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Army Thread Sunday 15th September

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    Army Thread Sunday 15th September

    Molls me darling, I'll do one of me big thinks about your thread.
    I seem to have run out of words after this morning.

    Anyway back to the Venice bound aged Aunt, or should I call her AA (that'll confuse a few folks).

    I stayed with her while she booked in and I hadn't realised she needed assisted boarding. We had a lovely hour and a half, doubt I've spent that much time on my own with her for donkey's years. And it was just lovely.

    I didn't half feel sad when they brought a wheelchair for her (she normally manages with just a walking stick) but she trundled off as happy as Larry.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Army Thread Sunday 15th September

      Howyiz :hiya:


        Army Thread Sunday 15th September

        JackieClaire;1556752 wrote: Breaking news.....................Mrs A or in fact her running partner and Mrs A got 2 hours 14 mins for the Great North Run.

        Isn't she just wonderful.
        Yes but never mentioned after the finish I had to run a further 8 miles back to where our bags were! (on my own)
        It was us at the start tell Sir P!


          Army Thread Sunday 15th September

          Yo there Satz,

          Going to have to disappear. Guess who's made the dinner................Mr JC.

          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Army Thread Sunday 15th September

            mollyka;1556767 wrote: Mmmm - 25 --- no - I think I had two installments of alcoholism Drank like a good thing in my late teens - then got married about 20 and from 20 to 35 was sort of consumed with firstly a very long houred job, then babies --- we made home-made wine, and did drink a lot of it -- but it was ok --- then oh I s'pose around 40 - even tho I did still have Joey as a baby -- we all at the same time - had more money and more freedom --- much older kids meant we had built in babysitters --- so I s'pose my drinking would have crept up from 40 - 48'ish --- from then on it was a downwards spiral --- but it never caused any trouble really in my life or with family or anything till I was about 50...... and - as they say ---- the rest is history
            Was this Molls when you started to drink at home on your own? 'cos that was my downfall ....... discovering I could stay in , not having to get dressed up and just drink wine & watch telly.
            Drink wine & do ironing
            Drink wine & clean house

            MrS would NEVER have a drink in the house ..... so now I was the odd ball for not going to the pub
            In typical my 'brat' fashion - this distain for house drinking didn't stop me - it made me worse I think. Dug the heels in I suppose ...... hate to be told what to do


              Army Thread Sunday 15th September

              JackieClaire;1556771 wrote: Yo there Satz,

              Going to have to disappear. Guess who's made the dinner................Mr JC.

              wait,..... wait !! - what yiz havin' ????


                Army Thread Sunday 15th September

                I've turned into a kinda 'feeder' - ye know like when you're on a diet - keep making lovely things & feeding the family? Only instead of food it's alcohol:egad:
                Keep sending Mr S to the pub - Jazus - am i a bad person!


                  Army Thread Sunday 15th September

                  Pulling a sickie tomorrow 'cos I'm basically ................. sick of it :bigcry:
                  Gonna go look at stoves - FFS. World war 3 - yer man will belooking for one for €100
                  Where's the place in Drogheda Molls ? Was it the best value ?


                    Army Thread Sunday 15th September

                    mollyka;1556797 wrote: Nope -- don't turn right at the bus station --- turn left :-)
                    Does it fit into the actual fireplace ? or jut out into the room?
                    Yeah just a room heater we want tbh


                      Army Thread Sunday 15th September

                      Nighters Mollers - in the leaba meself !


                        Army Thread Sunday 15th September

                        Just having a wee midnight lurk a bit early.

                        Just had a thought as well, our wee Incherroo started Uni today.

                        anon;1556770 wrote: Yes but never mentioned after the finish I had to run a further 8 miles back to where our bags were! (on my own)
                        It was us at the start tell Sir P!
                        He was told and he's chuffed to bits. Shame about the other 8 miles though.

                        satz123;1556775 wrote:
                        wait,..... wait !! - what yiz havin' ????
                        Roast beef, Yorkshire puds, mashed and roast potatoes, carrots, turnip and broccoli. Noice.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Army Thread Sunday 15th September

                          incheroo did indeed! i'm in my new room right now, avoiding people coz they're drunk, loud and stupid xD having a few too many ciggies to get through not drinking, day 30 tomorrow!
                          I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                          To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                            Army Thread Sunday 15th September

                            Oh Inchy I do hope this post goes though as I'm having a divil of a job with the lappy tonight.

                            Just wanted to say that we're all very proud of you.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Army Thread Sunday 15th September

                              day 30 today, can we have party hats at the ready for when it's done please?
                              I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                              To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.


