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Army Thread Sunday 15th September

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    Army Thread Sunday 15th September

    [quote=mollyka;1556615]Sorry --- good morning Jackie - and everyone!! On the lappie now -- went to bed a bit late last night so had a lie on ... really wanted to post early to say good luck.... anyhows --- it is as it is :-(

    Arsey! Well - like Jackie I sorta 'knew' it would happen -- and you chose to do it --- so no more from me really --- I would have a teenchy anxiety about how you seem to be more regretful bout the ciggie than the wine..... but that's you and I'm me so......just be careful our boy ---- don't forget the 'cunning and baffling' element of alcohol once it's re-introduced ---- NO MORE!!!! quote]
    Sorry Molls have to disagree on some of this. Nicotine is lethal - and tobacco smoking is just as addictive as alcohol. Same rules apply if you get dragged into it's clutches.
    Just that alcohol is still more acceptable even encouraged these days compared to ciggiesso is easier to get back to previous levels.


      Army Thread Sunday 15th September

      mollyka;1556620 wrote: :H:H:H --- aaaahhhhh --- but there is ONE MAJOR thing we definitely don't agree on --- and it's a stumbling block to our friendship --- I mean REALLY --- how COULD I befriend someone - or FFS ---- have her in my HOME when she likes.................

      MRS BROWN'S BOYS??????????:sigh:

      You've an AWFUL lot of relations
      Ah Molls - make allowances -she is Engerlish.
      It's like us liking some dodgy (bad accented) shite UK sitcom:H


        Army Thread Sunday 15th September

        satz123;1556622 wrote:
        Sorry Molls have to disagree on some of this. Nicotine is lethal - and tobacco smoking is just as addictive as alcohol. Same rules apply if you get dragged into it's clutches.
        Just that alcohol is still more acceptable even encouraged these days compared to ciggiesso is easier to get back to previous levels.
        Couldn't agree more that nicotine is addictive and when (not) if I give up I'll treat it the same way I did my alcohol addiction.

        But and this is a big but when someone dies from some form of smoking related cancers, the care and treatment they (or it could be me) is fantastic.

        Whereas an alcoholic it's a painful, lonely, misunderstood death.

        And don't forget alcohol is a contributing factor in many cases of cancer.

        Just recently we've seen EW who lost everything in 2 short years and luckily for him he's coming out the other side. And I'll bet he's worked bloody hard to get there.
        The lad that died on his own 3 years after deciding to have a couple of drinks after 2 years sober.
        Both in the 30's.

        If D'Arsey wants to drink in moderation. Fair dos. We can only tell our stories.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Army Thread Sunday 15th September

          mollyka;1556628 wrote: Yes -- again -- to all the above --- but the bit I highlighted is the nub of the thing imo --- it is the are we/are we not alcoholics/problem drinkers (again - imo - there's feck all difference --- once there's a problem, there'll always be a problem) --- OR the acceptance/non-acceptance of our alcoholism/problem drinking --- to a true alcoholic - which I am -- drinking will ultimately be a life or death decision - maybe not today or this year - or even 5 years --- but alcoholism is a progressive disease - and it will kill me -- and as it alters my brain I do not have the mental facility to decide to 'give up' in the same way as I do with tobacco --

          When in Aiseiri - one of the counsellors and I were having a chat in his office - and he put 2 pens on the table -- one denoted heroin and one denoted vodka --- he asked me which I thought was the most dangerous to me --- with no hesitation I picked the vodka one --- I asked him afterwards what my answer meant --- he said just to work it out for myself......
          I should just get an agreed stamper.

          How fascinating about the pen thing though. I'd have prolly said both.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Army Thread Sunday 15th September

            Only me.

            Thanks for the posts folks. Just to add my titbit re smoking drinking - the reason I felt a bit more physically shite with the rolly (a rolly is a self rolled-up cigarette, Mr T - or a tickler as some folks call 'em) was because i can feel that more directly in my chest and around my olfactory area (bit sniffly, like).... which now that I run all the time is really evident. Psychologically too, I may have run my 10km this morning a tad quicker had I not had it.
            I was a full time smoker for 14-15 years and then stopped with occasional forays back into it "socially" and I am at that period now where I see little point in it: it cripples me physically, slows me down. Currently my body is still in a huff with the fact that I puffed one wee rolly more than 36hrs ago. If i never smoked another puff again in my liff I'm like "so what?" and my body is like "woot!" I REALLY don't give two hoots. Perhaps the only reason i had it was nostalgia...

            I do agree totally with the mind-altering aspect of AL though - and I remember consciously thinking when i gave up the rollies 5 years ago that, unlike AL, smoking didn't "do" anything to me. See? I liked the fact that AL did
            something - had some effect. I just liked it too much? Or it became a bad habit - that has now, in part, been replaced by the running.

            And, if I were told:
            "D'Arsey you have a choice of the challenge of running such-and-such races in 2014 ... OR ... being allowed to drink AL on a few occasions (that would not effect your running)" ... I WOULD choose the running.

            I'm still trying to work out what Carpe Diem means to me.


              Army Thread Sunday 15th September

              I'd have picked the heroin pen


                Army Thread Sunday 15th September

                satz123;1556637 wrote: I'd have picked the heroin pencil

                It's a right faff on, much easier un-corking a bottle. Although there's a significant .........(who am I kidding) ...........a massive amount of support for drug addicts.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Army Thread Sunday 15th September

                  JackieClaire;1556641 wrote: Really?

                  It's a right faff on, much easier un-corking a bottle. Although there's a significant .........(who am I kidding) ...........a massive amount of support for drug addicts.
                  I'd have picked the heroin pen - as it's the one I believe would do most damage to me. Did I read the question right - have foggy 'lying about' brain here.
                  Off to do something.


                    Army Thread Sunday 15th September

                    satz123;1556642 wrote: I'd have picked the heroin pen - as it's the one I believe would do most damage to me. Did I read the question right - have foggy lying about brain here.
                    Off to do something.
                    Yep you did the question right.

                    It was me that didn't.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Army Thread Sunday 15th September

                      Eeek must go and pick aged Aunt up. Ackshully she's not that aged only 77. She's orff to Venice.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Army Thread Sunday 15th September

                        I'm here, Molls. Just served dinner. Schnitzels, chips, giant mushrooms and salad. Plus cheesy sauce.

                        Attending a conference for the next 3 days, which doesn't count as work.
                        I'll do whatever it takes
                        AF 21/08/2009


                          Army Thread Sunday 15th September

                          Breaking news.....................Mrs A or in fact her running partner and Mrs A got 2 hours 14 mins for the Great North Run.

                          Isn't she just wonderful.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army Thread Sunday 15th September

                            JackieClaire;1556752 wrote: Breaking news.....................Mrs A or in fact her running partner and Mrs A got 2 hours 14 mins for the Great North Run.

                            Isn't she just wonderful.
                            More than

                            I want be to be her when I grow older. In the meantime I'll slob around.

                            :hallo: JC
                            I'll do whatever it takes
                            AF 21/08/2009


                              Army Thread Sunday 15th September

                              LMAO Molls

                              I'd need to go back on Ritalin to match mrsa.
                              I'll do whatever it takes
                              AF 21/08/2009


                                Army Thread Sunday 15th September

                                You have me thinking back all of a sudden with your mention of age 25. I didn't realise it at the time, but I was already an alcoholic by then, and had been for a good few years. Those were good times, though. Just about when I met Mrs. T, got married young(-ish), and became a dad without intending to.
                                I'll do whatever it takes
                                AF 21/08/2009

