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Army Thread September 24th 2013

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    Army Thread September 24th 2013

    Yo howyiz!

    Oi piddlepantallonytoons, lovely to see you m'dear. As for your queries,
    1) Aye Aberdeen (Banchory to be precise) is too far and too costly to get to from here. But I want to get out of the Stirling area. Not attached to it, despite it being one of the more beautiful situated towns in Auld Scotia
    2) The job is spread over 3 days/wk, so will likely be up there Tues-Thurs or Wed-Fri. For Oct, staying with friends relatively closer to the centre. The rest of the time I will be at my folks. This has the plus side of being free gaff (though the travel will cost) but the negative side of being... well... a)without my own pad anymore and b) being at the folks :egad:

    It will either be a time of thoughtful enlightenment or hell on a farm in middle Perthshire!

    Hi there Waggy :hallo:

    UKB - :l for you hun. Hope the work situ is never as bad as you fear.

    The T! "Arseous" Like!

    Hello I am Froglet. And I have an arseous maximus. Go lick :H


      Army Thread September 24th 2013

      RunningCourage;1560514 wrote: Yo howyiz!

      Oi piddlepantallonytoons, lovely to see you m'dear. As for your queries,
      1) Aye Aberdeen (Banchory to be precise) is too far and too costly to get to from here. But I want to get out of the Stirling area. Not attached to it, despite it being one of the more beautiful situated towns in Auld Scotia
      2) The job is spread over 3 days/wk, so will likely be up there Tues-Thurs or Wed-Fri. For Oct, staying with friends relatively closer to the centre. The rest of the time I will be at my folks. This has the plus side of being free gaff (though the travel will cost) but the negative side of being... well... a)without my own pad anymore and b) being at the folks :egad:

      It will either be a time of thoughtful enlightenment or hell on a farm in middle Perthshire!

      Hi there Waggy

      UKB - :l for you hun. Hope the work situ is never as bad as you fear.

      The T! "Arseous" Like!

      Hello I am Froglet. And I have an arseous maximus. Go lick :H
      Dear Mr D'Arsey sir, was about to sit down to me lunch, thanks to yer pic of a frog's arse I have no doubt lost a few pounds already this week!:H Ye'd be an asset to slimmin world!

      Living with yer folks will have benefits, first thing I can think of is ye don't hafta worry bout what to make for dinner! Always stresses my wee heid that one..
      Ye will no doubt have a fresh clean supply of boxers on which to rely but unfortunately ye'll no be able to show them off to the lassies unless yer folks are kinda liberal?!
      Is the farm a working one? Will ye hafta muck in or out? not sure which of those is correct term!!
      Wish ye the best anyways for your new start :goodluck:

      Hope the dentist goes as well as can do Waggy xx

      Headin into town to meet my pal for a wee browse and maybe hit Ikea and find more stuff for me Dad to put up!!

      Mind the sick bay for me thanks xx


        Army Thread September 24th 2013

        Afore I go- forgot to add, to whom ever is gonna mind the sick bay;

        Gas masks and ear plugs are at the door- please use- the Jackie wan don't half snore and we are working on the 'wind' problem!

        Don't give the Molls wan any more choccie- lets just say it aint agreeing with her digestive system and Im running low on wipes!:egad:

        And under NO circumstances give either of them the telly remote- cant listen to any more arguments about Mrs Brown's boys! xx

        But look after them well cos they is very much loved about here, ok?!:h


          Army Thread September 24th 2013

          Marnin/arvo troops!

          A sick Zenners reporting for duty. I have some kind of stomach bug and am fighting the urge to chunder. TMI, I know!!! I?m having a small procedure done tomorrow and I?m praying I?ll be feeling OK by then. Don?t laugh? but I have an indentation in one temple from being pulled out of me Ma with a pair of forceps. I?m going to a plastic surgeon in Ft Lauderdale tomorrow and he?s going to take fat out of ma belly and put it in ma heid. I don?t think it will be TOO bad (better not be as I?m going to be awake for it) but he said I?ll be bruised afterwards which makes me think there will be a certain element of discomfort.

          Red? I think you must have been reading that Army manual the UKB found yesterday? you?ve got the Army language going on girl! :thumbsup

          Satz? I hate hospitals. Two in one day would make me depressed! I hope everything went OK for yer Ma.

          Tipps? Pix of house pliz! And the view. (Remember me telling you about the Chef I used to work with from Cape Town? just saw a pic of him with Sylvester Stallone on the yacht he?s working on. Just another day in the life of a yachty!)

          Yoo Hooo Tabbers!

          UKB? I hope you can pass the offending clients over to someone else (or even better get shot of them!) and that you don?t have to deal with them on a continuing basis. Try to not let it get to you although it obviously is. There are tossers to be found out there? that?s for sure. (

          Sweety? Glad you?re getting stuff sorted around the house. I?ve been doing a lot of odds and ends around mine and it?s extremely satisfying to watch the list going down!

          Waggy? I hate going to the dentist. My last dentist was an ex boyfriend which was even worse again!!! :egad: Thankfully he sold his practice. I still haven?t looked for another dentist and I really should go for a check-up.

          Arseous? Catchy name but could have done without the graphic of the frog?s arse. :yuk: I hope things work out well with your new living situation. (I actually thought you?d already moved in with your folks part-time.) You said you?d be staying with mates in Aberdeen 3 days a week for for October? what happens after that? How far is it from your parents? farm to Banchory?

          Jacks and Mollers? If youz are reading? I also hope you?ll come back sooner rather than later. I wish things could have panned out better than they did, but it doesn?t mean that I?m not fond of youz both. We?ve shared a lot of things in PMs over the years and none of this will change the fact that we were close. I?m very sorry I opened my large mouth and stuck my foot in it on Saturday. I was really stressed and hadn?t slept for nights and, well, just wasn?t behaving like myself. So I hope you?ll see that for what it is and let bygones be bygones?

          Right? I have to find my reading glasses and get started on squinting at a Lease. Trying to think what I can take to settle my tummy. I know what I would have done this time last year but I guess a Bloody Mary is out of the question!!!


            Army Thread September 24th 2013

            sweetpea29;1560534 wrote: Afore I go- forgot to add, to whom ever is gonna mind the sick bay;

            Gas masks and ear plugs are at the door- please use- the Jackie wan don't half snore and we are working on the 'wind' problem!

            Don't give the Molls wan any more choccie- lets just say it aint agreeing with her digestive system and Im running low on wipes!:egad:

            And under NO
            circumstances give either of them the telly remote- cant listen to any more arguments about Mrs Brown's boys! xx

            But look after them well cos they is very much loved about here, ok?!:h
            Funnily enough excess chocolate does affect me in the toilet area too, just goes horrid. I suspect it's the milk which makes up a large proportion of the chocolate in this country.
            I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

            Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

            AF date 22/07/13


              Army Thread September 24th 2013

              Just in in email, thought it was a good one. Apologies in advance to the menfolk!!!

              A man walked into a supermarket with his zipper down.
              A lady cashier walked up to him and said, ?Your barracks door is open.?
              Not a phrase that men normally use, he went on his way looking a bit puzzled.
              When he was about done shopping, a man came up and said, ?Your fly is open.?
              He zipped up and finished his shopping....

              At the checkout, he intentionally got in the line where the lady was who told him about his ?barracks door.?
              He was planning to have a little fun with her, so when he reached the counter he said,

              ?When you saw my barracks door open, did you see a Marine standing in there at attention??
              The lady (naturally smarter than the man) thought for a moment and said . .. ..
              ?No, no, I didn?t. All I saw was a disabled veteran sitting on a couple of old duffel bags.?


                Army Thread September 24th 2013

                Ta Zens

                Unfortunately the ones many of the ones who play head games aren't that obvious, and difficult to identify until it's too late.

                Got a few options, just makes me sad how some people can be with others. 'Just because they can' or to feed their own insecurities. So far positives still outweigh negatives but I might have a holiday or some time off.

                Ninja time soon and still nursing an injury from last lesson, but have highlighted it with the sensei so we can try work out what was going wrong with me technique.

                I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                AF date 22/07/13


                  Army Thread September 24th 2013

                  Zenstyle;1560580 wrote: Just in in email, thought it was a good one. Apologies in advance to the menfolk!!!

                  A man walked into a supermarket with his zipper down.
                  A lady cashier walked up to him and said, ?Your barracks door is open.?
                  Not a phrase that men normally use, he went on his way looking a bit puzzled.
                  When he was about done shopping, a man came up and said, ?Your fly is open.?
                  He zipped up and finished his shopping....

                  At the checkout, he intentionally got in the line where the lady was who told him about his ?barracks door.?
                  He was planning to have a little fun with her, so when he reached the counter he said,

                  ?When you saw my barracks door open, did you see a Marine standing in there at attention??
                  The lady (naturally smarter than the man) thought for a moment and said . .. ..
                  ?No, no, I didn?t. All I saw was a disabled veteran sitting on a couple of old duffel bags.?
                  Hahahaha....needed the laugh this morning

                  On the procedural note, I wish they could take my belly fat and stick it somewheres else. Prolly my boobs, then the rest could be donated to those skinny ass models I am all about donating when I can:H

                  General waves to everyone. I will respond more at lunch time. I don't get skiverville (is that how you spells it) much here.
                  AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

                  Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.


                    Army Thread September 24th 2013

                    Ukblonde;1560581 wrote: Ta Zens

                    Unfortunately the ones many of the ones who play head games aren't that obvious, and difficult to identify until it's too late.

                    Got a few options, just makes me sad how some people can be with others. 'Just because they can' or to feed their own insecurities. So far positives still outweigh negatives but I might have a holiday or some time off.

                    Ninja time soon and still nursing an injury from last lesson, but have highlighted it with the sensei so we can try work out what was going wrong with me technique.

                    :H:H my cat would sooo do that to a dog!
                    AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

                    Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.


                      Army Thread September 24th 2013

                      Ukblonde;1560581 wrote: Ta Zens

                      Unfortunately the ones many of the ones who play head games aren't that obvious, and difficult to identify until it's too late.

                      Got a few options, just makes me sad how some people can be with others. 'Just because they can' or to feed their own insecurities. So far positives still outweigh negatives but I might have a holiday or some time off.

                      Ninja time soon and still nursing an injury from last lesson, but have highlighted it with the sensei so we can try work out what was going wrong with me technique.

                      That picture is priceless!!! :H

                      I know your job's bloody demanding on a lot of levels. Maybe you can use yer Ninja training, eh?!

                      "Just because they can". Yeah, that is a bitter pill right there.

                      Och well, at the end of the day... it's them that's the arseholes not you... it could be worse... you could be as pathetic as them. :egad: I'm sure you can rise above it. :l


                        Army Thread September 24th 2013

                        red67;1560594 wrote: Hahahaha....needed the laugh this morning

                        On the procedural note, I wish they could take my belly fat and stick it somewheres else. Prolly my boobs, then the rest could be donated to those skinny ass models I am all about donating when I can

                        General waves to everyone. I will respond more at lunch time. I don't get skiverville (is that how you spells it) much here.
                        LMFAO!!!!! :H:H:H

                        Well... they do do it ya know. They suck it out of your belly and give you a bit more junk in yer trunk. It's fairly straightforward procedure... redistribution of fatty deposits! Hee hee...

                        I actually (vaguely) know a girl who had it taken from her belly and put in to her boobs... but I think she had implants put in at the same time.


                          Army Thread September 24th 2013

                          Well, shit... I've been sat here for ages waiting for them to send that effing lease wondering what's taking so long. Turns out the whole network has a bad virus. I've just started a full scan on my bloody computer. The techs said it could be the type that can hack your account passwords.


                          I hate the way these fucking hackers can violate a person's privacy, steal their identity etc. Sucks.


                            Army Thread September 24th 2013

                            Hi Army :hiya:
                            Am feckin' fecked
                            Into Dublin and visit to two hospitals.
                            Then shopping down Moore Street -
                            Molls if you are reading - it was so cool down there. There is a place called Paris Bakery - so cosmo - all fresh breads & cheeses - sipping coffee looking out a the fruit sellers etc. Mega impressed I was.
                            A far cry from the Moore Street in my day & the 'ol wans screaming at yer for picking yer own fruit :H
                            They were actually polite. Must have gone on customer service course :H
                            Anyway :
                            Hearing aid in - latest model ( all free - what a country):goodjob:
                            She was still sayin "what" when I left


                              Army Thread September 24th 2013

                              :wavin: Army

                              The two teenage boys are off into the night. Invited over to an older girl's house At least the over-use of deoderant spray will be enough to put anyone off.

                              Had a lovely day and a braai for dinner. Couldn't ask for more.

                              Taking the kids paddle-skiing on the lagoon again tomorrow.

                              Howiys all doing?
                              I'll do whatever it takes
                              AF 21/08/2009


                                Army Thread September 24th 2013

                                What's paddle skiing? I'm doing fine except I've been waiting on a no-show Lease and have wasted my day. And we need pics of the rental house and the view of the ocean. If you go back and check, yer'll see I posted to yer earlier...

                                Satz... You have a way with words! :H I shall be orf to google Moore Street now....

