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is this site confidential?

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    is this site confidential?

    Just saw someone else say their posts can be seen on google....checked and so can mine...bit freaked by that...anyone else experienced this?
    ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h

    is this site confidential?

    What did you google QB to call up your posts??

    I'm not all tech savvy but I do believe virtually nothing is private on the Web...however, we all use alias and avatars so our identities are pretty ....hidden...
    On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
    *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


      is this site confidential?

      If you post in the subscriber section, your posts are not on the net. That is one of the many beauties of subs!


        is this site confidential?

        I put Queenbug alcohol....and there I was : (
        ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


          is this site confidential?

          I just checked myself and I am shocked, I didn't think of checking that and I am sure someone else knows my name on here. I really did think this site was confidential although I knownothing on the wed really is I thought you would have to have some kind of skill to search out people.


            is this site confidential?

            I guess for me...I don't care. No personal information is public on this forum. I worked in IT security for 22 years and if someone wants info bad enough, they'll get it. But I wouldn't think they're getting much off a recovery website, other than a good dose of reality.


              is this site confidential?

    , well....I did google my 'stage name' and your right QB...all my posts are there.

              I may moosy over to the subscriber section. I agree Sake that part of me could care less. I don't work for a company other than my own and I've lost so much and so many to AL , one or two more wont mean much...
              Still, though...I find it a bit creepy...
              On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
              *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
     tool box
     newbie nest


                is this site confidential?

                Yeah...I guess its good to keep a sense of perspective...may check out the subscriber section too....
                Thanks lovelies...may disappear again...see how safe I feel :h
                ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


                  is this site confidential?

                  I also find it creepy! Because my name is what a lot of people want to do when they stop al and drugs, I had to google Lifechange MWO to find my posts-- they didn't just come up under alcohol. But anyway there they were.


                    is this site confidential?

                    I agree that it's creepy. But, if you google your real name, a bunch of stuff pops up too. It is the age we live in. I can't say that I'm happy about it but I am what I am.
                    At least I'm not planning on running in politics. :H
                    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                    AF - 7-27-15


                      is this site confidential?

                      Thanks everyone...just thought I was over reacting a bit....I do get a bit spooked about being private...but it's true...nothing really is private on the internet. May just be a bit selective about what I say....been a bit too precious to give up being here :heart:
                      ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


                        is this site confidential?

                        I understand...I have had my identity stolen. They were even using my social security number for their paycheck. They were working at a brewery in Hawaii. I thought about stealing my identity back! LOL!

                        Seriously - You could always personal message someone you have come to know if you have things that are too private. Just as long as you find an outlet. Good luck to you!


                          is this site confidential?

                          I always feel paranoid that someone I know may recognise me online... But let's face it, we have completely random names and avatars so how could anyone know it's us?

                          From your name, I can't ascertain anything about you - your age, location.. Anything.. So don't panic! Unless if it's a nickname you use in real life, I don't see how you could be identified! X
                          AF since Halloween 2016

                          Trying to kill my Wine Witch! :smileyb:


                            is this site confidential?

                            Every site that can be seen by non-members can also be indexed by search engine bots (like GoogleBot). It's not really creepy as 95% of the users here probably came via a Google search.

                            Obviously, you have private sections that can only be seen by subscribers and site moderators. Still, even there you will not be 100% "safe". Always, always be careful with details that can easily identify you.


                              is this site confidential?

                              Thank you Chief x
                              ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h

