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A little Pick Me up!!

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    A little Pick Me up!!

    Let's give some of our best memories... things that make us happy, they can be things you may have done, moments you look back on... :h

    I'll start..

    ** Last night I was watching TV with my little girl resting on me and she fell asleep in my arms. I touched her little face, played with her curls and breathed in the smell of her hair. Feeling her little body rise up and down with every breath she took made my eyes tear up, knowing I grew her and this precious little package was mine.

    ** I climbed the Great Wall when I was 7 months pregnant. Some of the steps I had to literally climb on my hands and knees as I was HUGE, and my husband was worried I was going to go into early labour, but I did it! It was December and cold, and it was amazing looking over the hillside.

    ** Remembering how it felt to lie my head on my Nana's lap and feel her rub my face and hair, and how good it felt to hug her

    ** Lying on the bottom of the ocean watching the sealife and the sun stream through the water, how it sparkled and was so beautiful

    ** My wedding day, how beautiful is was and seeing my parents so happy

    ** Being able to travel all the world and see so many things, and that I am able to bring my parents on trips so they can see it too..

    I have more, but these are a few...

    A little Pick Me up!!

    Whhat a lovely post GG. Bella xx


      A little Pick Me up!!

      The day my children were born...never thought I ould love another person as much as Brittany, until I had Zak

      The day I found out Zak was a boy and Brittany said "maybe we can trade him for a girl when he gets here." I explained "we get what we get, we don't chose the sex of the baby, so up until he was born any time someone asked what we were having, Britt would say "a get what you get". So disappointed....every time the person would laugh.

      The first day of school every year Billy took Zak's picture by a tree....we did it this year too even though Billy wasn't here....


        A little Pick Me up!!

        when my Husband and I where getting serious, and I would stay overnight. The next morning I would pretend to be asleep an he would lean over whisper in my ear "I love you Mary" over and over softly. He still does this. He never knows I'm actually awake. One day I may tell him ...but not just yet.

        On a funny note, when my I was pregnant with my daughter. my then MIL was pregnant with her 8 child. Both she and her husband came from large families so she had to choose a date on which there were no birthdays. Since her labor was to be induced. She chose June 11th. No problem for me my baby was due June 27th. Well oops, Guess who just happens to go into labor. We were at opposite hospitals across town and the deivery room was running a race via telephone to see who would "win" 1st place. I won! To add insult to injury she wanted a girl she had a boy I had the girl. My inlaws new the sex of the baby before my Husband. That MIL never did like me anyway. Karma? HMMM


          A little Pick Me up!!

          Rereading my orginal post something I forgot to mention. I also had the more beautiful of the 2 babies. She was the most pleasant baby, I remember the day She said "Mommy I love you" She was around 2 we were laying on the bed her head on my tummy and out of the blue she said it. Pure magic!


            A little Pick Me up!!

            Meeting my Step Mum for the very first time. Shrieks of laughter coming from my God Daughter whilst running towards me with her arms wide open after not seeing me for a while. Walking hand in hand with my niece Lilly Bug for the first time ever, she was eight and I had just landed in the UK for a visit - it was the first time we met.

            Reaching Stanley peak on the Mountains of the Moon and dancing on her glaciers in a blowing gail overlooking the Congo. Looking over my homeland from the summit of Mount Kenya at sunrise, a multitude of colours from God's paint brush. Scuba diving with whale sharks and my very first night dive. Skrieking with laughter and wonder during my first parachut jump...what a rush! Being greeted back by the control tower when returning back from my very first solo flight. My soul soured and as I approached the runway over the Rift Valley Escarpment I had a frog in my throat when they said 'Welcome back Kilo Romeo Juliet you've made it.' It was very emotional. Getting my first camera and the awe at creating my first print in a dark room. Holding 'Tabu my African Wild Cat for the very first time, warm and snuggly but spitting mad... she covered me in scratches!hehehe

            Every time I stand in the sun bleached grasses of the savanah....endless Africa the root of my heart.

            Hey this was a fantastic idea this thread. Its made me smile like the sun and relive all those wonderfull feelings. Thanks.
            A BushBaby with Attitude


              A little Pick Me up!!

              SB, you made me cry. that is such a moment between you and your husband.....give me the huge ass ring and i won't tell him your really awake...LOL


                A little Pick Me up!!

                When my son was about 2 and I would get aggrivqated with him or his big sister, he would always ask me "are you happy Mommy?"...I would say NO...he'd wait a minute and ask again "are you happy now Mommy" could I stay sweet.


                  A little Pick Me up!!

                  I would love to see Africa..I think we are heading over to Middle East next. What an adventure we are having!

