I've been told that, by apologizing all the time, people think I caused the whole fracas. And that is NOT the case.
What caused the initial problem is not.my.deal. That is a whole other thing that I wasn't even here for. However, I supported a member on this thread and I urged him not to leave, and that caused a bit of a problem as it was in disagreement with some people's opinions on the subject of how you support a person that has had a glass of wine.
And I shall also make it clear that the reason I've been so apologetic is (a) I spoke harshly to Jackie and Molly on Saturday because of all of the above and (b) I'm trying to smooth things over now as it hurts ME to have hurt THEIR feelings.
End of story. And no more apologies from me.
I hope our thread can just take a big exhale and get back to doing what it does best. I think it's wrong that people are on eggshells because of this. There are more important things to focus on... we have thread members that are needing support right now and they don't have the energy for this stuff. In fact I think some of them have fecked off.

So breathe! Be yourselves. Please. And can those that were missing at the previous role call please check in. Please? And that is including Jackie and Molly. Get your backsides back here. People are missing you as if you didn't notice.
I have to go and have some fat taken from my belly and put into my temple tomorrow morning (Gawd I must be mad... lived with the hole in ma heid all ma life... why now?) and when I get back home to convalesce on my sick bed I feckin well hope to see this thread hopping.
HOPPING! And THAT is ORDERS! (cough cough) :new:
Edit: I started the thread with an apology! I have to stop doing that.
