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UK doctors is there any point

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    UK doctors is there any point

    Question for all in the Uk .
    Is there any point in me going to see my doctor will he give me any medication or do they just tell you to go to AA ?

    UK doctors is there any point

    Hi Bounce,
    This may not be the right thing to say, as most people go to their doctors in the US but in the UK it's different isn't it ?

    I'd say it depends on how much of a problem you have and how good your GP is. My old one was a good guy, I got a home detox and some councelling (never sure how to spell that one)...and advised to go to AA which I hated ! None of which really helped. Now, I'm doing it for myself. With the help of this programme and everyone on this site I've got a better grip on alcohol than I've ever had. Also, I know this isn't a good reason if you really need medical help, but it worries me that the minute you go to the NHS with an alcohol problem, it never gets off your records.

    I'd say, if you aren't in too bad a shape, try this programme first and see how you go. If you are in a really bad place, have a crack at the GP route. They won't prescribe Topa though.

    Good luck, and keep posting, we'll all try to help.


      UK doctors is there any point

      as far a s i know your gp can put you in touch with your local
      alcohol stop programe
      dont give up
      not enging like me


        UK doctors is there any point

        bounce i have heard if you go to the doctor its public record there and it follows you. i would really use that as a last choice. i dont now that much about it but i have read some horror stories here as to what has happen when trying to seek help from a doctor. how about a holistic healer? an acupunterist (spelling). for them to just tell you to go to AA and then mark it on your record seems absurd to me.


          UK doctors is there any point

          GPs can recommend counselling and AA,but won't usually prescribe
          medication apart from librium to help with withdrawal.It really does
          depend on the gp.Topa cannot be prescribed as it is only licensed
          for epilepsy/mood stabiliser in UK.
          Best of luck x


            UK doctors is there any point

            Hi Phil,

            Hard for me to say...My Doctor is cack on a stick...He did refer me to the right people but to me i dont get the feeling he is intrested unless i am REALLY sick...Your best bet is asking about your local D.A.T....(Drug and alcahol team)...They are excellent...Your GP or citizens advice beaurau (SP) will give you the info you need....Saying that your gp may not be an arsehole like mine

            Best of luck...If you need any more info on D.A.T. pm me
            I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
            One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


              UK doctors is there any point

              Australian GP's

              IMO - Australian GP's are here to dispense scripts and write a medical certificate for work for you. YOU do the research then you present them with what you have found and convince them that you want to try a new med or whatever.

              I've had doctors who didn't know what paracetamol should be used for, who don't know anything about anti-depressents or who give anti-depressents to anyone who feels a bit down that day.. My last doc tried to talk me out of getting a prescription for Campral because he said there's no MAGIc cure and I'm an alcoholic forever... I explained that I knew this but I've tried everything and I believe it would suit me (please let me try!!) AND what do you know I haven't had one strong urge since I started it 7 weeks ago!!! When I went back to get the repeat and I told him he should have advised me about it he said that he had it mixed up with another med (antabuse i think) and that he thought it was no good......

              Remember - That's IMO and experience..



                UK doctors is there any point

                In the UK, it's possible that you may someday be asked on an employment form if you have had a drug or alcohol problem. you will be asked to supply medical records and you can get get things stricken from the records, but that act of deleting things could give rise to suspicion.

                i suggest asking your doctor not to note certain things down in your records. prescriptions would have to be noted. I suggest talking to your doctor about his feelings on confidentiality of medical records and whether things like substance abuse would need to be actually recorded. or at least not all the gory details!

                also, if the problem is severe and the doctor thinks your life is at stake i think they might have some kind of ethical obligation to get other people involved.

                it's hard, you want to seek help but you don't want to damage yourself in the process...


                  UK doctors is there any point

                  In western Europe, where I am originally from, I was asked when I entered Government on a form about my alcohol habits. In terms of how many glasses, how often, and did I perceive I had a problem with alcohol ... So, yes, what Nancy says is already taking place. And this for good reason. Ministries are loaded with alcoholics ... Of course, nobody is going to HONESTLY confess to this on a form, unless a liver test is enforced on them.

                  As for getting the right physician to deal with your case, again, I EMPHASIZE THE NEED TO SHOP FOR DOCTORS. I did so in my own country. As an academic, I did my research. When talking to the doctors, I acknowledged that I was not in the field of medicine, but that I wanted credit for being a graduate having done my research into the particular problem I am dealing with currently. My conclusion was that at this stage I thought Topamax was worth giving it at try. Would he please prescribe it?

                  If this had not been accepted, well adios! At the end of the day, they need customers, too. And we are individuals with brains and research capacities, too.

                  Sorry for rambling ... But I feel very strongly about these issues ...
                  Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


                    UK doctors is there any point

                    Thanks for all your replies you have comfermed what i was thinking .
                    As im not doing too bad on myself im not going to see a doctor and have it on my records.
                    Thanks Phil


                      UK doctors is there any point

                      whatever happened to the expression "private Life" I feel for you in the UK what you share with your doctor is pretty much public record afterwards. I thought we had Big Brother here. My husband had an employee for years that everyone knew had a drinking problem, he wrecked the company (while drunk) car would call people after work hours drunk to talk. He never said he was an alcoholic. Just that he was trying to get help for his drinking, hynosis etc. His wife went through breast cancer he drank heavily before that but that pressure couldn't have helped. Hubby never fired him ,he eventually got another job where he could work from home. Point being this was his private life. yes, the car was grounds for dismissal, but that was during the cancer episode. His work was always very good at the office. Not dismissing his behaviour ,just trying to understand it my husband would say.


                        UK doctors is there any point

                        it's not just ministries that will ask you for personal information. i was pretty surprised at that.

                        i think any company that is concerned about financial losses due to sickness claims can get "insurance" for employees' medical problems. and if you go to one of these companies, you will need to fill out a very intrusive medical form and sign away your rights to your medical records or else you won't get the job (with the caveat that you can delete things, but this raises suspicion). this might be a precaution against you claiming for a pre-existing illness, not sure about that.

                        in the Uk, as in the US, you can get medicines on an off-label basis. and don't forget the topa study was published in the Lancet, a UK journal, which has a lot of respect in the UK. you might need to get an enlightened doctor or maybe a psychiatrist???

                        what else can a GP do for you? test your liver function, recommend programs, not just AA, perhaps tie this medical condition in with other things you are going through. i agree it's not a whole lot.

                        good luck!


                          UK doctors is there any point

                          Going to the doc was the best thing i ever did - made me realise I had a problem - stopped the denial.

                          "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon

