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Withdrawal symptoms... Mental or physical

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    Withdrawal symptoms... Mental or physical

    I know alcohol withdrawal can be dangerous and some people need serious help, however I just wanted to tell about my experiences with my latest 2 withdrawals.

    I know in the past when ever I would try to go AF for any period of time, I would go through mild withdrawals. Sweating in bed at night, anxiety, mild headaches, mild fogginess, uneasiness.

    This last time.... A five day stretch of AF with a drinkng day and now 2 days in this time, I have had no withdrawals whatsoever. I think the reason is my mindset. I have been thinking about it and I truly feel that this time I have flipped some kind of a switch, where I finally believe that alcohol does absolutely nothing to help any situation and that I am ready to start a new life.

    I think that during my entire long drinking career, there was always a part of me that thought alcohol gave me some kind of benefit. I was scared to live life without it. As a result every time I said I was going to quit (thousands of times), what I was really thinking that was that I better slow down a bit and give it yet another go a moderation. I did this for years.

    So I think for me, my withdrawal symptoms were based in my mind, even though they had physical manifestations. I think it shows me the power of our minds. Our mind sets have a lot to do with being able to heal. This isn't true for everyone, and some people do need help.

    Any other people get rid of cravings and withdrawals once mindset has been changed?

    Withdrawal symptoms... Mental or physical

    Hi LFP

    I could never find a correlation between how much I drank, mind set or anything and presence or lack of withdrawls. I do know the only time I really had bad withdrawl was a time when I'd drunk 5 days of 7 for around 6 weeks, then stopped. I definitely was dependent then. When I say I didn't have withdrawls I mean shakes, or jelly legs. Every binge I had would result in some withdrawl of some sort, even if it was just insomnia, or mood swings.

    I am glad you've got to a point where you are at peace with saying goodbye to alcohol, and that you are feeling good about it.
    I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

    Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

    AF date 22/07/13


      Withdrawal symptoms... Mental or physical

      Hey Looking for Peace

      I would have to agree with you. Certainly possible-physical manifestation of mental ambiguity.

      It's nice that you are feeling more positive about not drinking and seeing that it does nothing for you. In my case though I have had that feeling and still had slips after a while.

      It's so weird-like a mental game with yourself, sort of the "good" side vs the "bad".
      The "bad" of course being the drinking self. Nothing good EVER comes of it and even when you know that to the core of your still can be hard.

      Everyone here knows I take antabuse and I am glad to have it. I really want to live longer than I would if I didn't take care of myself. After all, no one is going to do it for you are they?


        Withdrawal symptoms... Mental or physical

        My physical withdrawal symptoms were hallucinations, tremors, high blood pressure, sweats, etc.

        I am not sure how much of them were mental versus physical.

        One withdrawal did end me up in the hospital for a week. My heart was not doing well.

        I remember one time wandering around the house trying to find the source of the tv I kept hearing. It turned out they were inside my brain. I turned on "new age" music just loud enough to drown them out and was able to sleep.

        My withdrawals usually lasted about three days. By day four I was still weak but not experiencing all the above.
        AF April 9, 2016


          Withdrawal symptoms... Mental or physical

          as someone who's detoxed what feels like 5,000 times,my symptoms were,nite sweats,shakes,vertigo,insomnia,sometimes racing heart,for about 4 days,i think it has alot to do with vitamins,if i start them while still drinking,it seems to make the withdrawal much easier and quicker
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

