Jingos? I?ve been sat here TRANSFIXED by Mollers and Pinky?s conversation. Pinky? you have some incredible insight on this subject!
You know what? yer wan indoors does the STUPIDEST shit when he?s stressed. Here?s a good example? He feeds the cats their breakfast as he?s always up before me? and he won?t feed them when he?s stressed? yet he loves the cats. And this is FIRST THING in the morning when he?s meant to be rested. I have a wee bit of a male brain myself and I know that he?s not being cruel to the cats, he just honestly forgets. (Which blows my mind, but that?s another thing!) He can also be a pain in the arse with myself when he?s stressed? and it?s a lot more serious than not feeding the cats? but that?s another subject also!!!
I don?t think it?s wrong to expect caring from your life partner Molls. But Pinky made a damn good point. People?s brains work differently. I really hope it is the case that Joe is just preoccupied with worry (well I don?t wish that on Joe obviously but you know what I mean!). How about you tell yourself you?re taking a back seat for a couple of days? let him get on with his angst or whatever? I?ll betcha once he realizes you?re not responding he?ll come a running. ;o) To be honest though? when I see the ?disconnect? with him indoors I tackle it head on and find out what?s going on. Once he talks about it he starts to think clearer. And the cats get fed their breakfast!
Thanks for that convo Pinky. I?ve been thinking about the way my mind works recently and was coming to the conclusion I tick a bit like a man does. I think it was the way I was brought up? in a family of women that had to take care of the men?s jobs too. It can be a blessing and a curse as I understand how guys ?tick? but I?m not as ?girly? as most fellers would like. You know what though? I is me and they can like it or lump it!
Girly? Will you do us a favour and keep checking in with us? At least for the next couple of days. I was a terrible drinker? at my peak I was downing 1.75L of alcohol (not wine) a day? actually more some days. I know how it can feck up your organs and you are definitely having warning signs there my friend? I?m not going to go ?hard line? either (as that?s not what I do!) but I do think you need to sit up and take notice now. Your body is telling you to stop. You know, I think we view the stopping in the wrong light. We see it as being a negative thing? I guess that is part of what AL does to our brains. Really, we should see it as a positive? like ?Yeah Fucking A! I?m not going to be feeling sick and hungover!? But it?s like someone?s stealing our favourite toy? lol It?s not as big a mountain to climb as you feel it is right now. Take it as it comes, and have faith in yourself. It is do-able.
News from the home front. I?m supposed to be learning how to use a gun. :upset: We've had a lot of break-ins recently and we're all a bit worried. It sounds like I live in an awful hood but I really don't... and this is NOT what I expected when I bought here. We've had a gun since the BF moved in but I won't touch it. Now the manual is out so I'll at least read it. I'm not happy about this whole deal at all but I suppose it is the American way. I don't even know how to load the fucking thing. Scared of blowing a hole in myself to be honest!
I'm really not sure why I have such an aversion. But I do.
I suppose talking about it just now is the first step.
How very dare you !:bat: We always dress up in The Valley !!!
Don't be coming over here in yer 'ol trakkie - posh -- really ???
Have fun with the knackers over there at Lifey Mollers. If yer run into Satz, let us know!