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new posts new addiction?!?!

    I am just loving coffee and lots of it. I have for years been a 2 cup (maybe 3 on rough days). But In the last 10 days...I swear I'm drinking coffee like it's going out of style. Is this normal for people getting off alcohol? It's like, I never realized how awesome coffee is but the problem is, I drinking it with heavy cream so that's a lot of calories. however, I'm guessing it's less calories than a bottle a half of wine or 8 shots of vodka!

    Just curious as to why I just want it all the time in copious amounts!

    #2 new addiction?!?!

    I'm also drinking more coffee, Sake. For me, I think it's because I could never manage to get it down hungover!-- Plus, if I knew I was going to be drinking, I'd cut out the coffee to cut down on dehydration. Now I'm so enjoying it, but still trying to keep it down to 3 strong ones a day.


      #3 new addiction?!?!

      Well I think coffee has a strong flavor, gives most people a temporary kick and if its decent, tastes good. It can also be a social thing - people hang out in cafes, meet for a coffee, and can make a big thing of how they make and present the drink. I don't worry about my caffeine consumption - it was there when I was drinking AL but now that I an AF its so much better and I look forward to it. But personally I limit my consumption after lunch and usually switch to decaf then if I want a coffee. I only have a splash of skim (lite milk) in my coffee. Thats my taste preference. And I have never added sugar to my hot drinks.

      My partner drinks way more coffee than me and I do find his mood can get affected when the coffee wears off - grumpy and irritable.
      I'm just grumpy and irritable all the time :H:H

      Enjoy the Java and don't feel guilty


        #4 new addiction?!?!

        Sake, I've dropped it now but yep, loved that coffee kicker. Have to admit though that the love of the coffee container and social aspect were part of it too. Once I realised I was ritualising the whole deal, its hold seemed to wear off. I've also read caffeine decreases the release of GABA in the brain. Most recommendations say to keep it to 2 a day and make those in the morning. Enjoy it if you like it but keep an eye how your body deals with it


 new addiction?!?!

          I definitely drank shed loads more when I was first of drinking. AF had made me address loads of areas of my life.

          Realised I drank more coffee when I was not fulfilled. It was a boredom thing.

          Turned to cocoa powder.

          Now Green tea.

          So its not a chemical thing. It's a habitual thing. A comfort for me.


   new addiction?!?!

            One of the reasons I might be drinking more coffee is because I'm getting up a lot earlier. LOL! Just thought of that. Before I was sleeping off a hang over until noon (or so). So more hours in the day equal more coffee! LOL!

