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Army Thread... 26th September

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    Army Thread... 26th September

    Ukblonde;1561409 wrote: Bugger forgot vinegar today

    The Army is SO handy! Even helps you write your shopping list.

    We should be a feckin APP! :H


      Army Thread... 26th September

      mollyka;1561413 wrote: It's collossal!! And besides that -- it's a 'pulled pork' recipe which cooks at really low temperature -- you cover it in spices and shit --- it sounds and looks gorgeous -- had pulled pork when in Canada and it was to die for --
      does the pig not oink in pain at being pulled? (let alone being cooked :egad: :H)


        Army Thread... 26th September

        Zenstyle;1561410 wrote: Jingos... what a saga. It's worse than me bedroom doors!

        Nowt wrong with an open fire... in fact I'd love to have one for the 5 days a year I could use one here. What fuel do you use for it?
        tbh Zenners - haven't a clue. Fire has not been lit for years.
        Bad memories of both of us coming home in the cold with 2 babies in tow - having to clean the fecker out-then light it again to heat the house horrible :yuk:
        Molls is antricite (?) the cleanest fuel to use ?


          Army Thread... 26th September

          mollyka;1561413 wrote: It's collossal!! And besides that -- it's a 'pulled pork' recipe which cooks at really low temperature -- you cover it in spices and shit --- it sounds and looks gorgeous -- had pulled pork when in Canada and it was to die for --
          I made my last pulled pork in the pressure cooker. (Remember the one that Kenny and yer wan indoors savaged and pulled apart while I went for a pee?!) It cooks dead fast in the PC then you pull it slightly apart and cover it in olive oil and the onions and finish it off in the oven.

          There are loads of ways of doing pulled pork. It one of Bill's favourites. I like it myself too although I'm not a big pork fan. I use loads of cumin and fresh cilantro and lime in mine. And garlic.


            Army Thread... 26th September

            RunningCourage;1561415 wrote: does the pig not oink in pain at being pulled? (let alone being cooked :egad: :H)
            Ah jayzuz, thank feck Starty's no here!!!


              Army Thread... 26th September

              Zenstyle;1561404 wrote: Ach... it's hard cos for the simple reason that we is addicted to our substance of choice and that substance helps us block out the things in our life that are bothering us. But every day you take a step towards drinking less is a good day... if you're doing better today than you were 6 months ago that is, indeed, improvement. :l

              What you described there is what all addicts go through. It's like there are two people in your brain... you and "the beast" (hate that description but you get my drift). The beast (your addiction) is telling you what to do half the time, the other half YOU are telling yourself what to do. Kinda like having a multiple in yer heid! And the struggle continues until one of you gets the upper hand. There are many different ways to get a grip on your addiction but as long as you are honest and not in denial I reckon you're off to a good start hun.
              Quite right zenners - as a gemini I've always thought I had dual personalities !!

              And I know I'm not consuming as often - but when I do its like pouring it down the sink !!! I don't know when to stop - the addict brain !!!

              How are you getting on now ???:l
              Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                Army Thread... 26th September

                satz123;1561416 wrote: tbh Zenners - haven't a clue. Fire has not been lit for years.
                Bad memories of both of us coming home in the cold with 2 babies in tow - having to clean the fecker out-then light it again to heat the house horrible :yuk:
                Molls is antricite (?) the cleanest fuel to use ?
                We changed ours out at my Ma's house in Scotland and put a leccy one in. Was dead easy and doesn't look that bad at all.

                Before that she used a peat and coal mixture. What do yiz call peat in Eire? Yiz have another name for it as I remember...

                Edit: The whole fireplace is still exactly the same... just the leccy log burning fire instead of the hearth...


                  Army Thread... 26th September

                  Zenstyle;1561421 wrote: We changed ours out at my Ma's house in Scotland and put a leccy one in. Was dead easy and doesn't look that bad at all.

                  Before that she used a peat and coal mixture. What do yiz call peat in Eire? Yiz have another name for it
                  as I remember...

                  Edit: The whole fireplace is still exactly the same... just the leccy log burning fire instead of the hearth...
                  Turf !!


                    Army Thread... 26th September

                    satz123;1561422 wrote: Turf !!

                    Evening satzerooney :l
                    Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                      Army Thread... 26th September

                      Quest for the key;1561420 wrote: Quite right zenners - as a gemini I've always thought I had dual personalities !!

                      And I know I'm not consuming as often - but when I do its like pouring it down the sink !!! I don't know when to stop - the addict brain !!!

                      How are you getting on now ???:l
                      I'm getting on good thanks for asking Questy. The time in rehab was a good kick start, then I went to Intensive Outpatient for a few months, then Aftercare and an Addictions Counsellor.

                      I haven't told anyone on here apart from one thread member but to be honest I started having a glass here and there last July. I've been wondering if it's the right thing to do to mention this, mostly because I don't want to feel as if it's causing temptation for others that can't have one, or feel as if they can't. And I hope I've done the right thing but I'm not sure. I've just been feeling dishonest though and this is a relief. Same as the thing with Bill... it's a relief to have that out there too.

                      OK... lol... so that's where I'm at Questydrawers!

                      As far as you're concerned... you said you're not consuming as often BUT when you do it's a bit of a binge. Well, that IS still improvement and I think it's something you can build upon.

                      I see different avenues for you. You could concentrate on drinking less when you decide to drink... and make SURE the days don't ramp back up again. Kinda like make that your only priority and stop making yourself crazy with the big picture. Perhaps you would respond to making your problem with alcohol less of a challenge in your own mind? Perhaps quitting is just too much and this could be something that is do-able for you, something you can achieve and feel good about. I don't know... just throwing it out there.

                      Or you could try and find the time (I know you have family commitments) to kick start it with rehab. When you do the AF time Roberta Jewell talks about it's kind of a fork in the road... you can stay AF after that if you choose or for as long as you choose. There is nothing to NOT be gained from 28 days without alcohol... NOTHING not to like about THAT.

                      I was terrified of alcohol before rehab but that's changed. But that is ME and that is why I'm wary of sharing all this on the thread. Someone else might try what I'm doing and end up in deep shit. And I may end up in deep shit myself, it is very early days. But that's where I'm at. And that's the couple of choices that immediately spring to my mind for you hun.

                      Please don't anyone stone me!!!


                        Army Thread... 26th September

                        satz123;1561422 wrote: Turf !!
                        That's the one! Pain in the hole to cut that crap out of the ground. My bogtrotting arse has done a fair bit of cutting and throwing turf!


                          Army Thread... 26th September

                          OK... think I'll creep off now! Laterz... X


                            Army Thread... 26th September

                            Zenstyle;1561431 wrote: I'm getting on good thanks for asking Questy. The time in rehab was a good kick start, then I went to Intensive Outpatient for a few months, then Aftercare and an Addictions Counsellor.

                            I haven't told anyone on here apart from one thread member but to be honest I started having a glass here and there last July. I've been wondering if it's the right thing to do to mention this, mostly because I don't want to feel as if it's causing temptation for others that can't have one, or feel as if they can't. And I hope I've done the right thing but I'm not sure. I've just been feeling dishonest though and this is a relief. Same as the thing with Bill... it's a relief to have that out there too.

                            OK... lol... so that's where I'm at Questydrawers!

                            As far as you're concerned... you said you're not consuming as often BUT when you do it's a bit of a binge. Well, that IS still improvement and I think it's something you can build upon.

                            I see different avenues for you. You could concentrate on drinking less when you decide to drink... and make SURE the days don't ramp back up again. Kinda like make that your only priority and stop making yourself crazy with the big picture. Perhaps you would respond to making your problem with alcohol less of a challenge in your own mind? Perhaps quitting is just too much and this could be something that is do-able for you, something you can achieve and feel good about. I don't know... just throwing it out there.

                            Or you could try and find the time (I know you have family commitments) to kick start it with rehab. When you do the AF time Roberta Jewell talks about it's kind of a fork in the road... you can stay AF after that if you choose or for as long as you choose. There is nothing to NOT be gained from 28 days without alcohol... NOTHING not to like about THAT.

                            I was terrified of alcohol before rehab but that's changed. But that is ME and that is why I'm wary of sharing all this on the thread. Someone else might try what I'm doing and end up in deep shit. And I may end up in deep shit myself, it is very early days. But that's where I'm at. And that's the couple of choices that immediately spring to my mind for you hun.

                            Please don't anyone stone me!!!
                            I completely appreciate your honesty Hun - I do think sometimes I overwhelm myself - I always feel like I should do all or nothing. But that's me all over - with work and everything

                            I wish I could go into rehab - but even that terrifies me ! And with work and the kids - it's just so hard.

                            Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                              Army Thread... 26th September

                              Zenstyle;1561433 wrote: OK... think I'll creep off now! Laterz... X
                              Laters zenners :l
                              Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                                Army Thread... 26th September


                                Just going to have a read back. Got in early to work, then late home with a right shitty pain in the lower regions of me back.

                                However did just catch your last post Zens. Going to say nothing apart from be very, very careful me dear.

                                Now to have a proper read back.
                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

