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Had it all and can have it all again

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    Had it all and can have it all again

    Just want to quit! I have 3 great kids who love me to death and an ex who is bipolar with millions at her disposal to fight me in court. I own a small business thats struggling because of my drinking yet I still manage to make people believe in me and can make sales even though I don't do much. I'm quite sure if I did'nt drink I would be on my way to being a rich man but all I care about is drink and my kids who I ALWAYS take care of and never see me this way. I have a great family and close friends who don't know and 1 hell of a sexy woman who wants to date me but she does'nt know of MY problem. I'm good at hiding it but want my life back.Am waiting on topa and hoping to god it helps me drive by the drive thru.Only been sober 20 days this year and can always find a reason to celebrate something if it's a birthday or just me waking up. Tonite is day 2 and if you ever heard the line ( I see dead people ) you know what I'm talking about. 25 years is hard to leave but I have to and want to because I deserve better. Thanks for listening and maybe someday I can be a senior member.

    Had it all and can have it all again

    Hey, I just heard you and am glad you are here. You are on the right track and will find lots of good help and advice here. Keep posting and let us know what is going on cause feedback helps.



      Had it all and can have it all again

      Your doing well my friend. Just Keep on trying.


        Had it all and can have it all again

        Luv2, you are the man, and can do this. Hang out here with us, and get the emotional support you need.


          Had it all and can have it all again

          :l LOVE2QUIT:l

          :welcome: To MWO.
          You can do this and it IS so worth it.

          :h Nancy
          "Be still and know that I am God"

          Psalm 46:10


            Had it all and can have it all again

            ....what Nancy said.....


              Had it all and can have it all again


              It's all in the mindset. You just got to want it bad enough. Set a small goal, baby steps & go for it. You can do it.
              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                Had it all and can have it all again

                Hi L, keep posting, it really helps to get through the evening, or day, or whenever your worst cravings are. Look forward to hearing more from you.

                Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                  Had it all and can have it all again

                  Hi Luv2Quit, sounds like you're off to a great start. Read the book, etc. Hope to see you soon.:welcome:
                  Enlightened by MWO


                    Had it all and can have it all again

                    Keep those kids in mind when you get the urge. They are worth every struggle. Keep posting here and reading what these wise people have to say. So many have been there and will understand what you are going through. Hang in there! It can be done!!!!
                    Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                      Had it all and can have it all again

                      luv2, if you want it you can do it. Sounds like you have a great deal of motivation. Keep readin and postin and the topa will help a ton, it has helped me to quit all together. I havent had a drink in over 10 months. I love the topa and all the support here. Dont give up.
                      Gabby :flower:


                        Had it all and can have it all again

                        Dear Luv....
                        Welcome to MWO... sounds like you are taking your life in the right direction. I am glad the road lead you here. You will find lots of support, education and fun on this trip.

