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Army Thread.... It's the 23rd of September, 2013

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    Army Thread.... It's the 23rd of September, 2013


    Army Thread.... It's the 23rd of September, 2013

    Howyiz all fairing up this morning? Sorry I left the thread last night... Literally fell asleep! SO tired. Climbing that fecking hill gubbed me. Still feel it this morn ... Weird headachy thing... Whizzy you know anything about headaches after long runs? Electrolytes?

    Anyways, I have made a check-in sheet. Please sign your name. This is more to do with fire regulation safety, but at least we knows you is here.

    Orf to porsh skool shortly.


      Army Thread.... It's the 23rd of September, 2013

      Btw, lovely comment Red. Y'know it's really rather uplifting to know you and others peak and read the army thread.

      Right, gonna find some coffee....


        Army Thread.... It's the 23rd of September, 2013

        Good morning D'Arsey and all to come.

        The rest of the bunch are shortly off for a 16km beach hike. I kindly offered to be the one to collect them at the other end. How self-sacrificing of me :H

        Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeautiful weather yet again, though. :goodjob: Mother Nature.

        Have a lekker day, Army.
        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009


          Army Thread.... It's the 23rd of September, 2013

          Morning mr T :wavin:

          How good of you to offer to be the driver :H

          Fancy a coffee?


            Army Thread.... It's the 23rd of September, 2013

            Oooooooh. That's the business, Arsey. :thanks:

            Right - I need to be off. Have a good one!
            I'll do whatever it takes
            AF 21/08/2009


              Army Thread.... It's the 23rd of September, 2013

              Good morning D'Arsey and the hollidaying Tipperooooo,

              Aye the post was so lovely I thought I'd bring it ower here.

              red67;1559756 wrote: Ok here's my take. You are all like family here. I have been here over 3 years and I read this thread everyday. I was welcomed warmly by Jackie, Molly, Zenny and Stirly by pm's and I can't tell you how honored I felt by that. No one on any other thread did that. I have seen fallouts and disagreements and the most accepting group of people overcome that and move on. You are funny, special, moody, kind, caring.....we are all human beings and we are not perfect. We don't always know what is behind the written words here or the pain that one is facing in their own world. There is so much going on in each of our lives and it is hard to figure that stuff out even in face to face world, much less thru a written post.

              I believe you are all amazing and I know this to shall pass and make you (and those of us who peek into your daily lives) stronger. I hope I do not sound to simplistic here. Life is short and i choose to try to always find a positive spin on situations. I am privileged to "know" each of you and I hope tomorrow brings a happy peaceful loving day to all of you.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Army Thread.... It's the 23rd of September, 2013

                Morning all, lovely day here and best of all no work off out with the hound shortly I suppose
                AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


                  Army Thread.... It's the 23rd of September, 2013

                  Morning Spidysylv.

                  It's bewdiful up here too.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Army Thread.... It's the 23rd of September, 2013

                    Ello everyone
                    I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                    Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                    AF date 22/07/13


                      Army Thread.... It's the 23rd of September, 2013

                      Morning all :hallo:


                        Army Thread.... It's the 23rd of September, 2013

                        Good morning D'Arsey, MrT, Jacks, Sylv, Blondie and all :hallo:

                        MrT - sounds like yer enjoying the break :goodjob:

                        Can I have one of those mugs of coffee please D'Arsey?!

                        Hallo Red- that were a lovely message

                        Sleepy and tired Peapants reporting for duty.....

                        Slept very poorly will be going back to work more wrecked than afore went off. Weird dreams again- remember part of it tho! Mario was there and all me Mum's brothers- we was in a big old scary house and someone (dunno who) was running amok with a gun. Mario and one of me uncles were trying to help me escape! Woke up then so dunno if I escaped or not!! Suppose I must have since am here typing!:H

                        Feck me - weird or what? :nutso:


                          Army Thread.... It's the 23rd of September, 2013

                          Morning Reccie :waving:


                            Army Thread.... It's the 23rd of September, 2013


                              Army Thread.... It's the 23rd of September, 2013

                              Morning sleepy and tired peapie

