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what color is your day today.

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    what color is your day today.

    I feel today is a pink day, looking foward to a dinner date with the hubster tonight fairly content. Very girly and reflective. Though If Reardon doesn't stop the barking it may go to red soon. I ask this because not always does the mood indicator have my mood on it. Nor does everyone have this feature. So What is your color today? I know what your thinking can't this woman find something to occupy herself ? UMMM NO!
    Love & Smiles

    what color is your day today.

    I feel today is a purple day,....somewhere between blue (not feeling good) and pink (possibly positive). Had two really tough weeks....

    Moods are very 'all consuming' for me. I guess its because, when we feel a mood we are living it at that moment. It is all consuming at that time, and I suppose it should be too.
    So Simey if you are feeling it and thinking about your feelings,....thats what you need to be doing.


    Sober since 30/06/10


      what color is your day today.

      I feel spotted today b/c I'm popcorning my bathroom ceiling.

      Do you ever have a color season? So when I go shopping that's the only color my head turns to. Like last summer~neon orange/pink, last fall~burgundy, winter~black and now this spring~green/turquise. It's kind of bad b/c I just finished spring cleaning my closets & took out my spring clothes & my spring color last yr was navy-eww(not very springy).
      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


        what color is your day today.

        Sea, I wear black all the time, but my favorite color is red. I picked up my dry cleaning Mom was with me she asked don't you have any thing but black to wear? It does make it hard to find things in the closet also when everything is the same color. I think this year I may try some white. I dunno always feel safe in black


          what color is your day today.

          gray green :0(


            what color is your day today.

            I feel green today!
            I've been repoting plants!

            "Be still and know that I am God"

            Psalm 46:10


              what color is your day today.

              Control the Mind


                what color is your day today.

                I am feeling grey/black. It is one of those days.uch:


                  what color is your day today.

                  Yellow today...because I am in a much better mood today than yesterday. Feeling more positive.



                    what color is your day today.

                    Rocky, sorry about his house.


                      what color is your day today.

                      Blue..... Because I swear we will never feel the warmth yellow sunshine of spring here in Minnesota for weeks to come.


                        what color is your day today.

                        i am boycotting color today. i choose to be clear.


                          what color is your day today.

                          hey fanny! you did not post your color. you cannot just come in and throw a wrench in my happy clear world and run!:l


                            what color is your day today.

                            Red!! What else?? And gold, and russet and brown and all the rich warm colours of a lovely sunny autumn mornng.



                              what color is your day today.

                              I'm feeling yellow today. Yucky yesterday and much more *normal* today.

                              Amelia... what you said is Oh so true!
                              :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:

