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Army Thread... 26th September

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    Army Thread... 26th September

    Hiya Questy! How are you doing?


      Army Thread... 26th September

      Hiya zenners - I'm good thanks xx

      Had a rough day yesterday with a hangover - giving me a feah conviction to go af ! Then today I got the thoughts - I could have a few ....

      But..... I've had me tea and I'm gonna put me pjs on and watch a movie !!!

      Why is this so hard ???
      Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


        Army Thread... 26th September

        :wavin: Army.

        OMG... I've eaten about 4 or 5 lamb chops. Marinaded them in olive oil, balsamic reduction, garlic, rosemary, thyme and black pepper. Grilled on the braai. The fatty bits were crispy, the meaty bits still juicy. I don't give a damn about afters at this point, but ask me again in 2 hours

        Off for a read back.
        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009


          Army Thread... 26th September

          mollyka;1561389 wrote: Never really 'got' that business bout smiling using less muscles than frowning --- my face just falls into a frown:H

          Ahhhhh Questy!!! Good to see you ---- was just having a little read around --- so sorry you've been havin a rough ride --- it's great to have you back tho:l
          Thanks molls - it's good to be back xxx
          Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


            Army Thread... 26th September

            tiptronic_ct;1561392 wrote: :wavin: Army.

            OMG... I've eaten about 4 or 5 lamb chops. Marinaded them in olive oil, balsamic reduction, garlic, rosemary, thyme and black pepper. Grilled on the braai. The fatty bits were crispy, the meaty bits still juicy. I don't give a damn about afters at this point, but ask me again in 2 hours

            Off for a read back.
            Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


              Army Thread... 26th September

              mollyka;1561395 wrote: It does get much easier Questy --- it really really does:l:l
              Yo Tipps --- feck ya anyway --- was just bout accepting that my stomach'd last till tomorrow --- now it just WON'T!!!
              I know molls it's me !!! I'm fed up of me self !!!
              Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                Army Thread... 26th September

                mollyka;1561398 wrote: I know that darlin ---- felt like that for years:l

                Going to look in the fridge............................................ ....
                Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                  Army Thread... 26th September

                  RunningCourage;1561383 wrote:

                  In this regard, UKB is right - you can pick up nasty things from footbaths. I still contend, however, that footbaths are goodbaths.)

                  WTF did you google to get THAT ???

                  See that bit about lookin at things positively - can I have some of that?

                  I need to do it more.
                  Funny, cos I was reading about sore shoulders caused form running and ive read that smiling while running helps relax you.
                  Will try
                  it tomorrow morn :H
                  OH Jesus - the mind boggles. "Lunatic runner scares school-going kids" :H:H


                    Army Thread... 26th September

                    Quest for the key;1561391 wrote: Hiya zenners - I'm good thanks xx

                    Had a rough day yesterday with a hangover - giving me a feah conviction to go af ! Then today I got the thoughts - I could have a few ....

                    But..... I've had me tea and I'm gonna put me pjs on and watch a movie !!!

                    Why is this so hard ???
                    Ach... it's hard cos for the simple reason that we is addicted to our substance of choice and that substance helps us block out the things in our life that are bothering us. But every day you take a step towards drinking less is a good day... if you're doing better today than you were 6 months ago that is, indeed, improvement. :l

                    What you described there is what all addicts go through. It's like there are two people in your brain... you and "the beast" (hate that description but you get my drift). The beast (your addiction) is telling you what to do half the time, the other half YOU are telling yourself what to do. Kinda like having a multiple in yer heid! And the struggle continues until one of you gets the upper hand. There are many different ways to get a grip on your addiction but as long as you are honest and not in denial I reckon you're off to a good start hun.


                      Army Thread... 26th September

                      I'm ok Molly not too bad, feeling a lot better than at the start of the week thanks.

                      Missed a full day yesterday due to Big School followed by gym, then drive home, catch up with phone calls then printing my reading for the week.

                      Up at 5:30am bed at 10:30pm and not much inbetween
                      I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                      Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                      AF date 22/07/13


                        Army Thread... 26th September

                        tiptronic_ct;1561392 wrote: :wavin: Army.

                        OMG... I've eaten about 4 or 5 lamb chops. Marinaded them in olive oil, balsamic reduction, garlic, rosemary, thyme and black pepper. Grilled on the braai. The fatty bits were crispy, the meaty bits still juicy. I don't give a damn about afters at this point, but ask me again in 2 hours

                        Off for a read back.
                        I'm making lamb chops for tea. I always do mine with rosemary, garlic and sea salt... dead boring loike. And I grill them. Tonight I'm using baked garlic for the rub with the rosemary and salt. But I have some balsamic reduction and now you've got me thinking... :ey:


                          Army Thread... 26th September

                          mollyka;1561403 wrote: :H:H

                          How's you Benjy? Any advances with the stove?
                          Ah the stove.
                          Latest :
                          Guy called - took one look at the fireplace and said he would NEVER put a stove in where there is a wooden fireplace.
                          Now - I loves my fireplace and ain't ripping it out - so it will have to be an open fire I'm afraid.
                          Kinda relieved I don't have to make a decision & have more 'stove guys' calling


                            Army Thread... 26th September

                            mollyka;1561396 wrote: I have a shoulder of pork in the fridge --- on special in JC's supermarket (no not THAT Jc!!) - only problem is Gordon Ramsey says it needs 6 hours cookin :-((((((
                            Ummm... how big IS it? (And do you have a pressure cooker?)


                              Army Thread... 26th September

                              Zenstyle;1561406 wrote: I'm making lamb chops for tea. I always do mine with rosemary, garlic and sea salt... dead boring loike. And I grill them. Tonight I'm using baked garlic for the rub with the rosemary and salt. But I have some balsamic reduction and now you've got me thinking... :ey:
                              Bugger forgot vinegar today
                              I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                              Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                              AF date 22/07/13


                                Army Thread... 26th September

                                satz123;1561407 wrote: Ah the stove.
                                Latest :
                                Guy called - took one look at the fireplace and said he would NEVER put a stove in where there is a wooden fireplace.
                                Now - I loves my fireplace and ain't ripping it out - so it will have to be an open fire I'm afraid.
                                Kinda relieved I don't have to make a decision & have more 'stove guys' calling
                                Jingos... what a saga. It's worse than me bedroom doors!

                                Nowt wrong with an open fire... in fact I'd love to have one for the 5 days a year I could use one here. What fuel do you use for it?

