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Army Thread.... It's the 23rd of September, 2013

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    Army Thread.... It's the 23rd of September, 2013

    satz123;1559921 wrote: Do you just LOVE :h her to bits Recmeister ?
    I do from here
    Yep, course I do satzy, everyone who sees her loves her. When she plays in the front garden passers by can't resist stopping to admire her and ask her name and how old she is.


      Army Thread.... It's the 23rd of September, 2013

      red67;1559949 wrote: OMG me too! Usually I will do tricks for pizza


        Army Thread.... It's the 23rd of September, 2013

        Recluse;1559956 wrote: Yep, course I do satzy, everyone who sees her loves her. When she plays in the front garden passers by can't resist stopping to admire her and ask her name and how old she is.
        Hey Reccie, do you find this helps with your shyness? I am definitely closed off to people (don't like letting people get too close to me) but animals and kids do break that part open for me. It is the one avenue I let people into my world just a little.
        AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

        Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.


          Army Thread.... It's the 23rd of September, 2013

          Afternoon all - hope you are all well. Haven't been on much - so busy. You guys are never far from my heart though!

          Love Waggy
          February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

          When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


            Army Thread.... It's the 23rd of September, 2013

            red67;1559970 wrote: Hey Reccie, do you find this helps with your shyness? I am definitely closed off to people (don't like letting people get too close to me) but animals and kids do break that part open for me. It is the one avenue I let people into my world just a little.
            TBH, I don't really welcome the attention red, but I can sort of understand it. Although I'm much less reclusive than I was a couple of years ago, I don't think I'll ever be a sociable person. Having said that, the idea behind getting a dog was to force a change of lifestyle, so maybe over a period of time having amy will help me to become a little more at ease with other folks.

            Edit: Hi waggy


              Army Thread.... It's the 23rd of September, 2013

              Recluse;1559978 wrote: TBH, I don't really welcome the attention red, but I can sort of understand it. Although I'm much less reclusive than I was a couple of years ago, I don't think I'll ever be a sociable person. Having said that, the idea behind getting a dog was to force a change of lifestyle, so maybe over a period of time having amy will help me to become a little more at ease with other folks.

              Edit: Hi waggy
              I also think pets are good therapy.
              I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

              Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

              AF date 22/07/13


                Army Thread.... It's the 23rd of September, 2013

                JackieClaire;1559867 wrote: Did I read that right, Zens, you can't handle any more ire.
                Bloody Hell, if you kept your sticky beak out of it. We'd have got it sorted.

                I'm not long off the phone to Molls, and to put it mildly she's in bits.

                Put me down for sick note, Satz. Time I had a wee bit of a break.
                Well, I see my intuition was spot on. I could feel your disapproval from the day I said I didn't want Arsey to leave. You've never been like this with me in the past, but then again I've always agreed with everything haven't I? We were united on pretty much everything but this time I took my own stance. Oh well. So be it...

                I'm sincerely sorry that Mollers is having a bad time just now... and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. I'm also having a bad time and maybe we're both a bit sensitive at the moment because this seems to have escalated beyond what it should have.

                I apologized publicly (on the thread) for saying Molly was over-opinionated on Saturday... I felt really bad for having put those words out there. I would normally have been more sensitive to the fact that she's going through a rough patch, but I was finally coming unravelled myself after putting a brave face on my own situation all week.

                However, I'm not going to apologize for trying to patch things up between her and Arsey as I think that was the right thing to do. If you want to call it being a "sticky beak" so be it. It was one PM to them both... it's not like I HOUNDED them!

                And I'm not going to apologize for having opinions that don't mirror yours.

                I was going to PM Mollers when I logged on just now, but I am going to leave the situation well enough alone now. I think it's a mountain out of a molehill and the less input the better from me seeing as, apparently, everything would be FINE if I had kept my "sticky beak" out of it! Really not quite sure what to think about that to be honest... but it does seem to be a bit harsh.

                If you're reading this Mollers... I am very sorry that I hurt your feelings... and I really mean that. I was in a funk and I ran my mouth when I shouldn't have. Please don't withdraw because of that. We all have spoken when we shouldn't at one time or another and it's not worth leaving over. I'm also very sorry that you're going through a bad time just now. I'm sure you're worried sick and feeling scared and I feel really bad that you're being hit with something like this. I know all about financial insecurity and it's a scary thing indeed. As I said, I shan't PM as I may only make matters worse. :l


                  Army Thread.... It's the 23rd of September, 2013

                  Ukblonde;1559900 wrote: Quick scan of the army manual going on

                  I must admit... I had to smile at this one. )

                  Hiya Red, Waggy, UKB, Reccy, Questy, Satz et al. Had to also smile at you feeling like you were holding the thread together Satz... I felt a bit like that myself last week!

                  I'm having a very quiet day here today... just mulling things over. I haven't done any work apart from a tidy up earlier and really should get my arse into gear.

                  I've decided to put my big girl pants on and stop whining about this crap with yer wan indoors. Nobody is perfect, him included, and I think it's a case of either move along or have him leave and I don't want him to leave. So... moving right along.

                  I skimmed back and someone (I think Sylv) mentioned that they'd been in a similar situation... what was the outcome?

                  I think it would be a bit hypocritical of me to not give him a chance. Stones and glass houses and all that...


                    Army Thread.... It's the 23rd of September, 2013

                    Zenstyle;1559985 wrote: I must admit... I had to smile at this one. )

                    Hiya Red, Waggy, UKB, Reccy, Questy, Satz et al. Had to also smile at you feeling like you were holding the thread together Satz... I felt a bit like that myself last week!

                    I'm having a very quiet day here today... just mulling things over. I haven't done any work apart from a tidy up earlier and really should get my arse into gear.

                    I've decided to put my big girl pants on and stop whining about this crap with yer wan indoors. Nobody is perfect, him included, and I think it's a case of either move along or have him leave and I don't want him to leave. So... moving right along.

                    I skimmed back and someone (I think Sylv) mentioned that they'd been in a similar situation... what was the outcome?

                    I think it would be a bit hypocritical of me to not give him a chance. Stones and glass houses and all that...
                    Just 'cos I looked at a book don't mean I read it.

                    Depends how far it's gone along, we all have limits and have to look after our own selves too.
                    I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                    Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                    AF date 22/07/13


                      Army Thread.... It's the 23rd of September, 2013

                      red67;1559949 wrote: OMG me too! Usually I will do tricks for pizza

                      You should have been here yesterday... pizzas made from scratch and cooked on a pizza stone on the grill. To say I pigged out would be an under statement! :yukko:


                        Army Thread.... It's the 23rd of September, 2013

                        Ukblonde;1559994 wrote: Just 'cos I looked at a book don't mean I read it.

                        Depends how far it's gone along, we all have limits and have to look after our own selves too.
                        Yes. We should take our own well-being into consideration. In all honesty, I did what the therapist said to do and I drew up a list of pros and cons and the pros outweighed the cons. It may not stay that way but as of today's date that's the situation.

                        Relationships are tough and I was single for a long time. I'm also wondering if maybe I'm too critical? Or maybe I just over-think it all?


                          Army Thread.... It's the 23rd of September, 2013

                          Ukblonde;1559979 wrote: I also think pets are good therapy.
                          Yes, I agree.

                          :hallo: zenny


                            Army Thread.... It's the 23rd of September, 2013

                            Zenstyle;1559996 wrote: Yes. We should take our own well-being into consideration. In all honesty, I did what the therapist said to do and I drew up a list of pros and cons and the pros outweighed the cons. It may not stay that way but as of today's date that's the situation.

                            Relationships are tough and I was single for a long time. I'm also wondering if maybe I'm too critical? Or maybe I just over-think it all?
                            Have you spoken to the BF about how you feel, zenny? Don't answer if I'm being too nosey.


                              Army Thread.... It's the 23rd of September, 2013

                              Zenstyle;1559995 wrote: :H

                              You should have been here yesterday... pizzas made from scratch and cooked on a pizza stone on the grill. To say I pigged out would be an under statement! :yukko:
                              That sounds awesome! Does the top of the pizza get brown (I like the cheese to get a little browned). Do you cook with the top down on the grill? Is it direct flame or indirect heat?
                              AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

                              Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.


                                Army Thread.... It's the 23rd of September, 2013

                                Recluse;1560002 wrote: Have you spoken to the BF about how you feel, zenny? Don't answer if I'm being too nosey.
                                Hiya hun!

                                Yep, I've spoken to him. Several times. It's kind of been a bit of a cycle to be honest... last weekend wasn't a one-off. He goes through cycles of denial. (Just made that up... quite apt though!) He'll admit he has a problem and stop then gradually will convince himself he hasn't got a problem and start. He'll handle it for a bit then he'll go off on a mad one and make a right spectacle of himself. I'll get pissed off and lose all respect for him, I'll rant and rave for a few days then let it go and when he gets out of the dog house will be fine for a few weeks then it will all start over again. Rinse and repeat!

