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you're all an inspiration

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    you're all an inspiration

    Have had a week from hell, health wise, emotionally and work wise and I'm the kind of person that slinks off to a private place and can't or won't talk or write about it. Kind of ironic really when my pen runs dry. Even shied away from catching up with you all because I feel what I really need to do is give myself a right royal kick up the proverbial backside and either cunjure up a miracle or shut up.

    Having said that I wanted to touch base with you all and say Hi... Cos you're all an inspiration and just writing a few words here and reading about your struggles and strengths makes me think that maybe I too can sort myself out. Darn I'm no good at discribing my thoughts here... but thanks.
    A BushBaby with Attitude

    you're all an inspiration

    Hi Elizabeth,

    Sorry to hear about your bad week, if you feel like opening up a little bit about it then do, it may help, but if not, then thats fine, we are all here to support you whatever you decide..

    Sending you big hugs

    Love, Louise xxx

    A F F L..
    Alcohol Free For Life


      you're all an inspiration

      Hi Elizabeth ...

      Sending Betty Boop Hugs to you, thanks for reaching out to us ....

      Just know that we are here if you need us ..........


        you're all an inspiration

        Hello Elizabeth.
        Sorry you had a bad week.
        It's good to hear from you though.


          you're all an inspiration

          A BushBaby with Attitude


            you're all an inspiration

            Lovin Us some Bushbaby!! Attitude and all. Hope you feel better soon in all aspects.


              you're all an inspiration

              I am right there with you on the bad week deal....thank God tomorrow starts a new week...


                you're all an inspiration

                Sorry to hear you had a bad week. Remember the sun will rise tomorrow.
                Take Care...


                  you're all an inspiration

                  Phew! Thanks for coming back. I really missed that most beautiful avatar!


                    you're all an inspiration

                    Hi Elizabeth,
                    Hope you feel better soon.I too have problems
                    sharing my feelings/problems,but it certainly
                    makes me feel better when I do.
                    Luv Paulaxx


                      you're all an inspiration

                      Ah Bushbaby....Love to you, C


                        you're all an inspiration

                        Elizabeth, I can relate to what you're saying entirely. Take a look at my drink tracker to see why! (lol)

                        Set yourself a new goal. You've been going so well since joining, and I know how hard it can be at times. Just remember that you are wanting to change now. It's taken a long time to programme the drinker behaviours, so it'll take a while to re-programme... therefore don't be too hard on yourself and just keep plugging away at it and trying.

                        Lots of love
                        :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                          you're all an inspiration

                          Elizabeth~hugs~hoping next week is better week for you!
                          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                            you're all an inspiration

                            Thanks you guys you're the best. :h :l :thanks: Right now I'm working on some things real hard. I want to be the fire again and not the moth!
                            A BushBaby with Attitude

