a traumatic event... :upset:

                    Hope yiz are all having a luvverly Saturday. Looking forward to seeing pix of Amy! )


                      Army Thread Saturday 14th September

                      p.s. I spoke to the guy the company recommended to install my doors this morning. He's as feckin Scottish as myself! He just got back from Skye! (Reckon I'll get a decent quotation on this one...) ;o)


                        Army Thread Saturday 14th September

                        X-post MollyMoo. Cheap miserable feckers that they are. See if you can spill some grub on them so they have to dig in their pockets for the dry cleaning. Really... they shouldn't even come to the "do" if they couldn't work it out to get a bit of dosh to spring for it. :gramps:

                        Do have a good time all the same though!

                        OK, I'm orf!!!!!!!!


                          Army Thread Saturday 14th September

                          She's here, she's here, our Whizzy's here.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army Thread Saturday 14th September

                            :wavin: @ Whizzy

                            I hope youse will have a lovely time together
                            I'll do whatever it takes
                            AF 21/08/2009


                              Army Thread Saturday 14th September



                                Army Thread Saturday 14th September

                                Yo Satzenbrau

                                Whatcha up to?

                                I've had enough prawns for 3 at least. Cooked 2.4kg of them for 5 people. ***burp***
                                I'll do whatever it takes
                                AF 21/08/2009

