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    I just wanted to get some feedback from you guys on this--

    I have talked before about my sister who lives with a drunk. I am finding myself trying to figure out a way to "rescue" her, which I know is silly and impossible.
    She has a great job and is old enough and has enough money to retire. She still lives in WV where I'm from. Their house used to be nice but is falling down around them now due to alcoholism and hoarding. He is drunk every day and the hoarding is worse all the time.
    She often says "What did I do to deserve this?" I try to make her see that she does NOT deserve a crappy life, to no avail. She and I were both treated badly by our mother
    and I sort of "know" why she has the self-loathing and feeling that she is not worthy of a good life.
    I have told her she could move here and stay with me. Well actually I have told her lots of things but it never does any good. Often when people are in a horrible relationship they finally get SICK AND TIRED of it and manage to go. But she never does. He is rude, mean, ugly, hateful and very inconsiderate. Controlling and abusive. It's so sad.
    I feel helpless about it. I just wish I could help her. Frankly I don't know why the man is not dead from alcoholism by now. He has quadruple bypass 4 or 5 years ago and picked right up where he left off with the drinking and smoking. As they say-"only the good die young". This prick will outlive her probably and that is sad.

    She has an older dog and made it clear that when he dies she did not want any more, since she is the one who feeds them, pays vet bills and everything else associated with a pet. So of course he goes right out and buys a PUPPY. She was devastated. It was his way of showing that he runs the show, and what she wants has no bearing on anything.
    She (for some reason) could not believe that he brought home this dog after she said so often she did not want another one.
    Just an example of the actions of the son of a bitch he is, and I get so angry thinking about his smirking face and her crying I could scream.

    Thanks for listening. I wish I could help but I guess I cannot.


    what to do about sister

    I think the best thing to do is to advise her to get professional help with a psychotherapist. You can explain your interpretation about how your childhood affected both of her at every chance possible as well. It may not seem like you are getting through, but over time those messages do sink in, even if she's not able to leave him right now she'll be thinking about it.
    It's hard to know exactly why people stay in such bad situations. Sometimes it's financial or sometimes people sink into such a bad situation that they don't even realize how bad it is.
    An outside therapist, like a marital therapist, may be able to help with this. And in the meantime, offer your advice but don't get too invested that she will change. Also remember that while you hate this guy, there's something about him to cause her to marry him. So she's more invested that way.



      Thanks Nancy

      They are not married but have lived together for 20+ years.

      She actually told my other sister that she has been with him so long that now she knows she won't leave. It's just a pathetic situation. She really is miserable but powerless to do anything about it.

      I suppose that, when I think about it, maybe I'm just sick and tired of hearing her whine about the situation. I have pulled my head out of my ass more than once and taken charge of things and made changes when necessary. So at some point it gets a little tiresome. After all you cannot be walked on unless you lie down for it.

      I just wish she'd get the hell up



        so sorry Ann
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          SISTER STORY

          Ann, that is absolutely horrible!
          I wish I could head over there right now and push the creep off a cliff...

          But from what you have said your sister might follow him...or find another one...

          Here's a thought though. Now that you have pulled your per-verbial derri?re from unsunny places... You may be her wake up call. :rays:
          I don't mean to be trite- 20 years is of course a small life time. Your input, your influence can only have a different impact now then when You were in the grip of AL yourself.
          Cant guarantee of course it will be effective but you stand a much better chance now than before, IMO .

          Here for you sweet Ann, :l
          On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
          *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
 tool box
 newbie nest


            SISTER STORY

            Thanks Kradle!

            I appreciate your kind words. I'm afraid that she is so incredibly stuck that she will never get out. Of course the odds are that alcohol will kill him and then she can be free.
            What a waste of a life. Hers I mean.

            It was always the classic abuser situation-isolation from family and friends, demeaning of her, her subsequent lack of self-worth (as if she ever had any) and so on. Just classic
            abuser/victim deal. She has worked at her job for YEARS and all her colleagues know he is horrible. My other sister and I used to ponder what the hell? What could he do that would be a deal breaker?
            His GIRLFRIEND came to the door at one point to tell her all about her "affair" with him. After which she bought a house with the fool. There is not one good thing to say about him. He's just awful. And she deserves so much better.

            *sigh* Accept what you cannot change I guess. Misery loves company?


              SISTER STORY

              Ann, all I know to do is go over to the !@#$%%^$% thread and let it out over there. It will have the same effect as telling your sister to help herself and trying to help her....
              Family will drive you NUTS! They wallow and complain but do NOTHING to help themselves! I think they LIKE how they are living???? Now I'm mad....see you over on the @#$%^&$ thread. Hell, I'm a dang alcoholic and I have the LEAST problems in my family!!! (they are NUTS!!) Love you, Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest

