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Army Thread Thursday 19th Sept

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    Army Thread Thursday 19th Sept

    Morning all.

    Sleep fairy got lost...

    Hope you all have a grand Thorsday

    Got the coffee brewing (in a shiny, clean kit hen...)

    Army Thread Thursday 19th Sept

    :sulk: I left yesterday D'arsey!
    & I ain't coming back 'till I gets a poem begging me - youse all got one ! :stomper:


      Army Thread Thursday 19th Sept

      Morning RC Satz and all to come. Cats woke me again at 5.30 to be fed and let out. Already h:cupajoe:ad one coffee so if ur making more i'll have one RC. Don't know if i'll get back asleep or not but need to go out later this morning so i'll try stay awake which usually doesn't happen. Heres to a good Thursday.


        Army Thread Thursday 19th Sept

        RunningCourage;1558216 wrote: Morning all.

        Sleep fairy got lost...

        Hope you all have a grand Thorsday

        Got the coffee brewing (in a shiny, clean kit hen...)
        :hiya: Foxy Loxey

        -where the feck is the Froglet with the coffee and me poem.
        Must be busy in the kit hen this morning or he's gone Brazil?


          Army Thread Thursday 19th Sept

          OK - haveta go sans coffee or poem :sulk:
          For the Irish :
          Hector is broadcasting his radio show from our canteen this morning as we are hosting Ireland's biggest coffee morning for charity. I have to 'man' the cake sale stand .......:egad:

          Maybe later gaters


            Army Thread Thursday 19th Sept

            Good morning Satzuma, how ya doin?
            The coffee is brewed, its been stewin,
            I hope it tastes well
            It's flavoured caramel
            And will get us all through to near noon then.


              Army Thread Thursday 19th Sept

              RunningCourage;1558225 wrote: Good morning Satzuma, how ya doin?
              The coffee is brewed, its been stewin,
              I hope it tastes well
              It's flavoured caramel
              And will get us all through to near noon then.
              Ahem !!That's DOC to you young froglet !


                Army Thread Thursday 19th Sept

                Oh Jesus..............better get going...........
                zoooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmm !!!


                  Army Thread Thursday 19th Sept

                  Good morning D'Arsey, Satzuma, Foxyloxy,

                  Ta for the cawfee, young man. You are most kind.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Army Thread Thursday 19th Sept

                    Oh thanks for cawfee RC. Morning Jackie. Good luck with the charity coffee morning Satz. Is Hector on newstalk? I'll try and listen later or find the right station.


                      Army Thread Thursday 19th Sept

                      Rightio orff to the orifice and a hard day in front of a scanner............woe is me

                      Don't forget to bring some cakes bake, Satz.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Army Thread Thursday 19th Sept

                        Morning folks. I have met Hector, Benji, he is just as hyper off camera.
                        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                          Army Thread Thursday 19th Sept

                          Good morning Mr D'Arsey, Satz, Foxy, Jacks, Tabbers and all :wavin:

                          There was a doc named Satz
                          She sorted us Army bratz

                          She was very sad, cos we woz bad
                          Left yesterday, but came back today
                          Hip Hip Hurray!

                          No sleep fairy again last night lads:upset: No fireman or hoses either!

                          Hector is 2FM I think Foxy He was like compere thing up here last year at charity football match for Mickey Harte's daughter- very hyper but funny!

                          Don't work too hard our Jacks xx


                            Army Thread Thursday 19th Sept

                            Good morning troops! Awake at Silly Freaking o'Clock! There are two guilty looking cats on the bed. Methinks they were having a play fight and woke me up. Wee FECKERS!!!

                            In case anyone thinks I have superhuman internet skills... I go to sleep with a 14" laptop beside me! And my phone. And my hair clip... always have that there. OMG, perhaps I'm a freak??? :egad:

                            These wee fuckers are biting each others arses... it's their game... the Arse Biting Game. This is obviously why I'm awake. Really funny actually but NOT as 4 a.m. I throb them to death though, and I'm lucky they are mostly on my time schedule... this is unusual.

                            Maybe I'll just get up and edit more of the latest exciting document! "Coming to a cinema near you soon.... the latest boring lease!" (See how quick I got into complaining about working... I'm a natural!) Skiverville BETTER be open today!

                            Satzuma... sorry "DOC"... you're having a charity event at the Big People's Office? And yer on the CAKE STAND?! Do they not know what they've done there? Profits are now in the toilet as we speak no doubt!!! :H Where the feck were you yesterday? We had a Wanted Poster up for you. (It was a chicken, granted, but the best one could do at short notice...)

                            Arsey... Where's MY feckin poem?!! I'm feeling left out here! :H (Not really but what the hay... I'll give it a shot!)

                            Just read your post Foxy... I HEAR ya on them feckin cats!!!

                            Good luck with the scanner Jacks. Try and avoid scanning rude parts yer shouldn't!!!

                            Mollers... I hope things are working out better today. (She is having a bit of a challenge just now... I think its OK for me to say that.) Life gets in the way sometimes, fuck it all... ( All we really want to do is PLAY and be happy, or is that just me?

                            And where is Tipps?


                              Army Thread Thursday 19th Sept

                              KTAB;1558236 wrote: Morning folks. I have met Hector, Benji, he is just as hyper off camera.
                              Who the heck is Hector??? I guess I'll be Googling...

                              sweetpea29;1558238 wrote:
                              Good morning Mr D'Arsey, Satz, Foxy, Jacks, Tabbers and all :wavin:

                              There was a doc named Satz
                              She sorted us Army bratz

                              She was very sad, cos we woz bad
                              Left yesterday, but came back today
                              Hip Hip Hurray!

                              No sleep fairy again last night lads:upset: No fireman or hoses either!

                              Hector is 2FM I think Foxy He was like compere thing up here last year at charity football match for Mickey Harte's daughter- very hyper but funny!

                              Don't work too hard our Jacks xx
                              Good MARNIN! Did ye not have the Fireman OR the sleep fairy last night? (I didn't have either myself... just a pair of "fluffballs"!)

